Why are AA's the only ones who claim to be indigenous to their country?


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Lol you are changing the topic of the conversation but l agree and you can include indians/asians.

They are all leaches no matter the skin color.

Caribs/Africans are grateful ethnic substitutes.

Less historical tension and they can imitate AA mannerisms too.

“Less historical tension:mjlol:” th Th the Coli.com

I think you are mistaking black people who actually fought and died fighting cacs for their freedom, with your Latino friends who choose to be governed by them and make Spain their motherland. :mjlol:

No I can not include indians and Asians, because y’all mostly don’t lust for indian and Asian women like y’all white substitute Hispanic girls.

Indians and Asians have the economic ability to not live among you/live in isolated areas. Hispanics share a spot with you not by choice, but because they are financially forced to. They are the group that is your closest economical cousins, but once again like you Coli black seperatist do, you would rather fight people who actually look like you.

Y’all nikkahs, like I said before, ain’t fooling nobody. Y’all just low key want white women, and Hispanic white women will do. All this other nonsense about blah blah blah is just dripping in y’all desire to keep or gain sexual access to white Latina women while selling out black communities.

You probably ain’t even black, no sense in going back and forth with me on this because it’s corny and nobody wants to read 4 pages of a Coli poster deny he is white and issuing ban bets, when you could simply post a picture proving it, but ofcourse we know you won’t.
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Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
“Less historical tension:mjlol:” th Th the Coli.com

I think you are mistaking black people who actually fought and died fighting cacs for their freedom, with your Latino friends who choose to be governed by them and make Spain their motherland. :mjlol:

No I can not include indians and Asians, because y’all mostly don’t lust for indian and Asian women like y’all white substitute Hispanic girls.

Indians and Asians have the economic ability to not live among you/live in isolated areas. Hispanics share a spot with you not by choice, but because they are financially forced to. They are the group that is your closest economical cousins, but once again like you Coli black seperatist do, you would rather fight people who actually look like you.

Y’all nikkahs, like I said before, ain’t fooling nobody. Y’all just low key want white women, and Hispanic white women will do. All this other nonsense about blah blah blah is just dripping in y’all desire to keep or gain sexual access to white Latina women while selling out black communities.

You probably ain’t even black, no sense in going back and forth with me on this because it’s corny and nobody wants to read 4 pages of a Coli poster deny he is white and issuing ban bets, when you could simply post a picture proving it, but ofcourse we know you won’t.

You are using strawman tactics.

Not once did l mention women as part of the conversation.

You simply can't justify why AA should give u a pass beyond skin color.

Hypocrisy since everyone practices tribalism as well.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
The consistency is absolutely there. Entire thread is about fringe elements/groups in each country of the diaspora that create alternate identities. I specifically mentioned groups in USA, Nigeria and the Sudan. Others have pointed out examples in Haiti, JA, and other places.

I can't claim to know more about the conflict in Sudan than you , but I think you're reluctant to see the parallels between what the topic is and what you wrote. "Being an Arab is more or less a culture thing in Sudan"? Really? Not lineage?

This map should hopefully answer your question and look at it carefully, all those countries that you see border us we overlapp with in abundance hence our diversity because we were part of all those countries to a certain extent at one time in history, and along with some migrants that cross the red sea, and migrants from West Africa performing the yearly hajj in Saudi Arabia. As a intelligent individual looking at the map and the countries we border and overlapp with physically should answer your question.



From a Nigerian visitor
Beautiful Faces of Sudanese. | Jide Odukoya Photography


Historically map of what is later now called Sudan.


As a intelligent person this should answer your question, and the people that once inhabitant the various kingdoms did not suddenly go away but they are all still there.

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Aug 29, 2014
Americans in general have glamorized being Native American.

White people claim to have Native American ancestry as well.

Everyone stereotypes Native Americans as being tall mejestic people with the love nature.

The movies also make them look Europeanized.

When in reality most of them probably looked like this


Also there aren't many on the east coast to call out people's BS.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
This map should hopefully answer your question and look at it carefully, all those countries that you see border us we overlapp with in abundance hence our diversity because we were part of all those countries to a certain extent at one time in history, and along with some migrants that cross the red sea, and migrants from West Africa performing the yearly hajj in Saudi Arabia. As a intelligent individual looking at the map and the countries we border and overlapp with physically should answer your question.


From a Nigerian visitor

Historically map of what is later now called Sudan.

As a intelligent person this should answer your question, and the people that once inhabitant the various kingdoms did not suddenly go away but they are all still there.

Doesn't answer my question about "Arab" being a culture . I'm aware of the countries that border Sudan and the ethnic groups that were in the region before the modern day borders were drawn up.

Most of the regions of Africa, pre colonialism had diverse populations. I believe that in most places that ethnic groups remain distinct groups based on culture,language and lineage.

Why are you saying/implying that the Sudan is different?

Can these "arab culture" Africans travel in the middle east and be seen/viewed as arabs?
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Pit Bull

Oct 27, 2016
Crenshaw Mafia
I've seen plenty of Caribbean blacks talkin that indigenous shyt. I've seen Jamaican nikkas here on the coli claim that shyt.


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.

Why are you saying/implying that the Sudan is different?

Yes, because it is one of the most diverse countries in all of Africa, which is a fact and reality, you see many different types of African face there, North Africans types (Egyptians or Libyans), Horner types(Eritrea or Ethiopia), West African types(Nigeria), and Nilotes(South Sudan) etc.

Can these "arab culture" Africans travel in the middle east and be seen/viewed as arabs?

I will let other Mena(Middle East and North Africa) tell you this, by entering our space.

The Subject is a Sudaniya girl that grew up in Canada, and her appearance is fairly much common and not out of the ordinary in Sudan in comparison to the people from the Levant

Comments from a person that lives in Egypt

Egyptian guy Comment

kerat 5 points 3 years ago

To be honest the text is so full of hyperbole...as I was reading I thought to myself that this girl must be completely sub-saharan African looking. But she could easily pass as any khaleeji or even Egyptian or Moroccan... In fact if I just saw the picture I wouldn't have even described her as 'black'

I feel like all that painstaking navel-gazing was done needlessly and probably only because she's Sudanese so she feels the need to identify as being 'black'.

I'm not belittling what she's writing about, I'm just saying there are far blacker Arabs all over the region from Morocco to Egypt to Saudi to Kuwait to Iraq, and that I'm surprised she self-identifies so strongly as being 'black'.

I basked, and still do, in an undeniable shade privilege among black colleagues and peers despite being subject to virulent colourism and racism from white-passing and brown-identified Arabs.

What is this?? The girl is 100% brown for God's sake. When people say black they mean people who have sub-saharan African physical features. I've met Bahrainis and Kuwaitis that are 100% Arab who are far darker than she is. So either I've been oblivious to all sorts of racism all this time, or passages like this are just over-exaggerated and ridiculous:

One of my favourite pastimes is going ‘incognegro’, where I eavesdrop on Arabs having conversations in Arabic and surprise them with a confrontation at their racism (directed at others or towards myself).

Saudi comment to the Egyptian poster

as I was reading I thought to myself that this girl must be completely sub-saharan African looking. But she could easily pass as any khaleeji or even Egyptian or Moroccan... In fact if I just saw the picture I wouldn't have even described her as 'black'

That was my first reaction too. But rereading the article, it seems she grew up in Canada, or so I'm guessing. The Western world's understanding of race complicates life for those of us in the diaspora in some ways, which is why I found this article so interesting. One of the stranger experiences I've had in the US is when a friend from Jeddah came over. Like the author, I'd never have described him as black, but in the US, he's Black. I on the other hand pass for white American, so despite both being from Jeddah, we end up on opposite ends of the American racial hierarchy, and he has to deal with a kind of racism here that never comes my way. I wager that if he'd grown up here he would have identified as Black, because that would have been his social reality here, probably in the same way my white cousins who have grown up here don't seem to see themselves as Arab.

The divisions between Arabs become kind of magnified here I think, because Arab spaces become a place of refuge from the racism of the wider society. I can see how getting racism from other Arabs would push you towards other identities or social spaces where one does find acceptance.

So either I've been oblivious to all sorts of racism all this time, or passages like this are just over-exaggerated and ridiculous:

I don't doubt it. I can't count the times Arabs have talked within earshot of me in Arabic assuming I couldn't understand them

Egyptian again
This is not to say that racism doesn't exist in the Arab world towards Africans. I wouldn't complain if she had written an article about it in a non-personal manner, but she made it about her rather than about racism towards blacks. And I also wouldn't complain if the author was someone who looks like a Dinka but self-identifies as an Arab, causing other arabs to assume she is African. That would be legitimate grounds for an identity crisis and all the angst of this article.

But in the end the whole thing comes off as some Sudanese girl who grew up abroad and apparently has never actually met an Arab person. She seems to think that all Arabs are Syrians or something. Check out her twitter account. There's a picture of her sister. Her sister could pass as virtually any Arab. In that context, her criticism of "white-passing and brown-identified Arabs" is just a joke. Anywhere else in the world outside the US/Canada, she would just be a normal Arab.

link above

I hope this answers your questions

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Dec 5, 2012
One because it is one of the most diverse countries in Africa, which is a fact and reality, because i am a realist.

I will let other Mena(Middle East and North Africa) tell you this, by entering our space.

The Subject is a Sudaniya girl that grew up in Canada, and her appearance is fairly much common and not out of the ordinary for example people from the Levant

she's very attractive