Spirituality Thread - OBEs, lucid dreams, meditation, chakras etc


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Can you share some of your experiences man? DOn't hesitate, please share and let us know what made you start? How did you first meet the entities? How did they make you know it was physical? Let's keep this discussion going and open to all ideas/experiences

I started writing the whole story out and it had taken me 40 mins and i wasnt even halfway through so i decided to just delete it all and write the main things. Id just like to say this has been going on this i was about 7 or 8. I never delved into any of these things, i never tried to astral project or anything like that it just happened to me without my control and like i said the only way it would stop is when i called on Jesus Christ.

. It started when i was about 7 0r 8. I just became aware of these beings being there whenever i was alone i could feel them there. Cant explain to you how you know something is there without seeing it but thats how it was for the first couple of years, all i got was a strong sense of fear whenever they were there. You know when your so scared you feel your about to throw up, thats how these things made me feel. I would see things moving although at the time of it happening my mind would say demons i would always after put it down to my mind playing tricks.

Halfway through writing this i have realised this second condensed version is still long so i thought id scroll back up and write a little disclaimer. If your prepared to read this prepare for some looooooooong shyt Theres too much to say without it being long even though im doing my best to skip the little things that happened over the years out.

. I then began seeing the beings from the corner of my eyes. I would be in a room on my own and see a being appear at the doorway or in the corner of the room and whenever i turned to look at it, it was gone. Again i would always get that sense of fear and that feeling of them being there first before i would then see them appear. That is also how the very first physical experience began. I was now 15 and I was stood in the doorway of my grandmas and at the corner of my eye i could see down the end of the hallway. My mum, grandma and sister were all in the room watching TV. I could again see this being appear and stand down the end of the hallway out the corner of my eye. Instead of turning to look at it straight away just to see it disappear like it had always done i decided to focus on it form the corner of my eye without turning my head to look directly at it. The minute i tried to do that My entire body began to violently shake as if i was having a seizure standing up and i was shivering. I was now trying to turn my head to look at it but i couldnt move it. I had no control of my body i was just shaking. After about 30 seconds of shaking violently on the stop and managed to turn my head towards it and it disappeared, the shaking stopped immediately aswell. The thing that gets me most about that time is that the whole time my mum, grandma and sister didnt move their eyes from the TV once. I was shaking violently while trying to move my head to look down the hall but i could still see all three of them seated infront on me and none of them noticed a thing. Till this day i have never said anything to them about that or anything else.

. During the ages of about 8 to 13 my cousin used to come and stay around my house every weeked. We'd just play games and chill all weeked every weeked for 5 years. I never once told him what id been seeing i till today he doesnt know but three years ago (im 21 now) he told me randomely on facebook about a time when he was over for the weekend. He woke up in the middle of the night to see a figure standing by the door staring at the pair of us sleeping in the room. He said it had red eyes and he didnt know what it was so it just said hello. It then turned around and walked away. The next day he asked my mum if anyone had visited during the night and my mum said no. For some reason he never mentioned it to anyone at all before and suddenly he felt he had to tell me all those years later. When he told me i didnt really react to it because i still hadn't put everything together. From 8 till then and up until 10 months ago i was still trying to dismiss everything off as just conicidences or my mind making stuff up. Although as soon as these things happened i thought demons immediately after i would then just say ok maybe it was just me. I thought i was crazy for thinking it was that.

. At 15 i moved in with my dad and thats when the first sleep paralysis episode began. It started with the usual fear i feel whenever these things are coming, i had just woken up at 4 am, ( form the age of 15 when i moved in with my dad until the age of 18 when we moved to another place i woke up everyday at 4am on the dot. My dad worked late nights so he would leave at 3 am and not come back home until 7pm on most weekdays and he wouldn't come back at all on fridays. I would be completely alone when i woke), and then the fear came. After that i was then paralysed and immediately began saying the name Jesus Christ over and over in my head because i could feel them coming and i now for the first time i was paralyzed. Everything stopped when i said the name. The feeling when and i could move. The next day it happened again but this time i saw a hand come up from under my bed and grab my foot. When i said Jesus's name i could move and the hand disappeared. Again i started telling myself its my mind but i felt the hand, the touch was real and i could still feel where it had gripped me even after it was over. I had seen this with my eyes aswell but i guess i was just trying to convince myself because i thought thinking that was crazy. It happened again two days later (without the hand) each time stopping immediately as i said the name of Jesus Christ.

