Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
Swear, Wolverine is one of the most overpowered, over pushed, over promoted characters in all of comics. shyt is straight up annoying. Deadpool is slowly approaching that level too. His stans are even worse.

Batman defeating or even being able to fight super beings is even worse. I enjoy reading Batman stories when he's fighting his rogue gallery, but when he's not in his world and fighting dudes like Darkseid, it's too stupid for me. It was like when Punisher was showing up all over the place in the Marvel Universe. It didn't make sense.

As far as Wolverine, when he got ripped in half by the Hulk, what in the hell were the editors thinking approving that. Stupidest shyt by far.


All Star
Jul 18, 2012

:sas1::sas2:just you wait



What the hell is this?


May 3, 2012
  • weapon x
  • old man logan
  • enemy of the state
  • logan
really though the best wolverine stories are x-men stories

Add "Not Dead Yet", Original Wolverine mini, "Fatal Attractions", "Kitty Pryde and Wolverine", X-Men #132, The Brood and Whedon's Astonishing X-Men


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Wolverine has one of if not the strongest jobber aura in comcis. Iirc him drinking Thor under the table and/or him beating Thor in a fist fight. That healing from nothing feat was high level bullshyt though. I would have to say its his dumbest feats are his mental ones. Being resistant to tp cuz you're in idgaf/angry/i win mode won't ever mak sense.

Right under, Captain America, Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Hawkeye and just about every street level character in comics :mjpls:

Wolverine has one of the most functional powers in comics and one of the most experienced characters in comics, If you are gonna call him beating people up as jobber aura, you must hate to read street level character books.
i think fillerguy means jobber in the context of the shyt writers put him through. nikkas be like "OK we're gonna hit wolverine with this heat-seeking missile":whoo:


May 3, 2012
I'll answer all your points:

Well... I appreciate the effort, but you didn't answer the most important points that I made, but we can work it through if you down for it...

1) Aren't you doing the same thing though? Aren't we sitting here trying to convince each other that one character is superior to the other. :laugh:

Not at all.

I didn't come into a Spider-Man or Batman or YOUR favorite character thread with the sole purpose of throwing shade, you did. I'm not trying to convince you Wolverine is superior to any of them, because its a mainly subjective case. Now, I think objectively Wolverine IS a more versatile character than everyone you named, but that doesn't mean you have to like him. But don't try to phrase your argument of him being "wack" when what your TRUE argument is, is that "You don't like him".

2) I don't buy anything that I wouldn't read... That doesn't make sense. It's a waste of money. :dwillhuh:

Then why do you care how many books or covers he is on? :sas1:

3) Annoyed is just the easiest word to use to describe my feeling about the character, I don't lose sleep, or even really argue with, people over the character in real life (Outside of the maybe 10 - 15 minutes I spend at Forbidden Planet like once a month or so).

You should choose a word more accurate of your feelings. Annoyed speaks about someone or thing actively doing something to you, when he is a fictional character, he hasn't done anything to you at all. Like I said, it just comes across as petty, I'm sure you didn't truly mean it that way but if something is truly annoying you, why actively pursue it? Just ignore it. Like you could have done with this thread.

4) Will do.


6) Smarter, more resourceful, better tactician. etc. Batman >>> Logan.

Faster, Stronger, more physically adept, more powerful, more experienced, more skilled and doesn't have to rely on prep time to get major wins, Logan >>>> Batman (no prep time) :troll:

And even the fans agree:

6) Agreed, but that's what make him so interesting. He's more relatable than the average hero. How many "Tony Starks" do you know? How many "Peter Parkers" do you know? Willing to be that you know more Peter's than Tony's

And I disagree. I think its a major weakness of the character and not one that I particularly enjoy reading about, regardless that doesn't take away from the greatness that is Spider-man and I still love the character. I give my man @MartyMcFly a lil grief because Peter has a loser's mentality but he is a great character overall, he just isn't relatable to me :jawalrus:

7)Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I don't read too much Logan outside of X-Men and whatever other book he's guesting in. But when he's on the cover of like 8 different Marvel books you gotta question saturation and exposure. Are you going to tell me Deadpool is as interesting now that he's become more mainstream?

