The Levant an Extension of Africa? Let's take a look shall we?


Jun 28, 2013

Whats your opinion on the Greeks differentiating between the Canaanites and including the Phoenicians under the "black Syrians". That was really the thing that convinced me that at least southern Canaan was black.

Fam, @Marvel is going to say yes to get daps and rep from you, then turn around and quote Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary in another thread to show everyone how the Hamites (Ancient Egyptians, Libyans, Cushytes and Canaanites) aren't black or rather "negroes" based on Zondervan's naive use of the Hamitic Hypothesis. Since they still subscribe to the Eurocentric 19th century belief that Hamites are dark skinned Caucasian. Ham known to be Caucasian&source=bl&ots=dSMtNu6uBl&sig=Ak2c0N9xjRZaLDtLmcwPBe4QIm4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pxcPVJnEFYi9ggSt9oDgDg&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Zondervan Ham known to be Caucasian&f=false

Zondervan's NIV Study Bible.

Noah’s curse cannot be used to justify the enslavement of blacks, since most of Ham’s descendants are known to be Caucasian, as the Canaanites certainly were (as shown by ancient paintings of the Canaanites discovered in Egypt)

A word of advise to you @KidStranglehold research everything, even the things you see me posting. Stop searching for inquiry from dudes who aren't even serious enough to hide their trolling antics.


Jun 28, 2013
Part 3: Were the Ancient Jews black like other Southern Canaanites?

I always held the idea of the Ancient Jews being black as nonsense due to the nonsense by radicals like the Black Hebrew Israelite's. But after doing some research around the web, I'm starting to really entertain that the early Jews were just migrating Egyptians/Ethiopians. I'm going to try and post sources that support this theory.

In part 2 we already know about Africans migrating into the Levant since the Neolithic. And also how the people of Southern Canaan, (which Israel is apart of) were described. Again Southern Canaan was Egypt's oldest colony. Even during pre-dynastic times. A number of Israeli archaeologists claim ethnic Egyptians dominated some important Jewish territories which is interesting to me. Some people still believe the Jews were enslaved in Ancient Egypt, but we know from Zahi Hawass article that was not the case. But touching base on the known exodus hypothesis, Manetho and others wrote of a leprosy outbreak around 1400 BCE (Armana period) where high numbers of Egyptians and Ethiopians were forced to leave the country. I wouldn't doubt these same exiles going into Canaan and eventually taking over. Perhaps later they were seen as the Hebrew? Again Southern Canaan was Egypt's oldest colony and the Hebrew retain certain customs that were once familiar to Egyptians and Ethiopians (for instance, circumcision).

But getting back on track of the early Jews being migrating Egyptians/Ethiopians, lets look at what some Greek/Roman writers state:


Tacitus -- The Histories Book V

But more importantly Upper-Egyptians had a very long presence in one of the largest Hebrew cities such as Lachish, making up the majority of the population as late as the 6th century.

(David Ussiskhin: "The Conquest of Lachish by Sennacherib"; Tel Aviv University, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv, 1982: p.56-57)

Gezer and Megiddo showed similar affinities with Upper-Middle Egyptian-related populations. Judah and Egypt had strong ties during the Kush*te period. It is not a stretch to suggest they assisted Judah against the Assyrians because had close ties, going back to Neolithic times, when overpopulation along the upper Nile led to rather large scale migrations to the Levant. Also here's an interesting quote though I can not find the source, IIRC its by a Roman:

Here is something that agree's with that Lachish find:

Shem who is belived to be parent of the Jews, iirc.

IMO this is why the Romans stated the Jews are from Ethiopia/Kush:


And to elaborate more...Note the hair depicted on David (dreadlocks) is consistent with the depictions of Egyptians, Ethiopians and Berbers in Greco-Roman art:



Joseph being sold to Ishmaelites.


Peter weeping after denying Christ three times, and the cock crowing; a deep pit represented by large jar with a mir of clay.

David and Goliath, each accompanied by a personification: David by Might and Goliath by Pride.

The capture of David by Philistines in Gath.

David in the cave of Adullam.

David being crowned king of Israel.

Again this is just my personal theory that the early Jews were a subset of Egyptians/Ethiopians. But I think damn good one. The origins of the early Jews is really anyone's guess. But imo the Jews being black is more possible than them being white.


Again all of this was just speculation on my part. Though the argument for Ancient Canaanites/Jews being black is not Afrocentric at all, but a very, very high possibility. Since the Levant was a crossroad and a hopscotch away from Northeast Africa. The race on the Jews/Canaanites is anyone's argument really. The root of my argument is based off Canaan being a son of Ham which is the black race in the bible. Though I still hold on that the Levant is an extension of Africa and don't think it is speculation. But what is for sure is that Eurocentrics have an obession with the children of Ham and areas surrounding their location.

You raised many interesting points. I'ma add my two pennies.

First I gotta point out Songs 1:6 says the following "Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept."

It should also be noted that Tacitus was quoting other's thoughts of the origin of the Jews. I'm sure there were subjective opinions across the board.

Some say that the Jews were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter. Evidence of this is sought in the name. There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighboring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name. Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighboring countries. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbors to seek a new dwelling-place. Others describe them as an Assyrian horde who, not having sufficient territory, took possession of part of Egypt, and founded cities of their own in what is called the Hebrew country, lying on the borders of Syria. Others, again, assign a very distinguished origin to the Jews, alleging that they were the Solymi, a nation celebrated in the poems of Homer, who called the city which they founded Hierosolyma after their own name. Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods.

Manethos, who was a Egyptian historian during the Ptolemy dynasty, was quoted by Josephus as saying the Jews were lepers (hence why Josephus eventually had to refute him in Against Apion. Apion being another critic of the Jews). This is why Tacitus made his assertion at the end that "most writers believe a disease blahzey blah" Since most writers during that time quoted Manethos as a primary source.

I firmly hold to the belief that the Hebrews were a mixed people. Especially since they were an amalgamation of other people. Both in the sense they intermixed with and proselyted other groups. I also believe many of the natural Israelites (i.e those born into their respective tribes who weren't proselyted in) were initially dark skinned. Especially considering the people they intermixed with the most and lived amongst were Hamitic. It is scientifically proven that when different groups of people live amongst each other, it is a natural human inclination to mix and intermarry with one another.

Many HIs oppose that view despite proof to the contrary within historical accounts and the bible itself. Some actually believe the Israelites only had the phenotype found amongst West Africans.

And yet those who adhere to that belief fail to factor in the diaspora of the Israelites, which stretched from Africa to Europe. Which is why every nation has a Jew in it, or at the very least, someone who potentially may have Hebraic lineage (whether they know it or not).

This is even confirmed in the Bible itself and other writings from the Hebrews throughout antiquity. And it becomes more apparent during the time when Judah became the main tribe in the land (hence Jews). For example, some of the Pharisees, such as Rabbi Ishmael, said the following.

Negaim 2:1

'The Jews are like the boxwood tree, neither black nor white but in between'

Then one has to factor in that the so-called "curse of Ham" theory had it's basis in the writings of the Pharisees.

Tractate Sanhedrin

Folio 108a

Rabbis taught: Three copulated in the ark, and they were all punished — the dog, the raven, and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expectorates [his seed into his mate's mouth]. and Ham was smitten in his skin.

Even though that was only an opinion and is found nowhere in the Bible (since Canaan was the one cursed) it provides proof that the Jews weren't all one uniform phenotype. Especially if the Pharisees were saying those things, since they considered themselves to be the "purest" amongst the people, and ones who had not intermingled with anyone else. Hence their name in Hebrew Pĕrûshîm, which means "set apart."

How could they all be dark skinned, and yet see dark skin as a punishment?

But all Pharisaic ignorance aside, I'm amazed at how different groups with very different phenotypes share the same Hebraic Y-DNA. Such as the Lemba and Cohens in the state of Israel. Again, the disapora confirms how such a phenomenon could take place.

