Reputation profile of beenz

Reputation profile of beenz

Grandpa Beans, sitcho old ass down, man. :philjacksonlol: Ole delusional azz nikka.
lol rep
Thank you!
You wrong for that lmaooooo
Pure GOLD advice.
I’m scared, Beans
Nah, breh. :scust:
My nikka Beans...Not you, too, breh. I’m heartbroken. It’s all good, though. You an old ass nikka and all that so it’s all love. :salute:
im ready for war against the high table:blessed:
:dead: Grandpa Beans sitcho old ass down, breh.
Aren’t you like 58, breh? Grow some balls you old fakkit. You still my nikka, though. Grandpa Beans :myman:
Right! Rahm is a straight up clown
Grandpa Beans! Happy New Year, you old ass nikka. Ain’t you like 58 now? :myman: Hope you keeping warm this winter. :myman: :salute: