Meta Reign
I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
You know you're not allowed within a 1000ft of children.
Joke is not funny. I'm reporting you. Seriously.
You know you're not allowed within a 1000ft of children.
It's my wife's sister. I told her not to sign off on it this school year, she said she wouldn't.what can be done to fight against scientific research?
It's my wife's sister. I told her not to sign off on it this school year, she said she wouldn't.
Walk around with decayed teeth brehs
lol listen to what youre saying bro, you sound ridiculous. nothing wrong with some brown teeth action in your neck eh funkdocFluorosis is nothing more than (permanently) stained teeth. If you consider that 'hazardous' then I'd advise you to buy purified air.
That's because after 80 years and thousands of studies, there are NONE.
Fluoride pills are given to people in areas where there is no fluoride in the water and the fluoride you ingest actually helps keep your bones healthy as well as fighting cavities.
In order to get a toxic dosage of fluoride from drinking water that is properly fluoridated, you'd have to drink about 10 gallons/day.
It is easier and more cost-effective to put it in the water supply.
This is a list of people who mostly don't practice dentistry and the medical fields are things such as acupuncturist, veterinarians, and optometrists.
You don't have to drink fluoridated water, nor do you have to allow it in your water supply.
You're wrong. The water is absolutely safe at the EPA recommended fluoridation levels. What isn't is the DOSAGE of fluoride a child may receive due to the amount you can get from other sources outside of water/toothpaste.
I guess you didn't know that fluoride tooth paste was the reason kids were getting cavities and not this myth that every child got it from candy.
The 1951 NRC Fluoridation Report
NRC first reported on fluoride in drinking water November 29, 1951, and found that fluoridation was safe and effective. It was recommended that any communities with a child population of sufficient size, and that obtained their water from sources free from or low in fluoride, should consider adjusting the concentration to optimum levels for oral health. This report is not available through the NRC at this time, although copies may be found in libraries. A summary and presentation of the findings of the original report was published in the January 1952 edition ofJournal American Water Works Association Vol 44, no. 1, p1–8, January, 1952. National Research Council Fluoridation Report, Kenneth F. Maxcy, J.L.T. Amleton, Basil G. Bibby, H. Trendley Dean, A. McGehee Harvey, Francis F. Heyroth. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 24–33, 1952 by the American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
The 1977 NRC Report on Drinking Water and Health
In this 1977 report, the NRC included ingestion of fluoride in drinking water as part of its evaluation to support the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the effort to comply with the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act on the scientific basis for the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations that were part of the Act. This scientific study specifically considered potential adverse health effects of substances in drinking water. The central effort of the study was an assessment of the long-term biological effects of ingesting the variety of different substances present in trace amounts in drinking water. The volume included an extensive analysis on fluoride intake and concluded that "There is no generally accepted evidence that anyone has been harmed by drinking water with fluoride concentrations considered optimal." Only two adverse health effects were identified including dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis "occurring when fluoride is at levels in excess of the concentrations recommended for good oral health." This report can be purchased from the National Academy of Sciences and is identified as Library of Congress Catalog 77–089284 or International Standard Book Number 0-309-02619–9.
The 1993 NRC Report on Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride
In 1993, the NRC concluded that the EPA maximum contaminant level of 4 mg/L in drinking water was an appropriate standard and was safe for ingestion at levels considered optimal for oral health. The report also identified additional studies to address fluoride intake, dental fluorosis, bone strength, and carcinogenicity.
The 2006 NRC Report on Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards
In 2006, the NRC stated in this report that in developing regulatory standards for high levels of fluoride in drinking water, three adverse health effects warranted consideration: severe enamel (dental) fluorosis from exposure to these high levels between birth and 8 years of age, risk of bone fractures, and severe forms of skeletal fluorosis (a rare condition in the United States) after lifetime exposure.
The 2007 NRC Report on Earth Materials and Health: Research Priorities for Earth Sciences and Public Health
In this report, the NRC considered research issues related to the medical geology field on connections between earth science and public health, addressing both positive and negative societal impacts. This report identified fluoride as a mineral that can positively influence human health, and although earlier NRC reports were not conclusive in their opinions, this report concluded that fluoride was considered to be an element essential for human life based on its role in cellular functions involving metabolic or biochemical processes. The report further stated that fluoride in drinking water has two beneficial effects: preventing tooth decay (dental caries) and contributing to bone mineralization and bone matrix integrity.
Does CDC consider the opinion of the NRC on fluoride in drinking water in its own recommendation on community water fluoridation?
Yes, CDC considers comprehensive reviews by the NRC and other systematic scientific studies in its recommendation that community water fluoridation is a safe, effective, and inexpensive method to reduce tooth decay among populations with access to community water systems. Water fluoridation should be continued in communities currently fluoridating and extended to those without fluoridation.
Link me an article or
First provide a link that states if someone doesn't use fluoride they teeth will decay which you stated earlier.
getting desperate huh
don't bother responding