I also find interesting that Josephus in Against Apion (1.179) quotes Aristotle's pupil Clearchos of Soli conversation with Hyperochides, where he was presented his teacher's theory of the origin of the Jews.

"It would take too long to repeat the whole story, but there were features in that man's character, at once strangely marvellous and philosophical, which merit description. 'I warn you, Hyperochides,' he said, 'that what I am about to say will seem to you as wonderful as a dream.' Hyperochides respectfully replied, 'that is the very reason why we are all anxious to hear it'. 'Well,' said Aristotle, 'in accordance with the precepts of rhetoric, let us begin by describing his race, in order to keep to the rules of our masters in the art of narration.' 'Tell the story as you please,' said Hyperochides. 'Well,' he replied, 'the man was a Jew of Coele-Syria. These people are descended from the Indian philosophers. The philosophers, they say, are in India called Calani;[6] in Syria by the territorial name of Jews; for the district which they inhabit is known as Judaea. Their city has a remarkably odd name: they call it Hierusaleme*. Now this man, who was entertained by a large circle of friends and was on his way down from the interior to the coast, not only spoke Greek, but had the soul of a Greek. During my stay in Asia, he visited the same places as I did, and came to converse with me and some other scholars, to test our learning. But as one who had been intimate with many cultivated persons, it was rather he who imparted to us something of his own."
Footnote 6 (p. 68) reads: "Calanus is a proper name of an Indian ascetic who burned himself to death in the presence of Alexander the Great. He is mentioned by Strabo, Diodorus, Philo, Plutarch, Arrian, Lucian and Aelian." I guess the next step would be to find the Thackary translation. Or is this journal article reliable enough that we could use it? -- Presearch (talk) 17:45, 2 April 2013 (UTC)

*(Highlighted for HI proponents of the fake "Lashawan Qadash" dialect)

Aristotle confused the Jews for Hindu Indians. Then toss into the mix the religiously inclined ones that rock dreads (Sadus).

Just things to make you go hmm.
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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)

Nice post man. Its interesting that you post that primary source by Manethos which touches base on my claim that Egyptians/Ethiopians migrated out of their land when an outbreak happened and the early Jews could be descendants from these migrants. I didn't know that Menethos was used as a primary source by many different scholars. But his claim does make sense and when we look at Lachish remains.

And its interesting that you bring up the Cohen haplotype. The gene has been found as far away as Zimbabwe. Among the Bantu speaking Lemba, over half the males of the Buba clan possess this haplotype, making them even more "Jewish" than Cohens residing in Israel. The Lemba are believed to have left Judea for Yemen around 2,500 years ago, and from there settled in Ethiopia and Tanzania. This makes sense because prior to the birth of Muhammad, Yemen had a significant Jewish population, whose kings were responsible for the slaughter of some 20,000 Christians, wiping most of Christianity in Arabian (high numbers of these Christians were saved by the Christian king of Ethiopia).

The question is this: had the Lemba always lived in Judea? If not, where did they come from? They're most likely from the Nile Valley, as its a crossroad to and from SW Asia, was settlement from inner Africa. Having secured their freedom from Babylon, thanks to the Persians, high numbers of Jews returned to Egypt and would later serve important roles during the Ptolemaic period (for instance, Jewish priests overseeing the Library of Alexandria, where perhaps they received the bulk of their theology). I wouldn't be surprised if the Lemba "returned" with the same wave. Whatever the case, it's a very strong link.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla

Whats your opinion on the Greeks differentiating between the Canaanites and including the Phoenicians under the "black Syrians". That was really the thing that convinced me that at least southern Canaan was black.

Breh, all Ancient Canaanites and Israelites are what people would call black including the Phoenicians (original inhabitants of modern day Lebanon). The Phoenicians were one of many Canaanite tribes/nations. These people did not disappear, they simply resettled in Africa. The Phoenicians had communities in North Africa along the Mediterranean in large part because they were sea people and were heavily involved in trading via merchant ships. The reason it was easy because the Phoenician coast has friendly waters which allowed them to dock their ships a lot easier than in other coastal areas. In these same places Israelite set up communities as well. Many eventually migrated southward in Africa, both Canaanite and Israelite people. This a good cross reference book:

You need to understand that people were consistently moved out of the Levant area, especially during the rise of the and Greco-Roman empires. This well documented in the 1611 KJV Bible with the Apocrypha. That is why the Bible is a true book and a good historical reference. It details various events that are purposely not taught in schools which again is the reason why the Apocrypha was taken out, it puts too much ether on the so-called white man. It details the evils of his rulership. Then you will realize that the word Greek in Galatians 3:28 is the word hellen, meaning Jews that converted completely to Greek religion and customs. Israelites were told to take on Greek customs or die. Israelite babies that were circumcised were killed by the Greek as a law. They were forced to eat pork. Some people took death over breaking the commandents of the Most High. Out of fear many became hellen before the cominng of the Messiah, these are the people that Paul coverted back to the Heavenly Father through the Gospel of Christ. That is why they were called gentiles (which means heathen) because they were not keeping their Israelite customs. Before the Messiah came, many Isrealites in Judea were scattered to Africa under the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, again this is all in the Apocypha . Not already factoring in that many Israelites migrated to other parts of the then Greek Empire before this an areas such as Asia Minor (modern day Turkey and Armenia), Italy, Crete, Greece, Persia, India, etc. The remaining Israelites in Judea fled into Africa 70 A.D. in the Siege of Jerusalem under Titus Vespasia. This is a good cross reference book Israelites in Africa:

As far as the "black Syrian". Modern-day Lebanon is where the Ancient Phoenicians used to stay, that area bordered what is now Syria, borders shift and change over time. The Greeks were notorious for lumping groups together and calling them various names for their own understating as documented in the Complete Works of Josephus. Heck, at one point all people in Africa were at one point called Ethiopian, greek word for burnt face people.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Breh, all Ancient Canaanites and Israelites are what people would call black including the Phoenicians (original inhabitants of modern day Lebanon). The Phoenicians were one of many Canaanite tribes/nations. These people did not disappear, they simply resettled in Africa. The Phoenicians had communities in North Africa along the Mediterranean in large part because they were sea people and were heavily involved in trading via merchant ships. The reason it was easy because the Phoenician coast has friendly waters which allowed them to dock their ships a lot easier than in other coastal areas. In these same places Israelite set up communities as well. Many eventually migrated southward in Africa, both Canaanite and Israelite people. This a good cross reference book:

Do you have any sources that describe the looks of the Phoenicians? Because I been looking around the web for descriptions of the Phoenicians. Again I only know they were labeled under the "black Syrians".

You need to understand that people were consistently moved out of the Levant area, especially during the rise of the and Greco-Roman empires.

I mentioned more pale skinned people migrating south to the Levant from the Caucasus and Ancient Anatolia. I am aware that Syria received a lot of immigrants during antiquity; even from Europe. Which some of today's "white" Syrians are descendants of.

This well documented in the 1611 KJV Bible with the Apocrypha. That is why the Bible is a true book and a good historical reference.

I wouldn't go there. Some stuff are historically true, but some are stories told differently.

It details various events that are purposely not taught in schools which again is the reason why the Apocrypha was taken out, it puts too much ether on the so-called white man. It details the evils of his rulership. Then you will realize that the word Greek in Galatians 3:28 is the word hellen, meaning Jews that converted completely to Greek religion and customs. Israelites were told to take on Greek customs or die. Israelite babies that were circumcised were killed by the Greek as a law. They were forced to eat pork. Some people took death over breaking the commandents of the Most High. Out of fear many became hellen before the cominng of the Messiah, these are the people that Paul coverted back to the Heavenly Father through the Gospel of Christ. That is why they were called gentiles (which means heathen) because they were not keeping their Israelite customs. Before the Messiah came, many Isrealites in Judea were scattered to Africa under the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, again this is all in the Apocypha . Not already factoring in that many Israelites migrated to other parts of the then Greek Empire before this an areas such as Asia Minor (modern day Turkey and Armenia), Italy, Crete, Greece, Persia, India, etc. The remaining Israelites in Judea fled into Africa 70 A.D. in the Siege of Jerusalem under Titus Vespasia. This is a good cross reference book Israelites in Africa:


As far as the "black Syrian". Modern-day Lebanon is where the Ancient Phoenicians used to stay, that area bordered what is now Syria, borders shift and change over time. The Greeks were notorious for lumping groups together and calling them various names for their own understating as documented in the Complete Works of Josephus. Heck, at one point all people in Africa were at one point called Ethiopian, greek word for burnt face people.