. again at 15 my one day my grandma rang me up to tell me about something which happened to my little sister who was still living with her and my mum and was now sleeping in my old room. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming her head of in a complete terror. My grandma ran into the room but my little sister wouldnt let her touch she, she was fighting my grandma off, all the while not saying a word just screaming her head off. My grandma rang a family friend of ours who live just around the corner and she sent her daughter came running to the house. At that point my sister had calmed down but was still not saying a word to anyone and still looked terrified. My grandma thought my sister had gone crazy so they rang and ambulance and took her to a hospital. She was perfectly fine when they got to the hospital but to this day still has never explained what had happened to her or what was going on. My grandma just put it down to a nightmare but i had prior to that started to get a message as if from God that the demons would target members of my family if they couldn't get to me as i was now regularly fighting them off with the name of jesus. After having that feeling i began on and off praying for God to protect my family before i went to sleep. Ever since that day i have preyed every night that God protects my friends and my family. Thats is everyday for 7 years now i dont go to sleep without making that prayer. (That was at 15, 4 years before my cousin told me what he had seen a couple years earlier when he was staying over and we had both slept in that same room. Stupid of me even after that and what my cousin said years later it still took me another year to piece things together.)


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013

. Now skip to 17, aside from the usual seeing the figures appear and walk around and at the corner of my eye which was still going on from the age of 8 until then and still happens today and the being awoken at 4am on the dot which was still going on at that time i suffered two very similar experiences. My dad on both these occasions was coming back particularly late from work.It was late i was alone in the house as usual. Again i felt the demonic presences but both these times it was much scarier then i had every felt. To point where i was walking around the living room, constantly looking over my shoulder and calling out the name of Jesus aloud. These things were here and not just linger this time. The first one of these i plucked up the courage to sit back down on the coach and began watching the TV. The next bit is hard to explain but when your in a dream, the thing that makes exposes it as a dream to me is the way it feels, i feel almost as if im slightly high, the world feels different everything around me doesnt seem normal. Anyway i suddenly began feeling like that and i looked at the TV to see the program i was watching end and a series of commercials come on one after another. I dont know how because i still cant explain but all of a sudden the show i was watching was back on after blinking and everything felt normal. But when the show eventually ended it ended the same way i had seen it end before and the exact same commercials came on one after another. The show was that prison drama bad girls on ITV, it wasn't anything like deja vu because it wasn't like i thought i had seen this before, i had actually seen this with my eyes earlier and now everything that i had seen was happening. The second time was exactly the same but more significant. I once again felt demonic presences stronger than ever before so was stood by the living door and i didn't feel comfortable entering the living room. The TV was on and again i had this dream/vision type state where i saw a news report of Michael jacksons death being announced on BBC news. And of course when i grabbed the remote and turned to BBC news guess what, right there, Michael Jackson was dead. Tears came to my eyes, not cause of michael but because i was scared as hell about that whole episode.

.Skip again to the past two years. Sleep paralysis episodes where back, one occurred this summer though which was completely different. I was awake for awhile but still hadn't got out of my bed. All of a sudden i was paralysed again, you know how they say curiosity killed the cat? well this time i decided not to call on Jesus immediately but i said nothing for a few seconds jsut to see what would happen. Again i don't know how to explain what i saw but it was clear that a demon was materialising right in front of me beside my bed. I could hear what sounded like live electricity crackling and actually see the air in my room. It was moving as if creating a portal where something was coming though and i could see what looked like little streaks of lightning in that little portal. I knew what was coming so i closed my eyes and began calling on Jesus. The sound stopped immediately, i could move again and whatever was coming through went back.