Well there is the root of your problem right there. You are ignorant to the character, and I don't mean that disrespectfully, I just mean you don't know much about the character. I used to be the same way with Superman back in the 90s, until I took the time from two of the biggest superman fans on the net that happened to be good friends of mine and studied the character and realized how good he can be.

If you care enough, take the time to learn about Logan, on some real shyt, I think he is actually a really inspirational character at his core, nobody has came from a lower place in life and risen to greatness more than him.

and about the covers... its busness man, never forget that. They stop making money, then they have to stop making comics. They gotta keep stacking that paper, why hate on that?

8) If I didn't come to discuss Wolverine's ridiculous feats, what did I come here to discuss? :dwillhuh:
I was actually looking to post the pic of him getting ripped in half by Hulk and reforming. Work computer is being difficult though.

The first pic of ULIMATE Hulk ripping him in half happened in the Ultimate Universe, it was not the same Wolverine we all know and love. And I own that mini, half the story was Wolverine recovering from the beatdown Hulk gave him and wondering how he got talked into that mess :pachaha:

And I don't know what you came to discuss, that's on you. If you have Logan questions, I'll be more than happy to help answer them... but as I said before

No Logan slander shall prosper :ufdup:

Also: I hope to never have to type this much again.

This was light work, breh. You should see how much I get in an extended comic debate. Don't bring up a Beta Ray Bill vs. Gladiator discussion lol

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
Well... I appreciate the effort, but you didn't answer the most important points that I made, but we can work it through if you down for it...

Not at all.

I didn't come into a Spider-Man or Batman or YOUR favorite character thread with the sole purpose of throwing shade, you did. I'm not trying to convince you Wolverine is superior to any of them, because its a mainly subjective case. Now, I think objectively Wolverine IS a more versatile character than everyone you named, but that doesn't mean you have to like him. But don't try to phrase your argument of him being "wack" when what your TRUE argument is, is that "You don't like him".

Then why do you care how many books or covers he is on? :sas1:

You should choose a word more accurate of your feelings. Annoyed speaks about someone or thing actively doing something to you, when he is a fictional character, he hasn't done anything to you at all. Like I said, it just comes across as petty, I'm sure you didn't truly mean it that way but if something is truly annoying you, why actively pursue it? Just ignore it. Like you could have done with this thread.


Faster, Stronger, more physically adept, more powerful, more experienced, more skilled and doesn't have to rely on prep time to get major wins, Logan >>>> Batman (no prep time) :troll:

And even the fans agree:

And I disagree. I think its a major weakness of the character and not one that I particularly enjoy reading about, regardless that doesn't take away from the greatness that is Spider-man and I still love the character. I give my man @MartyMcFly a lil grief because Peter has a loser's mentality but he is a great character overall, he just isn't relatable to me :jawalrus:

Well there is the root of your problem right there. You are ignorant to the character, and I don't mean that disrespectfully, I just mean you don't know much about the character. I used to be the same way with Superman back in the 90s, until I took the time from two of the biggest superman fans on the net that happened to be good friends of mine and studied the character and realized how good he can be.

If you care enough, take the time to learn about Logan, on some real shyt, I think he is actually a really inspirational character at his core, nobody has came from a lower place in life and risen to greatness more than him.

and about the covers... its busness man, never forget that. They stop making money, then they have to stop making comics. They gotta keep stacking that paper, why hate on that?

The first pic of ULIMATE Hulk ripping him in half happened in the Ultimate Universe, it was not the same Wolverine we all know and love. And I own that mini, half the story was Wolverine recovering from the beatdown Hulk gave him and wondering how he got talked into that mess :pachaha:

And I don't know what you came to discuss, that's on you. If you have Logan questions, I'll be more than happy to help answer them... but as I said before

No Logan slander shall prosper :ufdup:

This was light work, breh. You should see how much I get in an extended comic debate. Don't bring up a Beta Ray Bill vs. Gladiator discussion lol

Y'all really serious with this Wolverine slander, huh? You can have the L And I don't mean that facetiously, I really got nothing else to say.


May 3, 2012
i think fillerguy means jobber in the context of the shyt writers put him through. nikkas be like "OK we're gonna hit wolverine with this heat-seeking missile":whoo:

Well outside of the natural power creep of continuing fiction, functionally and from a creating standpoint Wolverine's powers become "Hey what cool stuff can we put Logan throw this month?!?" and it becomes how can they top it