Indeed. The whole area south of Egypt was labeled Ethiopia and even west. And IIRC even southern Arabia was considered part of Africa by the Greeks.


Jun 28, 2013
No, it comes from this guy

You need to put Czar on ignore, dude is a Khazar fake Jew that is on here to spread misinformation especially on black related topics.

Riiiight, now I'ma "Khazar fake jew."

Is that why you conveniently ducked this post?


This is why you stay getting cut with facts. It's bad enough that you're double-minded and are using this new "Hebrew-Israelite" gimmick to troll people (after you were a "Pan-Africanist" early this year).

First off, you put Josephus the complete works in your post. Ironically, Josephus does not AGREE with the nonsense you're uttering.

In fact, Rudolph Windsor (author of From Babylon to Timbuktu, which many HI's quote from) quotes Josephus, who claims the name Africa was derived from the descendants of Abraham And Keturah (Page 53, chapter 5)"Africa. It is derived from the descendants of Abraham"&source=bl&ots=cmdsNE2NXl&sig=drVsETFEcgZd37NgOLVbY1n_K30&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pZEuVKmmN8q2yASa44H4Ag&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q="Africa. It is derived from the descendants of Abraham"&f=false

But the modern name of this continent is Africa. It is derived from the descendants of Abraham and Keturah. These descendants are Ophren (Or Aspher) and Japhran.
The black Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote the following: Ophren, the grandson of Abraham through Keturah, led a military expedition against Libya and captured it.
When his grandchildren colonized that place, they called it (from his name) Africa

And here is the direct link to the quote from The Complete Works of Josephus.

Moreover, you do realize Publius Cornelius Scipio ADOPTED the agonome Africanus FROM Africa after his conquest, not the other way around.

He was best known for defeating Hannibal at the final battle of the Second Punic War at Zama, a feat that earned him the agnomen Africanus,

More from Rudolph Windsor."in the latin language the word for Africa is Afer"&source=bl&ots=cmdsNE3OXj&sig=Hg1fM6YtRABflzHbwku9ppE8uFo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8JUuVMrcCoT5yATZtYC4BQ&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q="in the latin language the word for Africa is Afer"&f=false

"In the Latin language, the word for Africa is Afer, which is similar to Ophren (or Apher). The "F" in the word Afer, and the "Ph" in the Apher are interchangeable in many languages. In North Africa, the Romans won a military victory (the period of the Third Punic War) Ostensibly, the Romans borrowed the word Afer from the ancient Libyans, who called their country Apher.

Afri was a Latin name used to refer to the Carthaginians, who dwelt in North Africa in modern-day Tunisia. This name seems to have originally referred to a native Libyan tribe; however, see Terence#Biography for discussion. The name is usually connected with Phoenician afar, "dust", but a 1981 hypothesis[8] has asserted that it stems from the Berber ifri (plural ifran) "cave", in reference to cave dwellers.[9] The same word[9] may be found in the name of the Banu Ifran from Algeria and Tripolitania, a Berber tribe originally from Yafran (also known as Ifrane) in northwestern Libya.[10]

From The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Roman Empire."And Scipio received the title"&source=bl&ots=ia2jHFue9K&sig=sfyzI74Qb1BUN_wnev6KkZdD_wQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=z5cuVPabIZSlyASsioKQDQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q="And Scipio received the title"&f=false

Scipio defeated Hannibal in 202 B.C.E. Rome became master of the Western Mediterranean, and Scipio received the title "Africanus" the "Conqueror of Africa."


Step your knowledge up and stop being willfully ignorant.