. I now live in cambridge and have done for the past two years because i go to uni there. I started smoking weed during that time and used to smoke alot with one of my housemates. He is one of many people i met recently who in my opinion are no through coincidence but through this continued battle i seem to be having with these demons. Whenever its because of God im meeting this people or because of the demons i have no idea. Again remember that i have told no one at all the full details of my experiences, only one of my friends has an idea and he knows about 30% of this stuff. But anyway he began to tell me about strange things he sees in the sky on a regular basis. Balls of white light. They look like big stars but they move as if they are alive, they appear at disappear out of nowhere and are not out there in space but sometimes almost right overhead. He told me a story about a couple of them appearing in the sky and forming a star of david in the sky. He believes they are aliens and that exactly what he told me he thinks they are when he was explaining them but because of what i have experienced and what i have read i know 100% that aliens an UFO's are nothing but demons posing as aliens in another way to confuse man and raise doubt about the truth which is Jesus Christ and the bible. They are cunning and alot more intelligent than the smartest human can ever dream to be. Two of my other housemates are both long-term friends of him and they both told about how he always sees things in the sky. Well anyway a couple days later i was walking home with two other friends of mine at about 3am in the morning when out of the corner of my eye i saw a ball of white light suspended in the sky. As soon as i turned towards it, it ducked down vertically immediately and very very fast aswell, a couple houses that were in front of me blocked my view so i couldnt see where it landed. At the point one of my friends said what the fukk and i realised he had seen it too. It was big, bright and it wasnt high up in the sky at all. Not higher that a flat with about 6 floors. I found out like a month and a half ago that place it was suspended directly above a graveyard. I worked it out for myself one day when walking around the area and saw the graveyard and a couple days later the friend i saw it with brought it up and said 'you know it was above a graveyard right'.

. A couple days after that im sat in the garden with my UFO enthusiast house mate and one of his friends, its about half 10 at night and all of the sudden we hear a loud crowing. It sounded like a bird making an alarm but if it was a bird it was have been the size of a cow because the crowing was deafening. It stopped and all three of us turned to each other thinking what the hell was that i looked up above the house and saw two of these very bright balls of light moving towards each other above the house. They crossed paths then began moving backwards, crossed paths again and began moving forwards towards each other again but this time they began to illuminate. I was suddenly mute in those seconds as i was watching this happen. I was trying to tell them to look but i couldn't open my mouth, instead i was just making muffled noises and they were both looking at me asking what i was trying to say. After they crossed paths the third time they began to dim and one of them disappeared. This description does no justice to seeing the actual sight in real life. I had tears coming down my eyes, it was both the most scary and amazing thing i had ever seen.

. Those are just two of atleast 50 seperate occasions where i have seen things no human could explain in the sky with knowledge of the demonic entities that exist. Again i instantly knew right away what these things were. Best thing about these sightings is with the exception of about 5, i have always been with someone else who has also seen them and been scared. I say i was meant to meet this Guy because his story is what has led to me now seeing these things myself. He also about two months ago got a random call from an a friend of his. The guy rang his phone in a terror talking about seeing and hearing demons. I don't believe in coincidences. I also recently randomly bumped into a guy and after talking for a while he revealed he was into certain new age religions and spirituality but refused to elaborate as i had already identified myself as Christian to him, I had to push him hard enough to get him to even say new age spirituality, he didn't want to tell me at all. New age spirituality can mean alot of things but every single one of those things finds its roots in Satanism. I dont believe in coincidences. A couple weeks ago i hoped into a taxi heading home from a friend a mine and had the urge to ask the driver what the craziest thing he had seen as a taxi driver in Cambridge. He then began to tell me of an old woman who he said every year on the summer solstice rings up the taxi firm and asks for him specifically to pick her up where he then takes her to a forest and waits in the car park while she performs some ritual involving an old tree in the forest. I don't believe in coincidences. A couple of days ago i walked into a mcdonalds and placed my order. As i looked at the counter, right there infront of me was a book on meditation and chanting just sat there on the counter. I looked around and everyone was stood further from the counter than me and no one was paying any attention what so ever to the book just laying there. I never noticed it before and i didn't see anyone place it there, to those of you who know, meditation and chanting are all ways of opening up doors to the demonic. Again i say i dont believe in coincidences. TBH i have been meaning to get this off my chest for a while and even thought about posting a thread here but the fear of sounding crazy stopped me from doing so, until i saw this thread that is. I don't believe in coincidences. I have no idea what is going on or why these things seem so concerned with, im hoping because theres a divine plan for me that they are trying to stop me from carrying out. Whatever the case is, i know now im safe because i have Jesus. Again i have skipped quite abit of stuff to avoid a huge wall of text but its still a book anyway. This is mainly for those who are actively looking at astral projection, mediation, all that third eye nonsense that certain rappers are trying to push aswell. That is not a place you want to be going.
May 15, 2012
No they aren't real. You create them with your fear. I'm convinced by this. I've been doing a lot of reading on this.

I agree with this too. Demons are fear. And "fear is the mind killer"

Both sides are correct.

These are in fact real beings. However, the ability of these demons to latch upon you depends on your own insecurities.

If you know fear, this demon now has power within you.

But the limits of its power is not dependent on just you. But of the depths of the existence of fear itself.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Both sides are correct.

These are in fact real beings. However, the ability of these demons to latch upon you depends on your own insecurities.

If you know fear, this demon now has power within you.

But the limits of its power is not dependent on just you. But of the depths of the existence of fear itself.

Both sides are wrong. Demons are not fear that you create, demons are exactly what the bible says they are, fallen angels. If im gonna talk about this im gonna tell you the truth whether you wanna hear it or not.
May 15, 2012
Both sides are wrong. Demons are not fear that you create, demons are exactly what the bible says they are, fallen angels. If im gonna talk about this im gonna tell you the truth whether you wanna hear it or not.

Reread what I said. I never disagreed with you

What you said and what they said are correct. Both sides are correct.

They are real beings but they're power over you is according to your own darkness within you.

Lord Piffington

Cacnificent #euswag
May 9, 2012
Damn breh if I would have experienced those things you just wrote about I wouldnt even go to the bathroom to take a piss without at least two crucifixes and all other religious symbols I could find


May 21, 2012
I'm not Christian and I don't believe in organized religion (but I do believe in god, which, as i mentioned before, is what I call "absolute infinity"), but I have had demonic experiences like the ones @JOHN.KOOL mentioned.

Also, and I know I'm gonna get a lot of shyt for this, but not all demons are bad.


May 21, 2012
Is anybody else able to channel different forces? If i look to the top right and "smile my eyes" I can feel "absolute infinity" and when I look to the top left, I can feel "absolute" negativity. I feel these presences when I do it and see balls of light. I look to the top right whenever I am fearful or in tons of mental anguish. I rarely look to the top left, but when I do, I know shyt is not gonna go right.

Edit: fukk it, where's this spirituality thread? We've really derailed @yo moms thread. Thanks for starting it though breh


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Demons do exist and astral projection is real. I have had too many experiences throughout my lifetime to discount them as coincidences from having conversations with dead relatives telling me about future occurrences to wifey waking me in the night because I'm speaking another language and she is terrified because she knows my spiritual history.

She even taped me talking to spirits at night in a language I have no comprehension of, after some research I discovered the language is aramaic.

I have had pleasant experiences and not so pleasant I think it has to do with your spiritual being and what you attract. Every time I was confronted by an evil being I started quoting bible scriptures I don't even know and the being would retreat. I have tried to do some research into it but its hard to filter the real from the bullshyt on the internet.

I don't know about demons profiling as UFOs though :ohhh: