Reputation profile of Professor Emeritus

Reputation profile of Professor Emeritus

I appreciate what Ive learned from you, and for calling me out on my bullshyt. It gave me pause.
Breh take a break and come back...
one time 4 your mind, one time
HL is losing its mvp. We’ll miss your knowledge and perspective
Don't let TLR ruin your sanity. lol. But for real, I understand completely.
Don’t go. We need ur voice of reason
good luck. Gonna miss your intellect, but I get it.
Do what you gotta do fam. I respect your decision. I gave debating folks a long time. It's just not worth the energy spent.
don't go, breh.
It’s more harmful to my mental to engage further with such people even if they’re trolling. Place is full of idiots mane.
Sure, fakkit
Using Logic isn’t a lot of people’s strongpoint
haha i was thinking the same thing like wtf