Let's remind everyone who you actually are.

You REALLY don't know who @Marvel is.
This is a dude who up until this year was a hard body Tariq Nasheed/Umar Johnson stan, who would blatantly lie about his accomplishments (two supposed masters and a million other degrees in whatever topic he's conveniently arguing ATM lol). Now he's pretending to be a "Hebrew Israelite," even though he's 100% Nigerian and his parents came to this country of their own free will and paid for his education.
You went from this

I am a Pan-Africanist
I'm 100% African

To this

How did they become "Africans" if they are not the descendants of Scipio Africanus?
At least LOJ is consistent in his ignorance and trolling.
Which makes it ironic seeing @Marvel pretending to be a "Hebrew Israelite" now, since he is 100% African and has NO ancestry through slaves. Which according to the false doctrine he's parroting condemns him to slavery and destruction in the future. :mjlol:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
No, it comes from this guy

You need to put Czar on ignore, dude is a Khazar fake Jew that is on here to spread misinformation especially on black related topics.

Actually I read many sources that state Africa comes from the Afri people.

Latin Africa (terra) "African land, Libya, the Carthaginian territory," fem. of Africus, from Afer "an African." Originally only in reference to the region around modern Tunisia, it gradually was extended to the whole continent. Derivation from Arabic afar "dust, earth" is tempting, but the early date seems to argue against it. The Middle English word wasAffrike.


Jun 28, 2013

Nice post man. Its interesting that you post that primary source by Manethos which touches base on my claim that Egyptians/Ethiopians migrated out of their land when an outbreak happened and the early Jews could be descendants from these migrants. I didn't know that Menethos was used as a primary source by many different scholars. But his claim does make sense and when we look at Lachish remains.

And its interesting that you bring up the Cohen haplotype. The gene has been found as far away as Zimbabwe. Among the Bantu speaking Lemba, over half the males of the Buba clan possess this haplotype, making them even more "Jewish" than Cohens residing in Israel. The Lemba are believed to have left Judea for Yemen around 2,500 years ago, and from there settled in Ethiopia and Tanzania. This makes sense because prior to the birth of Muhammad, Yemen had a significant Jewish population, whose kings were responsible for the slaughter of some 20,000 Christians, wiping most of Christianity in Arabian (high numbers of these Christians were saved by the Christian king of Ethiopia).

The question is this: had the Lemba always lived in Judea? If not, where did they come from? They're most likely from the Nile Valley, as its a crossroad to and from SW Asia, was settlement from inner Africa. Having secured their freedom from Babylon, thanks to the Persians, high numbers of Jews returned to Egypt and would later serve important roles during the Ptolemaic period (for instance, Jewish priests overseeing the Library of Alexandria, where perhaps they received the bulk of their theology). I wouldn't be surprised if the Lemba "returned" with the same wave. Whatever the case, it's a very strong link.

You pretty much hit it right on the nail. Yemen plays a huge role in the history of the Lembas. According to their oral tradition, their ancestors crossed over from Yemen and migrated south.

Btw, are you at all familiar with the Tarikh al fattash? It actually talks about a man from Yemen (who many believe was a Jew) who went out to West Africa and helped form a community out there. Very interesting stuff indeed.
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Jun 28, 2013
Actually I read many sources that state Africa comes from the Afri people.

Breh, @Marvel is a troll, and not a clever or creative one at that.

I find it amazing how I literally quoted from the books he recommended to you, which refute his claim, only to see him turn around and reject the information. Dude is incredibly double-minded.

Then again, I don't expect someone who was a Pan-Africanist in Feburary and a Hebrew Israelite by May to be consistent in any of the thing he says.


May 7, 2012
You pretty much hit it right on the nail. Yemen plays a huge role in the history of the Lembas. According to their oral traditon, there Ancestors crossed over from Yemen and migrated south.

Btw, are you at all familiar with the Tarikh al fattash? It actually talks about a man from Yemen (who many believe was a Jew) who went out to West Africa and helped form a community out there. Very interesting stuff indeed.

I still gotta buy that book :snoop:

interesting thread