2 black people can't produce a biracial you simple fakkit![]()

His parents

Bio--> the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History
2 black people can't produce a biracial you simple fakkit![]()
Facts only, you never hear Asians talk about Pan Asianism. We should all focus on improving our situations wherever we are instead of focusing on unrealistic dreams.
who are these people? your stormront armchair antrolpologist kkkinsmenthe range supports the reasons why people use complexion descriptors tied with admx acknowledgments/questions.![]()
who are these people? your stormront armchair antrolpologist kkkinsmenoutside of associating lightskin with mixture(which isn't always accurate) i don't know anyone whom attributes AAs/blacks range in skin complextionto admixture based on that alone and if of itself
you funny
His parents
Bio--> the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History
i don't see anywhere which says he is only 50% black regardless why your dumbass keep over emphasizing on multi generation mixed halfbreeds whom have obviously made it a point to marry other mulattos and mixed cacs as if they are the norm of the average AA population![]()
Only in the america's. In africa they are mixed. This is what happens when you mix too much with swines, you get confused. You don't know who is whom, you start trying to say "look I know some blacks with that colour too though" like chickens with their heads cut off. Meanwhile on the continent we can tell who is what tribe just off face and demeanor. South Africans can spot Nigerians a mile away. They're currently beefing and note their are no collateral damage.
skin complexion + phenotypes
**looks at your rep**
every skin complexion/phenotype among AAs is found in Africaso you going to counter the logic facts i presented or keep deflecting
don't patronize me Flintstonehe's is 100% "black"...he's not biracial![]()
yes science has proven we/blacks are the naturally diverse people on Earth so naturally that reflects in AAsrepeat after me
skin complexion + phenotypes
don't patronize me Flintstoneshow and prove he's a mulatto with 2 black parents(as in no recent cac ancestry)
and how his background is the norm for AAs or STFU![]()
Ho and colleagues presented subjects with computer-generated images of black-white and Asian-white individuals, as well as family trees showing different biracial permutations. They also asked people to report directly whether they perceived biracials to be more minority or white. By using multiple approaches, their work examined both conscious and unconscious perceptions of biracial individuals, presenting the most extensive empirical evidence to date on how they are perceived.
The researchers found, for example, that one-quarter-Asian individuals are consistently considered more white than one-quarter-black individuals, despite the fact that African Americans and European Americans share a substantial degree of genetic heritage.
Using face-morphing technology that presented a series of faces ranging from 5 percent white to 95 percent white, they also found that individuals who were a 50-50 mix of two races, either black-white or Asian-white, were almost never identified by study participants as white. Furthermore, on average, black-white biracials had to be 68 percent white before they were perceived as white; the comparable figure for Asian-white biracials was 63 percent.
“The United States is already a country of ethnic mixtures, but in the near future it will be even more so, and more so than any other country on earth,” says Banaji, Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics at Harvard. “When we see in our data that our own minds are limited in the perception of those who are the products of two different ethnic groups, we recognize how far we have to go in order to have an objectively accurate and fair assessment of people. That’s the challenge for modern minds.”
A perplexing new chapter is unfolding in Barack Obama's racial saga: Many people insist that "the first black president" is actually not black.
Debate over whether to call this son of a white Kansan and a black Kenyan biracial, African-American, mixed-race, half-and-half, multiracial -- or, in Obama's own words, a "mutt" -- has reached a crescendo since Obama's election shattered assumptions about race.
Obama has said, "I identify as African-American -- that's how I'm treated and that's how I'm viewed. I'm proud of it." In other words, the world gave Obama no choice but to be black, and he was happy to oblige.
But U.S. Rep. G. K. Butterfield, a black man who by all appearances is white, feels differently.
Butterfield, 61, grew up in a prominent black family in Wilson, N.C. Both of his parents had white forebears, "and those genes came together to produce me." He grew up on the black side of town, led civil rights marches as a young man, and to this day goes out of his way to inform people that he is certainly not white.
Butterfield has made his choice; he says let Obama do the same.
"Obama has chosen the heritage he feels comfortable with," he said. "His physical appearance is black. I don't know how he could have chosen to be any other race. Let's just say he decided to be white -- people would have laughed at him."
"You are a product of your experience. I'm a U.S. congressman, and I feel some degree of discomfort when I'm in an all-white group. We don't have the same view of the world, our experiences have been different."
The entire issue balances precariously on the "one-drop" rule, which sprang from the slaveowner habit of dropping by the slave quarters and producing brown babies. One drop of black blood meant that person, and his or her descendants, could never be a full citizen.
Today, the spectrum of skin tones among African-Americans -- even those with two black parents -- is evidence of widespread white ancestry. Also, since blacks were often light enough to pass for white, unknown numbers of white Americans today have blacks hidden in their family trees.
yes science has proven we/blacks are the naturally diverse people on Earth so naturally that reflects in AAs![]()
He is mixed.Obama's true colors: Black, white ... or neither?