donald trump

  1. FAH1223

    Bernie Sanders: Hillary needs to get away from the personality stuff with Trump; FOCUS ON THE ISSUES

    Bernie Sanders offered some pointed advice to Hillary Clinton on Friday in the upcoming presidential debates and beyond, as the Democratic nominee looks to shore up support amid sagging poll numbers, particularly among younger voters. Heading into the first debate in 10 days, Sanders told...
  2. Professor Emeritus

    Trump's pathway to the presidency now in the hands of Russian hackers

    Fivethirtyeight has been projecting Trump's election chances at around 15-20% for a solid month now, and the poll averages haven't had Trump within 5% of Clinton since the DNC. But there is still one pathway to victory for Trump even if the voters never get on board themselves. Russian hackers...
  3. SirReginald

    Obama FINALLY Shows Up To Louisiana A WEEK Later After His Golf Game (Argued With Parents Bout This)

    See, I'm fair enough to make a thread on this. Even though the governor told him not to come until a week I disagreed, but hey. Stein and Trump showed. Now, Barack is here, but I have one question. WHERE'S HILLARY :francis: I've always had the old school mind that a leader shows up anyway...
  4. Milomann

    Melania Trump used to turn tricks...

    The racy photos and troubling questions about Donald Trump's wife Earlier this month, a Slovenian magazine, Suzy, published a front page story claiming Melania’s modelling agency in New York, run by New York entrepreneur, Paolo Zampolli, also operated as an escort agency for wealthy clients...
  5. SirReginald

    WITH VIDEO: Donald Trump In Baton Rouge Helpin Out The POOR WHILE Clinton & Obama Are GOLFING :wow:

    Everyone knows I'm voting for Jill Stein, but just look at this. Even from an Independent this should tell you something. EDIT: I am NOT voting for this man like I said above. All I'm doing is calling out failed leadership. Yes, Obama has done some good things. However, this is one of...
  6. Pdiddy

    Cac Kills Cop and Shoots Multiple Others: He Lives!

    Not a hair on his head was touched:sas2:
  7. King Kreole

    Rare Hillary sighting! Her first press Q&A in 244 days :gladbron:

    Let's see how she did, shall we? :youngsabo: 44:58 - Catching strays about inheriting Obama's legacy as "Deporter-in-Chief" and DNC leak calling Latinos "Brand Loyal Consumers"...then blames lack of Dem turnout in midterms for Obama's deportations :mjlol: 48:00 - Called out for lying...
  8. Flavia

    Presidential candidates' stances on various issues

    Thought I'd post this comprehensive list here so that everyone can make an informed decision once the time comes to vote. Social Issues Immigration Foreign Policy Economic Issues Education Healthcare Domestic Policy Science Electoral Issues Environmental Issues Law...
  9. SirReginald

    We Gotta Be HONEST, It's Time For A WOMAN TO BE In The White House (It's A Woman's Turn)

    Listen, I remember when my parents never though we would have a woman in the white house. Or atleast get mainstream media attention :ld: Now, we have a woman running for President. She has marched with BLM and spoke about student debt :blessed: Also, she even talks about Police Reform. I...
  10. Brown_Pride

    Rep your presidential candidate...without referencing an opponent

    Saw a meme today that said this, can't really think of a good response for either candidate. I think for Clinton I was able to come up "experienced".... and that's it. I can't think of one redeeming quality for Trump other than he's not Clinton though. Any thoughts?
  11. FAH1223

    Trump on President Obama: "There’s something about him I do like. I’m embarrassed to admit it"

    Following a series of tweets and statements slamming Hillary Clinton and speakers at the Democratic convention, Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama's “good speech,” adding that "there is something about him I do like." In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd published...
  12. SirReginald

    Hate To Say It, But ONLY A Trump Presidency Will STOP The Oligarchy (YES, Innocent People Will Die)

    NO, this is not a good thing and I'm not voting for him :snoop: May just vote 3rd party. However, if atleast with him shyt will hit the fan and people can fight even more :francis: The powers that be won't listen until it hurts their pockets :mjcry: Sad to say, but the innocent are gonna get...
  13. Professor Emeritus

    Trump wants to screw over America like he screwed Gary, Indiana

    This is how Trump systematically screwed over the people of Gary Here's the short version with commentary if you don't want to read the whole article. * Trump claimed that gambling shouldn't be brought to Gary because gambling causes social ills. He swore he would never open a casino there...