Star Wars Episode VII spoiler discussion thread (enter at your own discretion)


Bushes Hall Of Famer
Sep 14, 2014
Just speculating, but i believe based off the two teasers and the art that most of what "Spoiler Man" has said has been true :manny:

Only thing wrong so far has been him saying that the desert planet was Tatooine but even then he said "presumeably"


Jul 6, 2014
Okay I've just found a goldmine


As promised, I have integrated images from the amazing TFA trailer #2 and teaser #1 into the rumored TFA chronology. I have had to split these into two posts, as you can only have 20 images per post. Many of the images correspond very neatly with rumors provided by MSW, which dramatically increases the chances of the film playing out in a way that is very close to the below. In a few instances, where it is not clear where an image belongs, I have taken a guess (or made a placement decision based on narrative flow). Be warned. This chronology, with the images included, gives a pretty solid sketch of how this film flows. If you do not wish to be MAJORLY SPOILED, do not read further.

Information from @Making Star Wars Regarding Details of The Force Awakens, Integrated and Reconciled with Official Information
Organized by Location and Sub-Organized by Key Sequence
Red text: Information from MSW whose placement in the chronology is my guess, and not confirmed by either MSW or another source

Blue text: New information
NOTE: Official information seems to confirm that what looks to be the Empire in this film is called “The First Order.” Also, what looks to be the Rebellion is called "The Resistance."

Space: Opening Crawl
  • Unknown. Likely something about 30 years having passed since the battle of Endor.
Desert Planet Jakku/ Space: Opening Sequence
  • Exterior Night-Space/Savannah - A lightsaber tumbles through space, crashes towards the ground.
  • Exterior Day-Savannah - Lightsaber lands – dawn into day – a strange hand appears (seemingly picking up the lightsaber).
  • Exterior Night- Outskirts of Village - BB-8 is troubled by something coming and hurries off.
  • Exterior Night – The Village - BB-8 pushes towards the vicarage.
  • Interior-Night – The Village Vicarage – The Vicar hands over the lightsaber. Poe [Resistance pilot] is grateful, BB-8 rolls in.
  • Exterior Night – The Village Vicarage - Poe sees First Order Transports approach. Vicar tells Poe to go.
  • Exterior Night – Village - Poe and BB-8 rush through the village as residents prepare for battle.
  • Exterior Night – Rise near village/X-wing (blue) - Poe gets his ride ready, BB-8 too. Poe sends message (likely to the resistance, possibly to Leia/ her emissary, though not confirmed).
  • INT NIGHT FIRST ORDER TROOP LANDER - Stormtroopers wait in cramped silence, Finn is out of sync.

  • Exterior – Night – Village – First Order Transports land; Stormtroopers get into disagreement with villagers.
  • Interior – Night Village - Stormtrooper Transport - Finn and Stormtroopers leave the transport under fire.

  • Exterior – Night The Village - Finn’s buddy is not well. He leaves a mark on Finn. (Note concept art and teaser image depicts the mark as blood from a wound–the friend touches Finn’s helmeted face, leaving three blood marks on it.)
  • Exterior – Night Rise Near near village/X-wing - Poe sends message, sees another First Order ropper arrive.
  • Exterior – Night – The Village - A huge First Order shuttle lands beside the Stormtrooper transports.
  • Exterior – Night – The Village - Vicar watches Flamethrower Stormtroopers. Finn spares a villager. Kylo Ren arrives.
  • Exterior – Night Village/X-wing - Poe watches Kylo Ren’s arrival from a distance.
  • Exterior – Night The Village Vicarage - Kylo Ren confronts the Vicar.
  • Exterior – Night The Village/X-wing - Poe watches the confrontation and BB-8 wants to get moving.
  • Exterior – Night - The Village Vicarage - Kylo Ren is out of patience, says “goodbye” to the Vicar.


  • Exterior – Night – Rise Near Village/X-wing - Poe sees sudden end, hides lightsaber in BB-8. They go their separate ways.
  • Exterior – Night – Village/X-wing - Stormtroopers make a mess of Poe’s X-wing.
  • Exterior – Night – Outskirts of Village (Desert Location) - BB-8 watches as Stormtroopers depart, huge fireball.
  • Exterior – Night – Outskirts of the Village - BB-8 watches as Stormtroopers destroy Poe’s ride (backlot) – with flamethrowers
  • Poe is seized by First Order troopers
  • CG Exterior – Night - Star Destroyer in the Distance First Order Troop Transporters and Kylo Ren’s shuttle head for the Star Destroyer.

