Things said on the coli that you'll never hear in real life.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Most women don't prefer a guy who's 6 feet tall :skip:

This is an assertion based on scientific evidence. Behold:

  • For most women, the shortest acceptable (read: minimum) height for a man that a woman would date is 5'8.9 (175cm)

  • The "ideal" height listed for men was around 6'1" (185.4cm)

  • Only 4% of women who responded would accept a date with a man shorter than they were
Salska, I., Frederick, D., Powlowski, B., Reilly, A., Laird, K., Rudd, N. (2008). "Conditional mate preferences: Factors influencing preferences for height". From "Personality and Individual Differences." UCLA, 203-215.

"bed wench" :skip:

Self evident label.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
"Keith Sweat can't sing."

"Cam'ron has 2 classic albums"

"The beat for Juicy was awful"

"Kirk Cousins is starting material and better than RG3"



Jun 28, 2013
Please find my quote on that.

It might not be word for word what you say, but you've always maintained that the slaves weren't Africans.
Well, what is an 'African?' Is it someone who has citizenship in Africa, or one whose ancestors are indigenous to that land? I'm going to assume it's the latter, so that's what we'll deal with. Biblically, no you can't be a Jew (descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-Shemetic) and also be what today would be considered African because Africans are descendants from Ham. The Negro in America has been told that we are African because we were taken from the west coast of Africa, and we have physical similarities with Hamitic people (Africans). That however, doesn't make it true. From Zondervan's Bible Dictionary-

"Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham - The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites."


Why would they make this distinction? It's because they know that Negroes and Africans are not the same people. No, we shouldn't identify ourselves with African because they aren't our people. A lot of Africans don't identify with Negroes. Why is that? The Negro was the one who was dispersed during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, not the African. Africans probably dispersed some through voluntary migration, but it wasn't due to the slave trade. While I understand why people look at Africa in great regards due to its rich history and land, it's not the Motherland as people would have us to believe. The Bible tells us differently

Galatians 4:26
26But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

*Sidenote: the Jerusalem which is above isn't physical Jerusalem which was destroyed during the 1st century AD, but spiritual Jerusalem from the father himself. Read the 25 verses prior to that, lol*

Funny how one can't be a Jew and still indigenous to Africa according to him, when that's exactly what the Falasha, Lemba and Igbo Jews are. :russ::russ:

Moreover, if one can't be both a Hamite and Jew, you might wanna look at 1 Chronicles 2:34-36 Sheshan of the tribe of Judah chose Jahra, his Egyptian servant, to marry his daughter Ahlai and keep the line going through her when he had no sons.

"Now Sheshan had no sons, but daughters. And Sheshan had a servant, an Egyptian, whose name was Jarha. And Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha his servant to wife; and she bare him Attai. And Attai begat Nathan, and Nathan begat Zabad"

We can also talk about the mixed multitude in Exodus 12:37-38, which included natural Egyptians who left with Israel during the Exodus and became one with the native-borns.

Oh, and for those of you wondering about that pic in his quote, refer to this here..

Lol you can't be serious @LionofJudah

1. You grabbed someone else's FB pic of the Zondervan Bible Dictionary
2. That Dictionary ironically uses the Hamitic Hypothesis
In the mid-19th century, the term Hamitic acquired a new meaning as a few European writers claimed to identify a distinct "Hamitic race" that was superior to "Negroid" populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. The theory arose from early anthropological writers, who linked the stories in the Bible of Ham's sons to actual ancient migrations of a supposed Middle-Eastern sub-group of the Caucasian race.
Skin color amongst Caucasoids ranges greatly from pale, reddish-white, olive, through to dark brown tones.

Then again, you really don't bother researching the stuff being said by these clowns.

And you wonder why we don't get along.

And just for kicks... here's the entry for Shem in that same dictionary, which @LionofJudah always neglects to post.

"SHEM. This second son of Noah and progenitor of the Semitic race was born ninety-eight years before the Flood (Gen.11.10). He lived six hundred years, outliving his descendants for nine generations (except for Eber and Abraham). In the racial prophecy that Noah made after the episode of his drunkenness (Gen.9.25-Gen.9.27), he mentioned “the Lord, the God of Shem.” The three great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—all had Semitic origins. Noah added that Japheth’s descendants would “live in the tents of Shem,” indicating that the Aryan peoples to a large extent have derived their civilization from the Semites. In the “Table of the nations” (Gen.10.1-Gen.10.32)"

Notice it doesn't say SHEM: progenitor of the Negros?

Let's look at the definition of the word negro
Definition of NEGRO
sometimes offensive
: a member of a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation)
Negro adjective, sometimes offensive
ne·groid adjective or noun often capitalized sometimes offensive
Ne·gro·ness noun, sometimes offensive
See Negro defined for English-language learners »
See Negro defined for kids »
Origin of NEGRO
Spanish or Portuguese, from negro black, from Latin nigr-, niger
Yet Zondervan claims the Cushytes aren't negros/black :russ:which is absolutely ridiculous.

That ether burns huh?
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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
People don't say cacs
I do though
And they surely don't say "cacs gon cac"

"Bed wench"

The heavy use of the word peen.
It's really either dikk for black people or cock for white people

Gosh why do white people say cock????:what:

The regular us of " you share that girl"

If one of you guys said it to your boys they would be really pissed.

Calling women up here bytches, whore and sluts for damn near nothing. You know you would get slapped:beli: