Reputation profile of Pifferry

Reputation profile of Pifferry

It's been a while since I negged you. I'm not negging the content of this post, I'm just negging you because you're a c*nt.
May Almighty God guide you to the straight path that is Islam.
take your cape off
fukk you and your bologna sandwiches.
take that L along with yr set
You're okay, but this thread isn't the one to have this conversation in.
fukk up fakkit
You spew nothing what your name denotes. Die in a bolero of fire you cock gobbla.
stick to manga breh :camby:
Take some
Hold this neg for a minute you cac piece of shyt
Making excuses for your people.
st0rmfr0nt troll
Shut your cracker ass up devil
fakkit, go back to hypebeast whiteboy