cac antics

  1. King of Creampies

    White Man Stay Winning! edge Fund Manager Cries After Admitting He Lost $150 Million

    Uploaded November 24, 2018 Seems this is why Wall Street and the Dow been getting them walls beat. Quite a few hedge funds seem to have had also shut down. #MAGA:snoop: "A video that surfaced shows a hedge fund manager named James Cordier of tearfully telling all his...
  2. King of Creampies

    SMH...'My Whole Life Got Taken Away Because Somebody Said I Was A White Racist....

    Mind your business next time.:mjlol:
  3. King of Creampies

    Alt-Right Richard Spencer on that Summer Jam Screen for beating his wifes ass. White Nationalist Richard Spencer’s Wife Says In Divorce Filings That He Physically And Emotionally Abused Her “The only language women understand is violence,” Nina Koupriianova said Spencer told...
  4. King of Creampies

    White Man home DNA test to qualify as a minority business owner. He was denied — now he’s suing.

    Originally published September 13, 2018 at 6:00 am Updated September 17, 2018 at 10:13 am State and federal programs aim to ensure minority-owned businesses can compete for government contracts after generations of institutional discrimination. A Lynnwood man long identified as white is using...
  5. King of Creampies

    Hold Up: Mother Of 5 Killed After Boyfriend Cut Brake Lines To Make A Crack Pipe!

    They are inventive people.:troll:
  6. King of Creampies

    3 White men arrested on animal abuse charges for having orgies on farm animals.....

    Why a local DA called this one of the most extreme cases of animal abuse BY BRET PALLOTTO August 20, 2018 04:19 PM Three Clearfield County men had sexual intercourse with dogs, horses, a cow and a goat, according Clearfield County District Attorney William Shaw Jr. Shaw said it was one of...
  7. HopeKillCure

    The KKK is Having a "Kook out" on September 1st

    Can we get some callers here? Edit: Seems they are auto blocking calls now
  8. King of Creampies

    What happens when a white woman calls black people on a bus in D.C with racial slurs?

    WASHINGTON - A woman had to be taken to the hospital after a verbal altercation on a Metrobus turned violent. Emergency crews were called to a bus stop near 2nd and H streets in Northeast D.C. during the Tuesday evening rush hour as a fight spilled out onto the street. Metro Transit Police...