Reputation profile of Professor Emeritus

Reputation profile of Professor Emeritus

According to you, you are going to catch coronavirus and die
Always fire fam!
Preach :wow:
real rap rep
Intelligence and good info. Props
Most black ppl voted for Biden. You’re in the minority
+ gotcha questions/moments aren’t helping fam
People gotta stop downplayin this. Its dangerous misinformation to spread
You're on point
Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5 Bron ain't top 5
Shut up
Real life delusion breh
good points
Too many facts!!! Aaaahhhhh
You see it
Thanks for the info, breh.