Why do some black people claim obviously mixed people as black?


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
if you plant an apple seed in georgia and one in china, an apple tree will still grow. Their will be minor trait differences due to the soils but they are both apple seeds.

Same thing with human seed. I can lay my seed in a black woman and a white woman.
Both seeds are going to grow into MY family tree with trait differences inherited from the mother.

This is why men would take multiple women to build their tribes/families. A Chief or King would have hundreds to thousands of women from different tribes/nations and all the seed belonged to HIS tribe. One man can create a tribe/nation. One woman can only create a small nuclear family.


Jun 22, 2014
i wonder how all those lightskin Fulani deep in the heart of West Central Africa, (Ngieria, Central African Republic, Ghana,etc) managed to get so admixed with North African Berbers:aicmon:regardless ethnic/Berbers-/indigenous North Africans are far from Caucasian

Below are the Median proportions for the 10 clusters generated by ADMIXTURE for the 45 uniquely entered African populations categorised according to their 5 respective regions.


The unclear abbreviations above for the samples of EtA, EtO and EtT are respectively Ethiopian Amharas, Ethiopian Oromos and Ethiopian Tigrayans, these samples (as well as the Ethiopian Jews, AKA Beta Israel) come from Behar (2010), in addition, the EtO samples purportedly come from the southern most tip of Ethiopia close to the Kenyan border. The dominance of the North African cluster in Ethiopians is not much of a surprise, as it is well known that Ethiopia is a genetic conduit between East and North Africa.


As seen in the PCA plots of the FST distances, the 'Central-West African', the 'West African', as well as the 'Eastern Bantu' clusters are close. The Dogon population however shows the least amount of the 'Central-West African' cluster and is almost completely dominated by the 'West African' cluster, which the reverse is true for the Igbo and Yoruba. Similarly, the Fulani show almost none of the 'Central-West African' cluster but rather, are mostly dominated by the 'West African' cluster, with the difference from the Dogon being that the Fulani have a significant affinity with the 'North African' cluster rather than the 'Central-West African' one.
Jan 26, 2015
this is what you said

you still wanna stick to that? Let's compare Aframs to the people they descend from








what do you think?



so your dumbass really going to cherry pick photos of rich AA entertainers(basically the creme of the crop of their community) visiting isolated destitute African villages made up of peasant tribal people/with phenotype that fit your agenda as if there aren't plenty AAs whom wouldn't blend right in and this gallery is he beginning/end of the face of Africa:stopitslime:

last i checked these people are just as African as well and could easily be mistaken for AA or vice versa:martin:






Jan 26, 2015
I didn't say there was a true negro type but it goes w/o saying that they the diversity only goes to a certain point w/o admx

Fulani origins

The Fulani/Fulbe People | Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

There are plenty of records and information on what tribes were shipped to the new world and their phenotypes

They were apart part of the gene pool for sure but just look at their numbers compared to the overall Afram gene pool and you'll see why they weren't as significant

we're talking range of complexions + phenotypes. There is a reason why Aframs commonly state someone looks "African" to them even when compared to dark skinned Aframs


I didn't ignore it...I already smoke on it



.....c'mon use common sense. Aframs can pick out darker West Indians from Aframs, who like Aframs, also have admx, so of course they can spot continental Africans.:leostare:[/QUOTE]
-do tell Skip what is that limit/breaking point when their physical diversity has to be attributed to admixture:jbhmm:

-that link on Fulani's Saharan origin us pure speculation....Those rock paintings could have been Tuareg, ancient Moors or any other nomadic native/black North African people in the region for that matter but even if true it just supports my position the original Berbers were black/not Caucasian:yeshrug:

-yeah sure cacs transporting Africans the Americans were so thorough of keeping track of the origin of ever head down to the exact detail just by reading a few slave logs we can have a precise understanding exactly who AAs ancestors were cause if anything cacs are good at it's telling the difference between black people:childplease:

-they are frequently listed as prominent contributors to as gene pool but somehow not significant:what:

for the last time ....every phenotype among AAs is found on Africa

-when less educated AAs say someone looks African they are almost always referring to peers( of darker complexion)within their own ethnic group whom by no means are rare to the community :comeon:

the only thing you smoked is crystal meth Frosty..why u go back and edited/added to that post tho:russ:

outside of obvious situations culture, and accent is the way most AAs single out/identify foreign blacks more so than phenotype ....already proven multiple times there are many AAs including those whom mock Africans or Caribbean people whom share their same features...your dumbass need to accept admixture hasn't in no way significantly affected the AA ethnic group gene pool as a whole :aicmon:


Jun 22, 2014
so your dumbass really going to cherry pick photos of rich AA entertainers(basically the creme of the crop of their community)

:what:whats creme of crop about jay z? I posted the other 2 celebs because they went back to their ancestral dna homelands and tooks pictures with people who th're related to.

Isiah washington (mende)

the people next to Blair Underwood are his cameroonian cousins/fam

Blair's Ancestry.com DNA test arrives, so he meets with Dr. Ken Chahine to review the results. They were able to find out that Blair's DNA is comprised of 74% African DNA and 26% European DNA. When they look at his European DNA they find that he is rooted to people from France, Switzerland and Germany. "That's hilarious because I've always felt a connection to France... got engaged in Paris, named my first child Paris... I never knew why." For the African results, Blair is associated with several tribes in West Africa, and they've specifically found a cousin named Eric Sonjowoh from Cameroon who matches Blair's DNA.

Blair and his father travel to Cameroon, Africa to meet his distant cousin. "What is staggering to me is the fact that my ancestors came from Cameroon," Blair says as he drives with his father through the Cameroon countryside. "To connect family, it's a dream come true." Blair arrives at his cousin's village to a tribal celebration. "Eric, I cannot thank you enough for making this all possible," Blair tells his newly found cousin. Blair tells Eric that this is such a special moment for him and his father because their ancestors were forcibly separated, and all these generations later, they have finally come full circle and have been reunited. "I feel certain voids have been filled that I've never known I had," says Blair. "Who I thought I was when we started this odyssey is different than who I know I am today. It's been incredible."

TCC: Blair Underwood reconnects with his African ancestors.

visiting isolated destitute African villages

jayz is with heads of state not poor villagers:scust:

made up of peasant tribal people/with phenotype that fit your agenda as if there aren't plenty AAs whom wouldn't blend right in and this gallery is he beginning/end of the face of Africa:stopitslime:

Of course there are Aframs who look similar to who they descend from but that's the argument is that Aframs can look like that an entire other range not native to the lands of the people they descent from in Africa. So no, every phenotype found in Aframs isn't to be found in the exact people they descend from in larger stocks native to West/West central africa.

last i checked these people are just as African as well and could easily be mistaken for AA or vice versa:martin:

Thread on the topic

Jan 26, 2015
Below are the Median proportions for the 10 clusters generated by ADMIXTURE for the 45 uniquely entered African populations categorised according to their 5 respective regions.


The unclear abbreviations above for the samples of EtA, EtO and EtT are respectively Ethiopian Amharas, Ethiopian Oromos and Ethiopian Tigrayans, these samples (as well as the Ethiopian Jews, AKA Beta Israel) come from Behar (2010), in addition, the EtO samples purportedly come from the southern most tip of Ethiopia close to the Kenyan border. The dominance of the North African cluster in Ethiopians is not much of a surprise, as it is well known that Ethiopia is a genetic conduit between East and North Africa.


As seen in the PCA plots of the FST distances, the 'Central-West African', the 'West African', as well as the 'Eastern Bantu' clusters are close. The Dogon population however shows the least amount of the 'Central-West African' cluster and is almost completely dominated by the 'West African' cluster, which the reverse is true for the Igbo and Yoruba. Similarly, the Fulani show almost none of the 'Central-West African' cluster but rather, are mostly dominated by the 'West African' cluster, with the difference from the Dogon being that the Fulani have a significant affinity with the 'North African' cluster rather than the 'Central-West African' one.

whom compares whole regions to specific ethnic groups:what:this weirdo must have wet dreams about admixdtrue or some shyt:dahell:
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Jun 22, 2014
-do tell Skip what is that limit/breaking point when their physical diversity has to be attributed to admixture:jbhmm:

It's easy to the tell the difference between natural intraracial variation and variation produced by interracial hybridism

-that link on Fulani's Saharan origin us pure speculation....Those rock paintings could have been Tuareg, ancient Moors or any other nomadic native/black North


African people in the region for that matter but even if true it just supports my position the original Berbers were black/not Caucasian:yeshrug:


-yeah sure cacs transporting Africans the Americans were so thorough of keeping track of the origin of ever head down to the exact detail just by reading a few slave logs we can have a precise understanding exactly who AAs ancestors were cause if anything cacs are good at it's telling the difference between black people:childplease:

they made it a point to know the differences because they needed certain africans for certain purposes.
-they are frequently listed as prominent contributors to as gene pool but somehow not significant:what:

fulani genetics in aframs exists but it's minor overall compared to the mende, igbo, angolan etc...

for the last time ....every phenotype among AAs is found on Africa

We're not talking about the whole of Africa, we're talking about people aframs descend from in large numbers

-when less educated AAs say someone looks African they are almost always referring to peers( of darker complexion)within their own ethnic group whom by no means are rare to the community :comeon:

No, they could be talking about anyone from darker skinned and distinctly "african" looking aframs to west indians to even actual africans.

outside of obvious situations culture, and accent is the way most AAs single out/identify foreign blacks more so than phenotype ....already proven multiple times there are many AAs including those whom mock Africans or Caribbean people whom share their same features...your dumbass need to accept admixture hasn't in no way significantly affected the AA ethnic group gene pool as a whole :aicmon:

Im from NYC and I've seen Aframs spot West Indians and Africans just on looks alone.
Jan 26, 2015
:what:whats creme of crop about jay z? I posted the other 2 celebs because they went back to their ancestral dna homelands and tooks pictures with people who th're related to.

Isiah washington (mende)

the people next to Blair Underwood are his cameroonian cousins/fam

TCC: Blair Underwood reconnects with his African ancestors.

jayz is with heads of state not poor villagers:scust:

Of course there are Aframs who look similar to who they descend from but that's the argument is that Aframs can look like that an entire other range not native to the lands of the people they descent from in Africa. So no, every phenotype found in Aframs isn't to be found in the exact people they descend from in larger stocks native to West/West central africa.

Thread on the topic


clearly i was referring to the AA actors(Blair Underwood and Isaiah Washington) arguably 2 rich celebrity arguably black American hearthrobes(no homo) and the dumb comparison between themselves and common poor village folk in Africa

comparing Hollywood actors to poor African villagers that is equivalent to comparing African beauty queens like this


to common ghetto black Americans like this:comeon:


the thing is the average/vast majority of Afro America phenotypes(excluding those rare octoroons you love to post )are found in Africa and that's enough for me to come to the conclusion we didn't inherit them from admixture:yeshrug:
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Jun 22, 2014
clearly i was referring to the AA actors(Blair Underwood and Isaiah Washington) arguably 2 rich celebrity arguably black American hearthrobes(nohomo) and the dumb comparison between themselves and common poor village folk in Africa

that is equivalent to comparing African beauty queens to like this


to common ghetto black Americans like this:comeon:


it's not the equivalent because even in these pictures the Aframs ones look clearly distinct from the African ones the beauty and or poorness didn't change the actual features:dwillhuh:

the thing is the average/vast majority of Afro America phenotypes(excluding those rare octoroons you love to post )are found in Africa and that's enough for me to come to the conclusion we didn't inherit them from admixture:yeshrug:

Go see thread



Jul 2, 2014
Haha. You can try as much as you want with these idiots, but they can't get it through their heads that not every country is like America.