
  1. TRY GOD

    Prince dies; conspiracy. MJ dies; conspiracy. Cochran dies; conspiracy. Whitney dies; conspiracy.

    :what:Why do nikkas not think these people are really this evil? Everyone knows they took out lincoln, JFK, and his brother, tried to get Reagan and Ford. fukking presidents bro. Yet it's so hard for nikkas to believe these people won't take you out:stopitslime:
  2. Tenchi Ryu

    We're gonna need that MJ vs Prince saga on film

    So over the past few hours, the MJ/Prince stories have been flooding in. Off the top of my head, I've heard about Prince playing a bass solo in MJ face while shaking for 10 mins straight in Vegas back in 2006, L.A reid talking about MJ having a party and making everyone watch Prince fukk up his...
  3. N

    Caption dis pic of MJ and fro era Kobe dappin it up

    MJ: "You aint never gon be me, lil nikka. Oh btw, call me daddy from now on when you see me cause I done birthed your whole style of play.... fakkit." Seems like sumthin MJ would say to me :skip:
  4. R

    The Best MJ "No nikkaz" GIF...EDIT: 3Rivers Shuts Down the Thread on Page 2!!!! :krs:.

    OR BREAKING NEWS: Due to popular demand, a third choice has just been added to the fukkery...:blessed:....
  5. intervention Jordan

    intervention Jordan

    stop it. get some help s/o to @bmack21
  6. 10:31

    Steph Curry Vs. Michael Jordan (one on one)

    one stipulation: Mike can't impose his will physically (back Steph down) Play to 12 Full court Who wins and why?
  7. Dat Ass MJ

    Dat Ass MJ

  8. MJlol dance

    MJlol dance

  9. Archangel

    Classic, rare photo of MJ imparting wisdom to a young Kobe - circa 1996

    :whoo: :wow:
  10. Michael Jordam pool gif smiley remix

    Michael Jordam pool gif smiley remix

  11. mj mac cheese

    mj mac cheese

    fast food
  12. mj hilarious

    mj hilarious

  13. geeker


  14. cam


  15. jordan rasta

    jordan rasta

  16. Dirty_Jerz

    you ever just look in the mirror and feel good about yourself

    :hamster: Like I might not have all assets I'd like, life has been ruff, but all in all, I'm feeling pretty good though. :blessed: Free post
  17. MJ Carlton HOH

    MJ Carlton HOH

  18. Jordan spitting fire

    Jordan spitting fire

  19. princeofhaiti

    "My 37 isn't MJ's 37." Kobe Bean Bryant Yall

    Kobe Bryant: Don't Compare Me To Michael Jordan At My Age “This is uncharted territory,” he said. “My 37 (years old) isn’t MJ’s 37 (when he returned after taking two seasons off to play for the Washington Wizards), you know what I mean? Nor is it the same team or the same system that he was...
  20. MJ SNL

    MJ SNL
