Tariq Nasheed on new Star Wars movie - "12 Years a Space Slave"


All Star
Jun 18, 2015
yall really take this mans word as gospel, i still dont know who this man is or why he is so relevant to you all

john boyega was the best actor in the movie. but yes his character was a simp lord space garbage man. they pump faked us with the marketing.

I don't know about other people, but Tariq does do good by his people. From donations to good movies talking about the real issues instead of bringing in a bunch of whites to say, "we are united and progressing". That is why he is relevant to me.

And Tariq was saying pretty much what you are at the end of your post and more on top of it.
Sep 7, 2015

P.S.: This is statement so painfully white, it might as well run for a republican office in a cowboy hat and boots.

BTW, 81% of Hollywood movies this year had all white casts and no people of color in leading roles, so really, you sound hella unread and educated as well.

Yeah guess what ? Hollywood is made for white people by white people, same thing for this country, once black people understand that, they can start to use these opportunities to start things for themselves, but yall too dependent on white people. Equality don't exist, you need to stop believe this bullshyt, black people will never have the same opportunities than white people in a white industry, plain and simple, just take the money and leave to create your own thing. That's what the chinese did and they're the second biggest economy now. Complaining about how things are unfair lead to nothing.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving
why didnt you post this in the spoilers thread in the film room :noah:

Dudes gotta realize the marketing is what set people up to be disappointed. The Marketing was hinting as if Finn was going to be the new big dog Jedi, if he wasn't going to be that COOL, if Finn wasn't marketed how he was I doubt anyone would have even tripped about how he was portrayed in this first movie especially if he is allegedly going to earn his position as being the "new Han", but hell one can make the argument that Poe is going to be the new Han as in a peoples favorite that isn't the "savior" of the story.

This was low key on some Mad Max steeze, when you have Finn/Mad Max as the low key face of marketing then you watch the flick and someone else is the actual focal hero.

Like maybe I just dont know, but what Star Wars marketing of the past displays NON JEDIs with light sabers on the posters?

Look at every old school Star Wars poster, Han Solo is not welding a Light saber, so it is almost implied that holding a light saber in promo posters and commercials = Finn is a Jedi whether it be he is the main Jedi or a supporting Jedi.





these are all the posters (I know of at least) for the Star Wars flicks that are not only Luke, lol notice every person with a Ligh Saber is a Jedi in every single one.
should have posted this in the spoiler thread in the film room too :noah:

It isn't just Black people having an issue with Finn. I've seen White people claim he was useless and bumbling too.

No because there is no history of White men being portrayed problematically in Hollywood films. In most action/sci-fi/fantasy films in which they are lead, they are usually depicted as powerful, intelligent and hypercompetent. Women/minorities on the other hand is another story....
should have posted this in the spoiler thread in the film room too, too :noah:


Dec 8, 2012
If Black males don't see how emasculating that is, then they are lost. A female having to save you constantly as a man doesn't look good at all. And even though this is a movie, people internalize what they see even from fictional movies. Everything you see is a form of propaganda.
RIGHT, I dont care if that cac was Lukes daughter, no nikka needs that shyt. Plus this is fantasy, way can't he have the force just like everyone else?

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014

Yall are really sad. I guess Luke in the 1st movie was a p*ssy nerd too, its called character development!!!! Let the trilogy ride out and lets see what happens with Finn. He is the hero of the movie wtf are yall talking about, he set the whole thing in motion.


He killed 2 pilots, shot them out the sky in the millenium falcon.

He killed a couple of stormtroopers and did one in up close and personal.

Dude was far from a c00n and p*ssy.

Also the fact that he was in "sanitation" is a joke from robot chicken. The janitor is sweeping the floors and darth vader kills someone and he has to mop the floor over again. It was an inside joke.

He saved that white girl just as much as she saved him, remember dude knew nothing he was raised from a child to be a trooper, she was his 1st "human" experience.

Nonsense. Yall actually sound sad and hurt that this dude wasnt the most powerful Jedi in the universe.