
May 6, 2015

Space Dandy S2 10/10, baby

Probably the most fun I've had watching anime, really appreciate how much dedication and heart that was put into this show. Hard to wrap your mind around exactly what Space Dandy is, just know was a great time that I'll be rewatching over and over again for years to come.

Welp the summer was a disappointment. What should I be looking forward to for the fall?

Drifters looks promising

Other than that, the most anticipated shows are almost all sequels (Natsume Yuujinchou, Gundam IBO, Haikyuu etc). Might be a good time to catch up on some old stuff
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Slic Ric

All Star
May 12, 2015
Just finished Yu Yu Hakusko as I never seen it in full

10/10 flawless stuff, you could chose either or between this and HXH 2011 as the standard for shounens. without ever finishing i thought it was top 5 for me but finishing it now it's 3-5 range for me now. Obviously everyone knows the characters, I thought all of them were written perfectly and given enough time to shine and flesh out. I conversely thought the villains were amazing too (Sensui was one of the best villains I've ever seen up until about the end) and togurro was stellar as well. I thought the journey overall was amazing r and was wanting more every time I watched. Maybe the ending could have been fleshed out but who cares, it's still excellent

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Just finished Yu Yu Hakusko as I never seen it in full

10/10 flawless stuff, you could chose either or between this and HXH 2011 as the standard for shounens. without ever finishing i thought it was top 5 for me but finishing it now it's 3-5 range for me now. Obviously everyone knows the characters, I thought all of them were written perfectly and given enough time to shine and flesh out. I conversely thought the villains were amazing too (Sensui was one of the best villains I've ever seen up until about the end) and togurro was stellar as well. I thought the journey overall was amazing r and was wanting more every time I watched. Maybe the ending could have been fleshed out but who cares, it's still excellent
The final eps have one of the best one-liners in the whole show too.

"Can't end a good party without someone on the floor :manny::demonic:"


I mean shyt, even Hiei got himself a girl


Jan 7, 2015
Fuark after years of questions the latest manga explained a lot of them and ...

Holy shyt brehs :ohhh:

If this makes the cut for the anime, flames :wow:

Prince Luchini

Stay dolo so thorough
Jan 11, 2014
New Jojo was lit literally:pachaha:

I always found it funny when I read the manga how Jouske and Rohan hated each other even tho they're both a$$holes. Can't wait for next week this stand fight is one of my favorite fights in part 4.

The new op is beautiful David pro never cease to amaze me:wow:


May 6, 2015
Just finished Yu Yu Hakusko as I never seen it in full

10/10 flawless stuff, you could chose either or between this and HXH 2011 as the standard for shounens. without ever finishing i thought it was top 5 for me but finishing it now it's 3-5 range for me now. Obviously everyone knows the characters, I thought all of them were written perfectly and given enough time to shine and flesh out. I conversely thought the villains were amazing too (Sensui was one of the best villains I've ever seen up until about the end) and togurro was stellar as well. I thought the journey overall was amazing r and was wanting more every time I watched. Maybe the ending could have been fleshed out but who cares, it's still excellent

yup, really doesn't get much better than YYH. Rewatched it around this time last year & had the exact same thoughts

The OST's are catchy as fukk too


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Brehs.... I'm back.... sorry I left yall.... let me do work

Gundam Bike? After IBO I think I'm good for awhile with that:francis:

Jojo stays being the top show:wow: Kira:blessed:

7 Deadly Sins:takedat:

91 Days ended last week.... wow... fukking incredible:wow:

Alderamin:ehh: stays solid

Now I see some of yall are just now seeing some of the old shyt like Yu yu Hakusho or old shyt with old looking art.

Man more power to yall man..... me truthfully, I think I'm so spoiled tho how great, clear and sharp the drawing of a lot of anime today is. Its hard for me to even go back and look as some of the older shyt. Kinda like a kid growing up today would probably look at old 80's He-Man and GI Joe cartoons. So more power to yall for being able to get past that.

I'm just happy and feel lucky I was able to catch a lot of that old shyt back then:ehh:
Sep 11, 2014
What I watched in the last couple weeks...

Akame ga Kill
- Almost perfect. Other than the first and last episodes I loved every minute of this. Easily the best art design and quality I've seen, great characters, good story, and a phenomenal soundtrack. This is an instant classic anime. I cried at every other death, the characters and their relationships and growth over such a short period of time was done perfectly. I love the idea behind the show that every assassin's past eventually catches up to them. Mine vs Budou and especially Mine vs Seryu are both among the GOAT fights. Possible GOAT shounen and its only 24 episodes. I would love a second season of this but it would be almost impossible since they killed so many of the best characters. One of my favorite shows of all time, absolutely recommend even though everyone's probably seen it.

- This has to be the most overrated anime I've ever seen. The "great story" everyone raves about is really just a generic time travel story, the characters are mostly forgettable besides Suzuha and it takes a good few episodes before it even becomes somewhat interesting. If Cherami Leigh wasn't voicing a character I would of dropped this after the third or fourth episode. Once you get to the middle of the show the rest of the show for the most part is the main character going back in time to relive things we've already seen to try to save his friend from dying. It gets old fast. There's also a racist scene where the main character tries to speak ebonics when meeting the one black character who is a very minor character. I'm sure most people here have seen this already but if you haven't don't waste your time.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Even as a big slice of life fan this show was just solid to me. Maybe its because I watched The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan first and as a result prefer those versions of these characters or it could be because I watched it in chronological order as opposed to the order it aired but I didn't think there was anything special about either season of this show or the movie. Haruhi is a good character but Kyon is one of the worst characters in anime.

He bytches constantly and never appreciates anything. He acts like he hates Haruhi even though she's supposed to be his friend and he almost hits her just because she's directing a movie scene where the girl he likes is supposed to kiss someone other than him. He's the definition of an "unlike-able" character and him being the main character was a bad decision.

The Disappearance of Haruhi is a two hour and fourty minute movie where the best/title character only appears for maybe twenty minutes. It was a chore to watch and it led to nothing. Speaking of a chore to watch the Endless Eight Arc is the exact same episode with very minor changes EIGHT EPISODES IN A ROW and the payoff is of course, nothing.

At its best the show can be very enjoyable its just unfortunate its only at its best for about half of the episodes. If you like SoL or School shows (you've probably already seen it but) I'd recommend watching the first two seasons (skip the Endless Eight for your own sanity) and The Disappearance of Nagato as well but not The Disappearance of Haruhi unless you really loved the show.

Coppelion - Not much to say here, possibly the most boring anime I've watched. "Post-apocalyptic" rarely ends up being good and this is no exception. Three girls with zero personality who cry over everything, a very boring color scheme and art design and barely anything happens. I definitely wouldn't recommend this.

Castle Town Dandelion (up to episode 2) - Excellent show so far. Mostly a comedy and slice of life. Its about the 9 children of the king each trying to be elected as the next king. Each of them have their own superpower. Funniest show I've seen in awhile. Mostly interesting characters so far and there's already a bit of romance. Recommended for sure.

Another - Very overrated show that kills off characters just for shock value. Two horrible main characters, one of them knew how to save everyone from the start but didn't because she didn't know how to tell everyone. Awful. fukk this shyt, the only good episode was the beach episode. Everything else sucked.

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace - I love this show. Other than Toradora and Chuunibyou this is probably the best slice of life & romance I've seen. I very much enjoyed the characters and their chunni-ness, especially Tomoyo. Other than the title being misleading (supernatural battles are not at all common on this show), everything was great. Very good voice acting from everyone in the dub, especially Shanae'a Moore, who voiced Tomoyo. One of my favorite shows ever. Definitely watch if you like romance.

Fairy Tail 2014 (Tartaros Arc up to episode 73) - Still my GOAT show although it isn't as amazing as it was the first season.
The last episode where Lucy had to
destroy Aquarius' gate key :mjcry:
Although I have to admit seeing the Celestial Spirit King in battle for the first time should be :blessed:

I'm really excited and anxious to see what happens next. I'm really hoping they'll finally let my girl Lucy get a big win she's the main character and she's still never won a final battle yet. She don't need Natsu fukk that lame :pacspit:
Don't get me wrong I ship them too like everyone else I just wanna see my girl kick some ass:whoa:

Thankfully when the next episodes drop the dub will FINALLY be caught up to the sub for the first time ever. Recommend always.
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