  • Interior Night Star Destroyer Hanger Bay - Poe enters the Hanger Bay, dazed. Finn exits his transport.
  • Interior Night First Order Troop Transport - Finn takes off his helmet (with his friend’s blood on it), and vomits. Superior wants to see him.




Jul 6, 2014
Desert Planet Jakku: Meeting Rey
  • Rey is introduced scavenging the innards of a huge Star Destroyer that has crashed on the planet’s surface



  • Rey grabs her salvage and heads out
  • EXT DAY STAR DESTROYER – GARBAGE CHUTE – DUNES - Rey slides down dune, climbs onto her speeder

  • In a rather evocative shot, she rides her speeder into the setting sun.
Desert Planet Jakku/Space: Escaping the Star Destroyer
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Frightening (Torture/Interrogation?) Room: Kylo Ren chats with Poe, confident he will get what he wants.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Kylo Ren reveals to The General (Domhnall Gleeson) that he is looking for a speciifc droid.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Hallway - A Stormtrooper leads Poe down a corridor.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Hanger Bay - Finn dressed as a Stormtrooper leads Poe back to the Hanger Bay, they head for the TIE Fighter.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Finn and Poe squeeze into a TIE Fighter and start it up.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Balcony Hangar Bay - The Colonel sees Finn and Poe leaving the Star Destroyer without authorization.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Hallways - Stormtroopers rush toward the Hanger Bay pushing a weapons container.
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Hanger Bay - TIE Fighter rips cables away as it rises.
  • Interior Night TIE Fighter - Finn and Poe flying, they start up the guns!
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Hanger Bay - Chaos in the hanger as the TIE Fighter lets rip!

  • Interior Night TIE Fighter - Finn keeps firing as they exit the building!
  • Interior Night Star Destroyer – Balcony over Hanger Bay - Windows blow out on the balcony!
  • CG Exterior Night Star Destroyer – In the darkness the TIE Fighter exits the Star Destroyer at great speed.
  • Interior Night Tie Fighter – They introduce themselves. Finn has a cunning idea.
  • Poe and Finn escape in a TIE Fighter - They don’t get very far. They crash because the TIE is hit by blasts from the Star Destroyer.
  • Poe is unconscious at the controls.
  • Finn has to get out.
  • It appears he ejects.
  • Finn observes the TIE disappear over the horizon of the desert planet’s dunes.
  • After a brief moment we see an explosion.
  • EXT Day: Quicksand effect around Finn
  • EXT Day: Finn passes out.
  • EXT Day: Finn wakes.

  • EXT Day: Finn searches for the TIE.
  • EXT Day: He can’t get in.
  • EXT Day: In sand pit, Finn puts on some of Poe’s clothes and walks alone.
  • EXT Day: Finn is walking through the desert after putting on Poe's clothes (likely only his jacket, after ditching his stormtrooper stuff).
  • EXT Day: A vehicle rushes by and spits dust/sand in Finn's face
  • EXT Day: This passing vehicle helps Finn figure out which direction to walk to get to the salvage station
  • EXT Day, NEAR SALVAGE STATION: Finn keeps walking, gets exhausted, and sees a distant town ahead
  • Cut to Data Center Inside Star Destroyer: Kylo Ren is looking into Finn's history.
  • First Order General (likely Gleeson) suggests a focus (speculation: focus on either finding Finn, or finding the lightsaber, one or the other). Likely that the General and Captain Phasma [Gwendoline Christie] view Finn’s hologram here, as per a rumored description of footage. Phasma possibly tasked with hunting Finn and/or the lightsaber (not clear this happens here).

Desert Planet Jakku: Rey meets Finn
  • Rey eats dinner alone in her home (a converted wrecked AT-AT).
  • BB-8 needs rescuing and Rey answers his call for help.
  • Rey and BB-8 head for Salvage Station.

  • EXT DAY SALVAGE STATION - Rey arrives at the Salvage Station. Unloads her heavy stuff.

  • She tries to sell BB-8 to a trader, but when the deal falls through after some haggling she reluctantly decides to keep him.
  • Finn staggers into a cantina, it seems, gets a drink, and sees Rey and BB-8 dealing with bullies. It seems (speculation) that Finn may try to help her (Speculation: The trader/ bullies may alert Stormtroopers to wanted droid).
  • EXT DAY Clearing Area: Rey thinks Finn is not to be trusted.

  • EXT DAY Clearing Area: Finn is trying to win her over (that seems to be his skill), and then Stormtroopers begin firing on them.
  • When the Stormtroopers attack, Rey and Finn are thrown together to survive the ordeal.
  • Rey, Finn, and BB-8 run/roll from explosions caused by attacking TIE Fighters.




Jul 6, 2014
Desert Planet Jakku/Land and Space: Escaping with the Millennium Falcon
  • Finn and Rey steal the Millennium Falcon from a spaceport. The bullies and the trader try to stop them from getting away.
  • TIEs are in hot pursuit of the Falcon as it rockets away from the salvage station.
  • The Falcon is chased by TIE Fighters and we apparently move by some familiar landmarks (from THIS film, not previous ones)
  • Rey and BB-8 pilot the ship. Finn gets on the Falcon’s turret.
  • There’s a lot of banter between the two and to an extent they don’t seem to really know what they’re doing.
  • As TIEs shoot at the Falcon, Rey has to ask Finn if he plans on “answering back.”
  • EXT DAY CRASHED STAR DESTROYER – DUNES (IMAX) Aerial plates - Millennium Falcon banks hard, upside down and swoops.

  • To save their skins, Rey pilots them into the insides of the giant crashed Star Destroyer she was scavenging from during her introduction sequence.


  • The Falcon and the TIEs “slalom” around debris and the insides of the downed ship, eventually losing their pursuers.


  • Finn gets those guns working and fires on the TIE Fighters in pursuit.
  • Cut to Kylo Ren, alone in his “padded room,” talking to himself (or a burned Darth Vader helmet) on a Star Destroyer.

  • Kylo Ren may talk about the saber and/or his true plans at this point (speculation)
  • Cut back to Rey and Finn
  • Finn compliments Rey (probably on her fast flying) and Rey figures out that Finn is lying about what he appears to be
  • Falcon rockets into space
Giant Freighter/ Space: Kids Meet Han and Chewie
  • Falcon ends up being swallowed by a huge freighter in space
  • Han is there to meet the kids with Chewbacca.
  • Han, at some point here, says “Chewie, we’re home

  • Han appears to take the kids onto the ship and talk to them.
  • He notices something he doesn’t like and orders them off his ship until Finn convinces Han to let them stay.
  • Something happens with the chessboard and they hear a noise
  • Han checks the video screen.
  • A gang is there!
  • Han explains the cargo (creature(s) without description).
  • Han hides the kids in the cargo storage.

  • The gang are divided into two groups codenamed “Mods” and “Rockers” on set.
  • The mods and rockers enter the ship.
  • The kids pull the fuse in the Falcon.
  • It’s a good distraction.
  • The cargo is released.
  • Fin is dragged away by cargo and saved by Rey.
  • Hell breaks loose.
  • Chewbacca is wounded in the fight
  • Finn aids a wounded Chewbacca, which helps earn Han’s (and perhaps Rey’s) trust in him
  • Rey fights off the gang by herself.
  • Falcon has issues.
  • Rey fixes Falcon impressing Han.
  • Some of the cargo splatters on the Falcon windshield as they race out.
Exotic City Planet: Hanging at Rose's Pub
  • After they leave the freighter in the Falcon, BB-8 shows the saber, and Han decides to fly to a jungle/ Exotic City planet
  • INT DAY MILLENNIUM FALCON – COCKPIT (GIMBAL) Rey gets emotional at seeing so much green [Chewie is in back hurt]
  • Finn asks who they are seeing and Han says “her,” which is “Rose.”
  • They go to “Rose’s pub.” Rose is an alien who seems to have force powers of some kind. In particular, she seems capable of sharing visions of the past.
  • Interior Day Roses’s Pub – There is a secret underground chamber and Rose begins her tale to Han, Rey, and Finn. They hold hands.
  • Flashback: Interior Night at Academy – Dead bodies are on the ground. Luke turns up.
  • Flashback: Exterior Dusk at the Academy – It is noted it is peaceful now. Artoo-Detoo is saddened as his master departs.

