2nd phase: A focus on Sicily/Naples/Mediterranean
Now that we know that Israelites were scattered which was prophesied to happen to them going back in the first five books of Moses and the prophets. So we know that Israelites in all territories of Roman Empire. Contrary to what has been taught, they were not so-called white people, they were what you would consider Negro. We can go into how and why so many ended in Africa before the slave trade in another lesson. It is a short breakdown.
One of the things people did not realize about the Roman Empire/Roman Republic is that they practiced slavery and had plantations. The main plantations were in Southern Italy (Naples and Sicily). Many Israelites were taken into slavery after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A,D. As those that lived within the territory outside of Jerusalem were taken into slavery. This is chronicled by many historians including 1st century historian, Josephus. Another historian Rudolph R. Windsor chronicled that millions of Jews fled into Africa to escape the Roman armies, some also ending being sold into slavery:
These plantations were owned by mostly Senators in the Roman Republic and accounted for much of the agricultural needs within the empire. Many slave revolts occured leading up to the successful rebellion of Septimus Severus who was an Israleite. Modern historians up until the 1970s referred to him as Negro or African. I have an old Timelife book from 1965 that confesses this fact. They will not let that information out in today's society. I believe that this is the issue:
@ReturnOfJudah. I know that you are aware of the curses of Israel. I know that you are aware by now that certain curses fell harder on the northern kingdom and some fell harder on the southern kingdom. Well, we know that the curses are based on the seed aka the sperm line aka the paternal line. It is clear that according to curses, it will be on the seed of Jacob as a sign and a wonder
Deuteronomy 28
15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lordthy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
46 And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.
Now one of the things that the southern kingdom suffers is sickle-trait/anemia. I lost one of my close friends from the Bahamas due to complication on this condition. Although is it not very common, it shows up on our people the most. I have a map that shows where this is prevalent. What you will notice on this map is that not all what we call "Africans" carry this trait...showing you that Africans (Hamitic) and Negroes (Israelites) are again two difference sets of people and come from completely different even the the most renowned Bible scholars concluded that Negroes ARE NOT sons of Ham:
Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites.
Now on to the
sickle cell frequency map:
Other maps show pretty much the same thing. Now, people may not know that a good number of our people were sent to Arabia, ever seen a Saudi Arabian national team...
Looks like Jake to me
Noptice the sickle map highlights southern Iran. Guess who ended living in that part of Iran? Decendants of slaves sent to Iran:
THese girls parents are from southern Iran:
Malika and Khadijah Haqq (friends of the Kardashians, remember they were in the movie ATL)
Malika and Khadijah Haqq’s parents are immigrants from Khuzestan, Iran. Most Afro-Iranians are Iranians of Sub-Saharan African descent. They are found mainly in the Iranian cities of Khuzestan, Sistan, Hormozagan and Baluchestan. According to research done by Dash Harris and James Daniel Lopez, the Indian Ocean slave trade was the portal through which ancestors of most present day Afro-Iranians arrived. Arabs captured and sold enslaved people to the Persian Gulf, Egypt, Arabia, the Far East, the Indian Ocean islands, Ethiopia and Somalia.
These girls like like your everyday AA that were descendants of people taken off the West Coast of Africa...the so-called Negroes.
Just wanted to point that out before I forget
Now, back to the Mediterranean:
As you can see the Mediterranean have a high concentration of sickle cell trait. This should not be surprising if you look at a map of Paul's ministry, those happen to be the same areas he frequented to get the scattered Israelites. Notice that places like Croatia, Serbia and Albania are covered, it was all called Dalmatia during the Roman Empire. Paul writes about one of the disciples that left him going to Dalmatia. Constantine was born there, he was a so-called black man, an Israelite but historians won't tell you that. I will get into some archaeology to prove that two completely different sets of people ruled Europe another time.
Now, with Sicily and other areas of the tropics we must understand that the so-called Moors were not the first set of Israelites there. Israelites were already in Sicily and southern Italy 2,000 years ago. When they were kicked out of Rome by Claudius, many of them simply fled to other provinces to the south (Naples/Sicily), west (Spain),or east (Dalmatia or Greece). The only thing the Moors, who are Israelites that worshiped Islam did was increased the frequency of the seed of Israel in the Mediterranean. These areas includes Sardinia that has a Moor on their flag. Also has high rates of sickle cell trait.
Notice that many of the same places that I am naming were conquered by Spain, places like Naples and Siciliy were taken under the crown by Spain after the fall of the Moors. This happened for a reason. None of those people that lived in the Meditreanean had their own empire global empire, because they were for the most part not a part of the beast. they were not considered true "Europeans" because their history was and their decedency was heavily "Negro". There is a reason why Sicilians were called Guineas.
When I watched Jersey Shore, not being from the East Coast. I can tell that those were not everyday white boys. Their obsession with getting fades, lingo and their whole swag was straight up southern kingdom especially Pauly D and Situation. Ronnie reminded me of a Rican dude I knew, all passionate about his girls and shyt, ready to fight if you look at his girl

and what's crazy is that I later found out dude;s dad was Rican. So it made sense now that I am in the Truth.
Now, not all Sicilians or other Mediterranean people's lines will go back to the Israelites but a larger percentage will than say Sweden or Germany. I will have to go into another lessen on how black nobility disappeared from Europe starting in the Renaissance.
Although, we got into the curses on the seed of Israel...one thing we know is that we got extraordinary abilities when compared to all other nations. Athletics, style, acting and singing is among them...something that has been showcased by people of Sicilian/Medittreanean decent. And when you see if it, yoyu know they are not Edomites, but Jakes:
Next: 3rd phase: Examples of confusion of face...Jakes in disguise