
  1. thephatmack

    As of yesterday - High End Windows Phone > IOS / Android

    The new 8.1 OS took anything missing and added it. (You need to download the dev preview to get it) So as of 14th April 2014 - high end nokia windows phones now have the best build quality, best camera's by far, most up to date looking o/s, best keyboards, best GPS maps (inc offline)...
  2. aXiom

    So Apple is setting up to crush the buildings come fall Expect the iPhone 6 to shyt on any flagship device released this year. I'm hearing Samsung is about to retire the "S" line as its flagship device and take the fight directly to apple with a new...
  3. JordanWearinThe45

    Apple Developing Curved IPhone Screens, 4.4" & 5.5" Models on the way

    Game changer for those who always use the screen size argument when it comes to iPhone vs android included :lupe:
  4. Slystallion

    Escaping iOS universe appreciation

    For the longest i felt I was fine with iPhone and there was nothing better. Was way too afraid to even play with any of the android phones. Sometime in October I got the galaxy s3 because i needed more space in my phone and the iPhone 5 didn't work with my appradio2 car stereo. At first i...
  5. illadope

    Essential The Official iOS Thread

    iPhone 5 ho! ________________________________________________________________ 5.1.1. Jailbreak -----> pwnage tool 5.1.1. OSX redsnow 0.9.12b1 OSX redsnow 0.9.12b1 windows ___________________________________________________________________________________ For those...