Drugs and Kalashnikovs
Sports has no meaning but entertainment.
On top of that to the men and women that play "professional" sports, its their profession, aka their job.
It is a business situation, that you don't seem capable of understanding or grasping these simple concepts should tell everyone reading a lot about your fanaticism and irrationality.
my man, if Tommy from IT sprains his fukkin wrist, is he rushing to get back to work, lest John from another firms IT dept gets a bit of extra work in that day?
then why do professional athletes do it?
would Sam from Sales take a pay cut so his firms quarterly earnings don't dip and share prices remain high, hence avoiding possible cuts to labour costs?
then why do professional athletes do it?
would Frank from Company A and Bob from Company B ever throw hands in the middle of a deal?
then why do professional athletes get into scraps while they're at "work"?
perhaps maybe calling professional sports a business and simply leaving it at that, just doesn't cut it in terms of analogies

perhaps there is something "extra" to sports then it simply being a business