i just have no interest in either of these dikkheads.
This whole election is on some WWE shyt and as a black person I'd rather hear what a potential candidate will actually "do" for my people rather than talk about hot sauce and give Charlamagne a coupon on bleaching cream.
The Socialist Case Against Bernie
Eugene Puryear explains why Sanders isn’t revolutionary enough.
John Cuneo
Ihad many questions for Eugene Puryear, the real-life socialist politician seated across the table from me. Did he really want to nationalize the Fortune500? Why wasn’t he on board...
The lying socialist that had never held a real job until he was 40 years old gets hit with some truth. When will him and his blind followers stop lying? Clueless socialists saying that corporations don't pay taxes when that couldn't be further from the truth. When will Bernie and his cucks...
It's going down finally. Bernie Vs Hillary April 14, a few days before the YUGE primary in New York :lupe:
Clinton, Sanders to meet for Brooklyn debate - CNNPolitics.com
(CNN) Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have agreed to meet for a Democratic debate on CNN and NY1 on April 14, five days...
Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley Failed Their #BlackLivesMatter Test
PHOENIX—At the Presidential Town Hall this weekend at Netroots Nation 2015, the largest annual gathering of liberal activists in America, there was a moment of two parallel universes operating simultaneously, signifying the...
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