"The Flash" Season 2 thread


May 2, 2012
Toronto/ Jersey / ATL / LA / Panoramic Roofs
So they got the worst actor on the show playing Zoom.


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
Just caught the producer's interview and my thoughts about Zoom have changed a little -

So according to the producers, Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon are the same person, and the person that was with Team Flash all season is Zoom. So my theory -

We've only seen one Jay Garrick so far, and he's been Zoom all along, but he has an underling (probably Earth-2 Everyman) that he occasionally sends over to Earth-1 to act as Garrick when he needs to do something as Zoom. The guy that we saw get killed was actually Everyman, not any version of Jay Garrick. My timeline -

  • Garrick gets his powers when Wells-2 turns on his particle accelerator
  • Jay becomes the Flash and eventually becomes obsessed with becoming faster, so he creates Velocity-6 and starts taking it.
  • The Velocity-6 works, and amps up his powers to "Zoom" level. Unfortunately, as a side effect, is causes his DNA to start degenerating, slowly killing him. Also makes him mentally unstable. He blames Wells for this predicament, which is why he hates him.
  • Jay creates the "Zoom" alias and begins to terrorize Earth-2 Central City. He recruits Killer Frost, Deathstorm, and Reverb. He also recruits his Earth's version of Everyman to occasionally make appearances as Jay Garrick and pretend to fight him, so nobody would be suspicious.
  • One day the portal opens up. During that time, Eddie comes thru the portal. Wanting to learn about Earth-1, Zoom has Killer Frost revive Eddie, and Zoom forces Eddie to tell him about Earth-1 and Team Flash, and decides to go there soon after. His thought is that absorbing that Flash's speed will cure his disease. In the meantime he imprisons Eddie and puts him in a mask.
  • Zoom/Jay goes to Earth-1 and watches Team Flash for six months, learning all he can about them before introducing himself as Jay Garrick. After that he starts sending villains at Barry (to force him to get faster) while giving him advice on beating them as Jay Garrick.
  • The reason Jay kept trying to stop Barry from fighting Zoom was because Jay wasn't ready to absorb his speed yet. When Barry wouldn't listen, he said fukk it and just beat his ass.
  • The reason Wells felt like Jay didn't do all he could to stop Zoom was because he didn't (all the fights were just Everyman shapeshifting into Jay and pretending to try to fight Zoom) and somebody as smart as Wells could tell that the fights looked half-assed.
  • The Jay that was "killed" was just Everyman (though he's probably not dead). He didn't want one of his henchmen stuck on Earth-1 without him around, especially since he knows too much.
  • The Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was just a Red Herring. He has no connection to anybody aside from looking like Jay, so having him be Zoom would be anticlimactic and have no emotional impact.

Cliffnotes version: Zoom is the same Jay Garrick we know, and he just has Everyman stand in for him on occasion. Hunter Zolomon on Earth-1 was a Red Herring and has nothing to do with Zoom. Man in the mask is Eddie.

I really hoping they're using some "misdirection" when they imply that the "Jay" we have seen working with Star Labs is really Zoom. That's hard for me to accept, since it doesn't seem to match what we've seen onscreen. You can't just keep reusing the "shapeshifter" plot.