So I've decided I'm going to watch every horror film on (Canadian) netflix. I expect a lot of trash,some so bad its good fukkery and hopefully find a couple gems.
Started with Creep (2014 film) which has a 93% RT score
Movie was barely horror,more of a black comedy. Guy hires another guy to film him for a day because hes dying of cancer and wants to document his life. Anyway,things start getting strange as the guy is,well,a creep. Its got an alright twist,and thankfully its short. Dont expect any scares or any interesting film making as its found footage and low budget.
Started with Creep (2014 film) which has a 93% RT score

Movie was barely horror,more of a black comedy. Guy hires another guy to film him for a day because hes dying of cancer and wants to document his life. Anyway,things start getting strange as the guy is,well,a creep. Its got an alright twist,and thankfully its short. Dont expect any scares or any interesting film making as its found footage and low budget.