Where were Kobe's parents?


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
it's weird breh.

Look at his parents. Mom looks like a flower child who would cast a spell on you with her eyes, Dad looks complete opposite of her.

You NEVER hear him talk about them. Seems like Kobe probably raised himself thru his basketball heroes, and whatever other artistic interests he had.


You're projecting. I dont see any proof Kobe "raised himself". Kobe's mom and dad raised him higher than Middle class and gave him many privilege s. The reason Kobe doesnt talk about his black family because hes a fukking c00n. He spends more timd talking about Italy and Mexico than black anything. His parents look pike a nice black married couple.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
and why does his sisters look like that? and who is this "WHOLE FAMILY of Vanessa's" you speak of aside from her mother his mother in law?????

are you saying he never helped his family out? thats a lie because his mom admitted that he helped them out multiple times. so stop it.

were the fam haiting on his wife early on? that was the rumor. if you hate on a mans wife for too long eventually he will kick you to the curb if he decides to stay with her. which he has. now they had their reasons for not liking that idea. but vanessas was a kid. so it aint on her. maybe they didnt like her mother or something. who knows. so i cant even call her a golddigger yet since the chick wasnt even removed from highschool when they met at that video shoot.

It's not a coincidence Kobe's parents and family (his actual black family) stopped coming to his game around the time he started with the teenage Mexican thot named Vanessa. I get the sense Kobe is just another black man twisted by self-hatred and being led around by white p*ssy. Kobe may not even be aware he's being manipulated or else he doesn't care. He lets Vanessa's family walk all over him while raking his own black family over the coals. I have seen this kind of behavior before.


Jun 8, 2012
Sounds like Vanessa is the mastermind.
I'll say it again. he met vanessa when she was 17 years old. she aint masterminding nothing. this beef started way back then with grown ups. not some little girl still trying to graduate from highschool. now could she have played a role once she got older ? sure. but by then she knew or felt disrespected and possibly hated on by his family. that aint cool. especially if she aint some known slut, gold digger chick. how could she be? she was 17 when they met.


Jun 8, 2012
You're projecting. I dont see any proof Kobe "raised himself". Kobe's mom and dad raised him higher than Middle class and gave him many privilege s. The reason Kobe doesnt talk about his black family because hes a fukking c00n. He spends more timd talking about Italy and Mexico than black anything. His parents look pike a nice black married couple.
wrong he used to talk about his grandmother, sister, mom and pops. STOP IT. now look at you projecting.

both of yall need to stop the lies.

this is kobe's mom in a nutshell the sister called it out too. STOP IT

Los Angeles Lakers' superstar Kobe Bryant is receiving an assistant this morning in his legal battle to permanently block his mother and an auction house from selling more than $1.5 million worth of his personal memorabilia to the public in June.

Sharia Washington, Bryant's sister, filed a May 11 declaration that states their mother, Pamela Bryant, has been determined to cash in on the NBA player's success by selling his belongings, according to records inside Orange County's Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse.

Though Washington says she has "never been privy" to discussions between her mother and Bryant about ownership of the memorabilia, she wants U.S. District Court Judge Andrew J. Guilford to know that her mom "frequently" talked "about how the family can make money on items associated with Kobe."

The Laker, who is reportedly worth more than $200 million, lives in a gated Newport Coast community and often uses a helicopter for traffic-defeating transportation, has filed lawsuits to block his mother and Kennth Goldin, owner of Goldin Auctions, LLC, from selling items such as high school basketball team jerseys, medals, trophies, rings and net pieces from memorable, youthful victories.

Kobe, who wants his memorabilia to belong to his children, rejects the assertion and now points to his sister's declaration that their mother can't be trusted, according to court records.

"For a number of years I have stored memorabilia from Kobe's music career in the garage of my Las Vegas residence," Washington said in the sworn, one-page declaration. "My mother, Pamela, noted that I 'need to keep that, because it will be worth something.' I recently returned all of that memorabilia to Kobe because my mother has access to my garage and I fear that she would try to sell that memorabilia."

In another example cited in her filing, Washington claims her mother encouraged her to get Kobe to sign an Olympic basketball t-shirt so it would increase in value and she could sell it.

Joseph Bryant, Kobe's father and a retired professional basketball himself, backs his wife's version of reality.

So thats why they were not there. and he probably told the sister to stay home so not to cause any more hoopla among the media and everything.

Sounds to me like moms is a semi golddigger pimpstress. meaning since she believes her and jelly created kobe and took him to the practices that means he owes them something. which he does. but da... how long does a man have to pay that debt back? he's obviously hooked them up multiple times. thats why he sent out that tweet like how much more do you want me to give you good grief. and its not about the money its the principal. why is my mom trying to extort me so to speak? and thats her grand childrens stuff. STop it granny. but thats cause she doesnt give a rats... about those kids cause she's probably still hot about him marrying vanessa. you seee how that goes. no love for my wife is bad enough, no lover for my kids your grandkids. you get the boot on that one :camby:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I'll say it again. he met vanessa when she was 17 years old. she aint masterminding nothing. this beef started way back then with grown ups. not some little girl still trying to graduate from highschool. now could she have played a role once she got older ? sure. but by then she knew or felt disrespected and possibly hated on by his family. that aint cool. especially if she aint some known slut, gold digger chick. how could she be? she was 17 when they met.

I think @Rarebird77 is right. I've seen this happy. You say Vanessa was only 17 when she met Kobe but her age at the time doesn't preclude her from manipulating him. Kobe , after all, barely has a high school education which makes him prone to fallacy and manipulation. Furthermore, there's a possibility Vanessa at first didn't manipulate Kobe but grew into it as she became older and more shrewd, estranging him more and more from his family until all his time and money only goes into her's. The latter sounds the most plausible.


Apr 30, 2012
I think @Rarebird77 is right. I've seen this happy. You say Vanessa was only 17 when she met Kobe but her age at the time doesn't preclude her from manipulating him. Kobe , after all, barely has a high school education which makes him prone to fallacy and manipulation. Furthermore, there's a possibility Vanessa at first didn't manipulate Kobe but grew into it as she became older and more shrewd, estranging him more and more from his family until all his time and money only goes into her's. The latter sounds the most plausible.
"Kobe barely has a high school education " wtf :mindblown: Kobe is one of the smartest people in the league and you act like having some useless college degree makes you smarter. Kobe speaks 5 languages but barely has a high school education... :mjlol:
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
Kobe started getting alot of national attention as a Sophomore

And then blew up in his Junior year of High school

They won back to back State Championships and it went to his head..

I don't know but I'm pretty sure this is when is started going down hill with them

I think they wanted him to go to college and he was like fukk that NBA bound and he never looked back

Pretty much told everyone to kiss his ass NBA vets included ..

He took 50 shots last night in his final game and dropped the mic "Mamba out"
And I think this is the most humble dude has been since he was like 16yrs old


It is what it is


Jun 8, 2012
I think @Rarebird77 is right. I've seen this happy. You say Vanessa was only 17 when she met Kobe but her age at the time doesn't preclude her from manipulating him. Kobe , after all, barely has a high school education which makes him prone to fallacy and manipulation. Furthermore, there's a possibility Vanessa at first didn't manipulate Kobe but grew into it as she became older and more shrewd, estranging him more and more from his family until all his time and money only goes into her's. The latter sounds the most plausible.
stop i cant listen to this one. bruh. she was a CHILD. he was a grown man. its that simple. there is no manipulation. whatever happened KOBE was ok with it happening. do with that as you will. but understand that. live vanessa out of it at least when she was a kid. she didnt have time to do all of that the girl had to unlock her high school locker. stop it. like i said older vanessa could've grown into a tough cookie. but lets be clear the parents were made DAY 1 of their relationship/marriage. DAY 1. so of course the chick in the relationship will be pissed off at the parents. then you see his mom acting like this. read above. his sister even admitted it. you think she's lying for him? come on now. at some point we have to realize moms has issues and Joe is just going along for the ride cause moms is his boo.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
wrong he used to talk about his grandmother, sister, mom and pops. STOP IT. now look at you projecting.

both of yall need to stop the lies.

this is kobe's mom in a nutshell the sister called it out too. STOP IT

I have seen plenty of Kobe interviews and he very rarely talks about his family. Numerous posters in this very thread have attested to such so I know I'm not dreaming. The reason I know more about Kobe's history and fascination with Italy and Mexico is because I've been more exposed to those things in that context than anything else. But believe what you want. :dame:

So thats why they were not there. and he probably told the sister to stay home so not to cause any more hoopla among the media and everything.

Fam, the article you quoted was from 2013. Kobe married Vanessa in 2001. Kobe's parents dislike Vanessa and have distanced themselves from him because of him ever since his marriage to her in 2001. This--not money--what initially caused the split in Kobe's relationship with his parents:

"Los Angeles, Calif. - Vanessa Bryant has filed for divorce from her superstar husband of over 10 years, Kobe Bryant, reportedly due to his cheating ways. Some reports note that his parents were not happy with his choice of spouse when the two wed because he was “marrying a Latina” rather than “an African American.”

On Monday, a Fox News report said, “Vanessa, whose parents are both Mexican, was not believed to have been a favorite of Kobe's parents. Joe Bryant, Kobe's dad, had reportedly turned his back on the relationship because the family did not approve of Vanessa. It's been widely reported that his parents weren't crazy about him marrying a Latina and not an African American.

The two met in 1999 during a music video shoot when Vanessa was only 18 and Bryant was 21. They were engaged just six months later and married on Apr. 18, 2001. The couple has two children, Gianna, 5, and Natalia, 8.

Reports: Kobe Bryant's parents were unhappy he married 'Latina' Vanessa

Sounds to me like moms is a semi golddigger pimpstress. meaning since she believes her and jelly created kobe and took him to the practices that means he owes them something. which he does. but da... how long does a man have to pay that debt back? he's obviously hooked them up multiple times. thats why he sent out that tweet like how much more do you want me to give you good grief. and its not about the money its the principal. why is my mom trying to extort me so to speak? and thats her grand childrens stuff. STop it granny. but thats cause she doesnt give a rats... about those kids cause she's probably still hot about him marrying vanessa. you seee how that goes. no love for my wife is bad enough, no lover for my kids your grandkids. you get the boot on that one :camby:

I'm sure that money comes into it too but initially Kobe put a damper on his relationship through the Mexican thot:

"On Monday, a Fox News report said, “Vanessa, whose parents are both Mexican, was not believed to have been a favorite of Kobe's parents. Joe Bryant, Kobe's dad, had reportedly turned his back on the relationship because the family did not approve of Vanessa. It's been widely reported that his parents weren't crazy about him marrying a Latina and not an African American"

So since at least 2001 when Kobe married Vanessa, he has been on ice with his father.


May 15, 2014
It's not a coincidence Kobe's parents and family (his actual black family) stopped coming to his game around the time he started with the teenage Mexican thot named Vanessa. I get the sense Kobe is just another black man twisted by self-hatred and letting himself be led around by white p*ssy. He lets Vanessa's family walk all over him while raking his own black family over the coals. I have seen this kind of behavior before.

Breh from the rumors I have heard over the years it is about a lot of stuff from the money to old girls family to old girls mom.

From the rumors I heard back in the early 2000s and late 90s. Like I said these are just rumors.

Kobe was messing with Vanessa and another girl. Kobe's parents told him to stop messing with Vanessa because she was underage. Well the story goes that Vanessa's mom always been a come up artist and believed on marrying up or having her kids marry up so she could be taken care of.

So the rumored story goes is that vanessas mom threatened to go to the media and tell Kobe is messing with an underage girl if Kobe doesn't marry her. Kobe's parents call Vanessa's family bluff and tell Kobe don't marry her and he should have listened to them to not mess with her because she was too young.

Kobe and Vanessa waits till she turns 18 (she was a month away from 19 when they got married) and get married against Kobe's parents wishes.

Then you have the rumor that Vanessa mom gets whatever she wants and Kobe takes care of all of his in-laws from cousins to siblings.

Supposedly it is a power struggle between Kobe's mother and Vanessa's mom. But of course Vanessa's mom has been the one winning the war for the last 15 years.

Also another rumor is that Vanessa's mom basically upgraded everything when Vanessa married Kobe....she upgraded her total life style and even divorced Vanessa's dad or step dad (can't remember the story) and got her a better looking man.

Now you throw the other well known stories like situation with Colorado (which I am sure his parents were hot over) and Vanessa filing from divorce (which I know Vanessa's mom was not pleased with if believe the rumors that Kobe takes care of her) in there and you got a volatile story.

But as I said this is all rumors that I have heard over the last say 18 to 20 years.

Remember some of this stuff was hinted at during the whole sexual assault/rape charge. Cause the media, regular folks and folks on the internet was digging big in his life during this time time.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2015
I think @Rarebird77 is right. I've seen this happy. You say Vanessa was only 17 when she met Kobe but her age at the time doesn't preclude her from manipulating him. Kobe , after all, barely has a high school education which makes him prone to fallacy and manipulation. Furthermore, there's a possibility Vanessa at first didn't manipulate Kobe but grew into it as she became older and more shrewd, estranging him more and more from his family until all his time and money only goes into her's. The latter sounds the most plausible.

She was able to marry Kobe with no prenup of course she's been able to manipulate Kobe.

Haven't people said that about her for years?