
  1. DrX

    I concocted a multi million $ plan.....yes DrX is a genius

    I came up with a multi millionaire dollar plane for the next 10 years. It will require ALOT of work, discipline and consistency which i already mastered. When I get down south to a city I wont say I'm about to BLOW!!! I got EVERY angel mapped out. everything. Every square foot. I got everything...
  2. DrX

    Check Out & Download My New Art Exhibition For Free "Inside My Mind" Vol. 3

    “Inside My Mind Vol. 3 is the latest installment from my “Inside My Mind” Series. Vol 3 is free like the other 2. All digital and 18 x 24 prints. This Gallery is different from my previous galleries. It has more all illustrated work. No photo manipulation and I played around with different...
  3. DrX

    Any other 30 plus men ready to settle down & have a family but is having trouble finding a partner?

    As we know modern woman are pretty much schizophrenic. They're trying to live a lifestyle that don't exist. Which was cute and fine when we were young but now its sad and pathetic. You'll have a bytch with a belly and busted toes, stains on her shirt talking about she demand a man that look like...
  4. DrX

    Is the avg forum poster jealous of Dj Akademiks? Everyday struggle is about to blow

    Hes basically getting paid to do what most of the people here do for free. He figured out a way to brand and monetize this. After years of grinding, he finally got a show. Hes probably going to blow up with this show because I see everyday struggle taking over and being bigger than the breakfast...
  5. DrX

    why do people still pretend hov didn't wash Eminem, lupe & jay electronica twice?

    people try to act like hov isnt a god mc. He washed all 3 of them
  6. DrX

    any brehs 30 and up feel more at peace and more accepting about life?

    I wonder if this is a universal feeling. as u get older u start to really accept things for what they are and make peace with it. I'm personally in a very calm place. I'm alot happier and have a sense of peace with my self, god and life. I wonder if its because of age. I feel like I'm in a good...
  7. DrX

    Do our generation have unrealistic expectations 4 romantic partners? Is dating just thrill seeking?

    Do we want a spouse that simply doesn't exist? are we holding out for somebody that's never coming? If so, who's at fault? the media? or us for buying into the images that we see? Is dating in 2017 just thrill seeking? the high of getting to know somebody new and then move on to the next once...
  8. DrX

    Hey Ladies. I would like to know what type of art would yall like to see?

    I figure it would be better just to ask instead of always creating what I think women want. I try to make things that I'm passionate about but I want to also create themes that y'all would like aswell so if u don't mind, please drop in and chime in your response is greatly appreciated. - love drx
  9. DrX

    DS2 is still classic...a sonic masterpiece

    future, young metro, the underrated genius southside, sonny digital crafted one of the greatest sonic masterpieces in hiphop.... the most unique production, hooks, flows, cadences all mixed in a pot to create sonic bliss..... I love playing this in the whip...a summer classic
  10. Don'tCallMeLuckyB

    NEW JAY Z VIDEO: The Story Of OJ

    I just re upped it for my brehs:blessed: The least y'all could do is toss a couple reps my way I'm taking from the rich and giving to the poor:mjcry: Edit: video is officially on YouTube.
  11. DrX

    I don't care what nobody say, no black man should accept a min wage job. We bossing up!!!

    Like man fukk that shyt...I'm happy my business is coming to together slowly because Im not about to be some nikka working some low wage job like a slave for some mediocre loser cac. All my cac managers in the past were losers that got their jobs via white privilege. These guys were totally...
  12. DrX

    anybody here ever have white ppl stare at u for no reason? like the w ppl from GET OUT

    I swear cacs always stare at me as if im big foot. I go down to the lake and meditate for about 10-15 mins and within that short time frame ill look over my shoulder and some weird cac will just be staring like one of the ones from GET OUT. literately just standing still like a statue just...
  13. DrX

    Black people need to support black business & get their heads out their asses man

    like enough with the bullshyt aight. Tired of all this politically correct non sense. Black people better get it together man. We don't got time to dikk around anymore. enough is enough. its 2017 and were slowly dying off. CAN WE PLEASE support each other!!! god damn, i swear its almost like a...
  14. DrX

    The curse of the INTJ. Being a genius is a curse rather than a blessing. Creates a lonely feeling ..

    most will ever know. Alot of yall think like "damn DrX man why are u so miserable all the time breh. I mean ya talented, smart, handsome. Breh what the hell do u got to be so angry about? come on breh, cut it out and cheer up" Disclaimer: I don't mean to sound arrogant. But yes I'm a genius...
  15. DrX

    So how long we gonna pretend like funsizedpsycho & brokephibroke ain't feeling the kid?

    They respect the intelligence, the talent and witty Unpredictable sense of humor. They insult me under the guise of contempt when really they're infatuated with me. But ladies this aint the 3rd grade. We're grown we all can come together like voltron and this three way. Make real black love...
  16. DrX

    Ladies I made some new art I would like yall to purchase...BUT hear me out 1st

    Listen I know I haven't always been the best gentlemen around here. I'm a flawed man what can I say? Ill be the first to admit that. But believe or not I gotta spot in my heart for women. I just wish i could gather all of them up and cuddle and nurture them because I know y'all hurting...because...
  17. DrX

    IMO dark skin & brown skin woman are the most attractive women on earth

    I don't say that to simp or to use this a some sort of sick and twisted marketing strategy to get dark and brown p*ssy under the guise of recognizing black beauty. (although i will accept sex if yall want to do it)I really mean that. I value black woman for their other qualities also. My first...
  18. DrX

    IMO black people need to get mentally prepared for this upcoming hell were about to witness

    Yeah Im sorry I gotta make these threads but unfortunately I cant help it. Yeah I try to think about other shyt and tell myself to stop thinking about "serious" shyt but I cant. I try to fit in and just "enjoy my life" but i cant. I can see this impending doom. A few years ago it was still...
  19. DrX

    Check Out My Cousin New Art Exhibition. The "Gold Series"

    that jsa guy is my cousin, my coli post no way shape or form represent his thoughts or opinions...those are my own, Im just posting this here to help him anyway, u can buy at his store johnspainart ...
  20. DrX

    I think about death quite often & it's pushing me to make sure accomplish my goals before dying

    I think about death ALOT. Almost all day now, I think about my relatives passing on and my parents also. They're reaching that age. I've reached that staged where I know its now or never and all or nothing. Its inspiring me to accomplish my goals at a rapid rate. Its help my mature in a way...