  • Flashback: Exterior Day at the Savannah – A hand that takes the sword at the start of the film is revealed to be Naka’s hand.
  • Flashback: Exterior on the Savannah – A peasant’s hovel where the peasant drops the sword, starts a fire, panics and then returns.
  • Flashback: Exterior Desert – Local trader is seen leaving (presumably then cuts to Finn and Rey’s faces as the story unfolds).
  • Flashback: Exterior Day Desert – Local trader makes a sale to a wealthy man (may be the individual referred to as “Fat Cat” by the production).
  • Flashback: Exterior Night Battlefield – Fierce battle! Sword is being use by the CLAN against THE SEVEN.
  • Flashback: Exterior Night: the last man is down and Kylo Ren approaches Rey!
  • Flashback: THE SEVEN are looting and we see Rose in the foreground taking “the object.” [there is a rumour that Kylo is a Solo/Skywalker, Kira and Kylo were being trained by Luke at the academy, were attacked, "Uber" took Kylo and someone else (Rose or Vicar) was able to save Kira and took her to Jakku, without anyone else knowing, and both were assumed dead.]
  • Interior Day Roses’s Pub: In the underground chamber, Rose presents the blue lightsaber and Rey is revolted by it while Finn is attracted to it.
  • Interior Day Roses’s Pub: Rey moves past aliens in an uproar as she leaves the establishment.
  • Interior Day Roses’s Pub: Courtyard: Rey runs away from the castle.
  • Exterior Day: Woods near Roses’s pub: Rey runs into the woods.
  • Interior Day Roses’s Pub: Rose now knows why the saber “came to her.”
  • Leia appears to send an emissary to Rose’s planet (rumored to be named Kor Sella). She has 3-4 scenes at most.
  • It appears the emissary is on a secret mission of her own.
  • Exterior Day: Woods near Roses’s pub: BB-8 finds Rey but suddenly the villains are overhead.
  • Uber tells Kylo “don’t get sentimental.” This is allegedly due to Kylo’s reluctance to fire the superweapon at the Castle and Pub.
  • Interior Day Roses’ Pub: In the corridors underneath the pub they notice Rey and BB-8 are missing as massive shaking begins.
  • Exterior Roses’ Pub Plate Shot: From Rey’s point of view we see the destruction of the Castle.
  • Exterior Day Rose’s Pub: From Rey’s Point of view we see Rose’s pub is chaotic.
  • Exterior Day Woods Near Rose’s Pub: From Rey’s perspective we see Rose’s Pub ruined.
  • Leia’s emissary is at Rose’s Pub when the First Order’s new “Catapult” weapon levels the pub and the castle next to it.
  • The emissary is killed by this.
  • Kylo Ren arrives with Stormtroopers in tow.
  • Note: This pertains to: “Interior Day: Roses’ Pub hallways beneath the pub, Rose “uses her special skills” to defeat Stormtroopers.
  • A fight seems to break out between First Order and Resistance forces in the wooded area outside the Castle and Pub.
  • A “black TIE” arrives and seems to “make all the difference” in driving away the First Order troops (this may or may not be flown by Poe Dameron, and may end up being a black X-wing).
  • The death of Leia’s emissary’s compels Leia (with See-Threepio in tow) to arrive at Rose’s planet.
  • Han Solo and Leia meet for the first time in the film. It is described as “awkward.”
The Resistance Base Planet: Preparing for Final Conflict
  • Leia appears to still be a prominent leader of the Resistance (described as “Queen” on the main cast list).
  • Finn and Poe meet again
  • Leia wants to know what Finn knows (presumably about the First Order’s secret weapon).
  • In the Map Room of the Rebel Base, Leia has a secret “up her sleeve,” involving her own weapon called “The Sledgehammer” by the production.
  • Without storyboards, “The Sledgehammer” is difficult to understand but appears to be a kamikaze-like craft capable of taking down Star Destroyer sized spacecrafts.
  • Leia is proud of this weapon.
  • Rose tells Leia she thinks the sword found inside BB-8 should be with Finn so Leia hands the blue lightsaber over to him.

  • Leia and Han still argue.
  • The last thing Han says to Leia before he leaves for the final mission is “I’ll hurry back.”
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Jul 6, 2014
The Snow Planet (Land)
: Falcon Crashes and Kylo Ren Tracks Them Down
  • Han, Chewie, Rey and Finn fly to the Snow Planet
  • The Falcon crashes onto the snow planet’s surface near Kylo's ship.
  • Kylo and his troops track down the ship and Stormtroopers board it, followed by Kylo.
  • Kylo walks into the cockpit of the Falcon and sits in the pilot’s seat and has a moment.
  • [Old Spoiler] Rey is seemingly taken captive (perhaps by Captain Phasma) and taken before Kylo Ren (not clear this happens here).
  • Rey brought to Kylo Ren and interrogated. Rey is defiant. (not clear that this happens here).
  • There may be a Jedi mind trick “exchange” between Kylo and Rey (not clear that this happens here).
  • [Old spoiler] Kylo addresses Rey by name and she may reply: “You’ll never be as powerful as Darth Vader!” (not clear this happens here)
  • [Old spoiler] The line is cutting to the power hungry monster and she’s taken away. The sequence is supposedly very reminiscent to Princess Leia being imprisoned by Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin where she trash talks their foul stench (not clear this happens here)
The Snow Planet (Space, Sky, Land): Resistance-First Order Battle
  • X-wings and TIE Fighters face off in space and in the atmosphere of the Snow Planet, where the First Order superweapon is located. There are lots of shots detailing X-wings in various positions in space and in the sky above the snow planet.
  • Queen Leia uses the Resistance superweapon (the Sledgehammer) to crush through Star Destroyers
  • INT DAY EVIL CASTLE – GREAT HALL The General has final check-in with his boss (Uber).
  • The General orders the firing of “The Array” superweapon on the rebels, as the First Order Catapult is not yet charged up.
  • The General’s subordinates refuse because the weapon will also destroy their TIE fighters
  • The General appears to fire the superweapon himself
  • In that moment, projectiles are fired and all the ships in space are destroyed. The General is coldhearted. He destroys his own men in their TIE Fighters to take out the Resistance ships.
  • The action in space is put to a stop in one fell swoop. It is just silenced.
  • Queen Leia’s super weapon fails. The Resistance’s “Sledge Hammer” falls into the atmosphere of the planet and it breaks apart.
  • At this moment, Queen Leia feels all is lost and calls for a total retreat of the Resistance forces.
  • Thankfully Poe Dameron and his squadron survive the attack from the array because it seems they were low enough to evade it.
  • Moments later, Poe from the sky discovers Han Solo on the planet’s surface. Han was thought missing even though Leia knew the Falcon survived the crash it experienced.
  • Stormtroopers of the First Order line up as an imposing figure (Domhnall Gleeson’s “General”? Andy Serkis’ “Uber”?) looks on (not clear this happens here).

The Snow Planet (Land): The Evil Castle Sequence
  • Han and Chewie go their way
  • It seems that Finn may rescue Rey from Kylo, and flee on a speeder bike. They steal a speeder bike and zoom away. They are spotted by a snowtrooper. A chase ensues over the snowy terrain and the heroes “take him out.” (not clear this happens exactly here).
  • Han, Chewie, Finn and Rey end up at the Evil Castle
  • While the Resistance look like they’re in a bad situation, you should never fear. Han has a plan
  • Han Solo encourages Finn (described as a pep talk) to take the lightsaber and use it to destroy a generator of some kind (likely a shield) for the First Order superweapon (the Catapult)
  • Finn runs off to do so
  • Han and the gang place charges around the Evil Castle
  • Han Solo is hiding.
  • He decides to reveal himself to Kylo Ren.
  • Finn, Rey, Chewbacca stop in their tracks.
  • They watch as Han Solo confronts Kylo Ren.
  • When Kylo and Han meet, it cuts to Leia who feels “a disturbance in the Force” so to speak.
  • There is no indication Leia is a Jedi or started upon that path with her brother.
  • Kylo Ren silences the conversation with Han Solo forever. (i.e. he seems to kill Han)
  • Chewbacca lets out of a barrage of angry roars and laser blasts.
The Snow Planet (Sky): Poe Dameron and Squad Attack Land-Based Targets
  • BB-8 assists Poe as they attack land-based targets

  • INT EVE POE X-WING FIGHTER COCKPIT - Poe calls in enemy gunfire locations.


  • PL EXT DAY EVIL CASTLE – SURROUNDINGS - Plates required for X-Wings heading for the prize, some crash.

  • EXT NIGHT EVIL CASTLE – PARADE GROUND (SNOW) General watches in horror as the Parade Ground falls away (not clear this happens exactly here)
  • The General appears to die in the exploding Evil Castle (speculation).
The Snow Planet (Land): Kylo, Finn and Rey Fight
  • Kylo Ren flees the scene.
  • Explosions.
  • Stormtroopers file in and Finn and Rey are forced to flee.
  • More explosions.
  • Chewbacca flees to the Falcon.
  • EXT NIGHT EVIL CASTLE – COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE (SNOW) Kylo Ren moves purposefully towards the forest.

  • Finn confronts Kylo Ren, and seems to be bested
  • Rey arrives, and it seems that Finn tosses her the lightsaber
  • Rey and Finn confront Kylo Ren together, and it seems Kylo may get the best of them
  • CLIFF EDGE: Finn & Rey’s duel with Kylo Ren ends. Ground falls away behind Rey. Rey and Finn on precipice. Kylo Ren exits. Chewbacca arrives on the repaired Millennium Falcon and saves Rey and Finn from falling to their doom.
The Resistance Base Planet (incl. Medical Bay): Celebration, Mourning and Goodbyes
  • The kids return back to the base as heroes
  • Leia tells Poe Dameron his squadron is all that survived (not clear that this happens here). He reluctantly obeys her orders.
  • We follow our main hero, Rey as she says goodbye to the important players in the film, Leia, Poe, and so on.
  • Rey makes a special stop to say goodbye to Finn in the medical bay.
  • Meanwhile BB-8, Artoo-Detoo, and See-Threepio decode a puzzle, seemingly revealing Luke’s location
  • Leia is elated when it appears Luke has been found.
  • Leia and Rey have a special goodbye in which she bids Rey “a fond farewell.”
  • Rey, Chewbacca, and BB-8 then get into the Falcon and take off.
  • Chewbacca playfully messes up Rey’s hair in an endearing gesture.
  • They fly away to find Luke.
Island Planet: The Closing Sequence
  • Rey, Chewbacca and BB-8 land on the planet
  • Rey walks up the stone steps. She comes up to a figure and puts the lightsaber (which seemingly “belongs to him”) in his hand.
  • It’s Luke Skywalker.
  • The End.


Jul 6, 2014
Also most likely candidate for "uber" appears to be Darth Plagueis, mentioned in ROTS, Darth Bane, or someone who completely predates the Sith and Jedi


Bushes Hall Of Famer
Sep 14, 2014
Also most likely candidate for "uber" appears to be Darth Plagueis, mentioned in ROTS, Darth Bane, or someone who completely predates the Sith and Jedi
:lupe: :lupe: :lupe:

Also wanted to add based on Abrams sneak dissing of the prequels at the convention the other day, it also adds validity to "Spoiler Man's" claims of how Abrams hated of what Lucas did to the prequel trilogy


Jul 6, 2014
:lupe: :lupe: :lupe:

Also wanted to add based on Abrams sneak dissing of the prequels at the convention the other day, it also adds validity to "Spoiler Man's" claims of how Abrams hated of what Lucas did to the prequel trilogy
Yep :lolbron:

Funnily enough if it turns out that Kira and Kylo end up as Solo/Skywalkers it will actually be somewhat in line with the direction he wanted Disney and Abrams to go in, yet he states that they completely scrapped his ideas, despite admitting he hasn't had any involvement to know that or even so much as watched the trailers. :heh:

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East
Yep :lolbron:

Funnily enough if it turns out that Kira and Kylo end up as Solo/Skywalkers it will actually be somewhat in line with the direction he wanted Disney and Abrams to go in, yet he states that they completely scrapped his ideas, despite admitting he hasn't had any involvement to know that or even so much as watched the trailers. :heh:

I can't take anything Lucas' says regarding SW seriously. He has been saying something completely different regarding the same subjects every interview since ANH was first released.