Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Facts, It's clear as day now. There is Zero Objectivity when it comes to DCEU. I do not read critical reviews for DC films. The bias is out of control. They are critics who praised "Thor 3" humor and fun are holding that against Justice League. It's pathetic. First it's "Too Dark" now it's "Too Light". Well what is it? "Suicide Squad" and "MOS" and BatsVSupes" were not as bad as their scores. The only reason they gave WW a good score because people were exposing them left and right with the other films and they knew they couldn't do it with that film and they knew they couldn't hate. Yet Marvel has had average villain after average villain, basic plots and gets complete passes left and right. They've lost all credibility with the DCEU Franchise. It's best people ignore the critics with this franchise. They have a hard on for hating on Zack. He's basically the Michael Bay of Comic Book Films for critics. RT isn't even the gospel, people need to stop acting like they are the end all be all.

Not saying the movie is bad or good.... .but cats gotta chill with that "agenda Marvel paid critics" card.

Look if you not gonna believe the critics if they talk negatively about this movie..... dont believe them same critics that talked negatively about IronFist and InHumans

At the end of the day, just see it for yourself breh, everything gonna be alright

Truth be told, this movie had some of the same shyt going on in it that coli critics shyt on the some of the Marvel movies for or clown to the fullest. Like, if you hated forced "Love shyt" from say a "Thor 2" then I'd suggest you dont go see this. If you hate quips in the middle of a battle, I'd suggest you dont see this. Like every shot I've heard about some of the Marvel movies in the past 5 years..... I saw clear as day with this.


Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
what makes a credible villain?...asking cause i keep seeing people talk about 'these movies have forgettable/bad villains', and i'm confused about what people want out a villain...


Cuz there are movies where a villain comes to a titled heros kingdom and destroys it, kills his mom and has his dad on some "fall back, we dont want them problems" shyt and doesnt say much but he's weak and forgettable.

There are movies where the villain in first contact with the team of hero's molly whops all of them and damn near killed the strongest team member with ease leaving him for dead and if it wasnt for his team saving him he truly wouldve died and he didnt really say much but he's weak and forgettable

Then there are movies where the villain in statue cant even see the hero toe to toe, when they did meet up he got his ass whooped, the hero was at no point EVER in danger of this villain really hurting him, hell even in their final faceoff for the most part the hero made QUICK WORK out of him but all he did in the movie was talk and say cool shyt and he's looked at as one of the greatest villains in movie history.

Its almost like cats wanna just see the antagonist fire off some WWE scripted promos like the beginning of Raw vs actually go toe to toe with the hero.

Sidenote, whats good my G. Man I'm maintaining getting ready for all these fukking trips I gotta take for the holidays to see family. Ready to get some vacay from work cuz they working my nerves. I love the job security I have cuz I'm the only one in my company to do what I do on a consistent basis but this shyt gets old when they throw all this fukking work at me. Hope shyt been going smoothly for you my G



May 1, 2012
They way Grant Gustin Flash runs>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ezra Miller Flash runs

Maybe that suit aint working for him after all.... cuz the way he was flaying his arms around and his feet swaying he looked silly and kinda fruity.

At best he looked like how them Titans ran after people on Attack of Titans and it was mad clear he was on a treadmill on a green screen.

Like some scenes (one in particular) he was literally damn near running like that, dude just looks so nonathletic:picard:


Yeah his form was fukking horrible. I think it was that last run that made me just how shytty it was. It looked like that was his 1st time running in his life and I'm talking about the actor it the character

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
but doing intro/origin stories to build it up wouldnt have been true to their comics though, that's what i'm that i mean: they introduced the other characters in bvs.....which is true to the comics of showing heroes/super powered beings already being in the world before supe.....they didnt need to do origin stories before they showed each character, which is what it seems people want....

I feel you and I'm not saying do that.

They could easily take the approach of doing a movie where from the 1st scene to the end the hero is who they are and maybe gloss over origin shyt if needed (which I think would be a good format from here on out).

But at least doing that would help sooooo much more. Its hard for a lot of people to care for some people (both the actors and characters) that are somewhat unfamiliar. Let Ezra and the Cyborg dude earn that "star power" by doing they projects first then let us get hyped by seeing them with they team at Comicon.

Its kinda cringeworthy when say some of these interviews when they announced the team, the only ones that get big reactions are Henry, Ben, and now Gal.

I think hyping them 1st would overall help the brand


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I haven't seen this movie yet but there's a reason for what you said.

We're talking about movies with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. These are the best known, most popular characters from DC.

Meanwhile in the MCU they're all B-C tier characters or lower, outside of Spider-Man. Antman got a fukking movie. Guardians Of The Galaxy....hell, the Avengers were never considered A-tier. X-Men was. Avengers were always #2 in terms of popularity among comic fans.

So of course people expect more from DC. You can make a wack Thor movie and nobody bats an eye because it's Thor. If you make a movie with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman it kinda has to be incredible.


Not only that.... they found a way to showcase these B-C tier characters and actors and elevate them to A level. Look at the cast of Guardians and SS and its crazy how night and day the reactions after were.

People were hyped to see whats happening with Drax and Wandu and a fukking Tree. No one really cares about the Boomerang guy, the Croc that wants BET and the girl with the sword and if they popped up in another crossover or if it was announced that anyone outside of Will Smith, Harley, and Joker was gonna be in Shazaam/Aquaman.... that shyt would get no reaction.


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
So I watched 2 trailers and was not excited at all for this shyt. Got to the theatre and this shyt was good start to finish for me. Best DC movie IMO and better than both Avengers flicks.
That 1st scene after Batman took out the parademon, that crook would've cracked some joke if it was a Marvel flick I'm sure. Flash's shock at finding out Superman is just as fast as him was entertaining as fukk. Cyborg was definitely not the disappointment I expected him to be.

Aquaman was my least favorite. I didn't like his personality. He was more surfer dude as opposed to King of Atlantis. I expect that to change since they explained he was just now returning to home. Superman had signs of a personality as well instead just brooding the whole time.

I was hoping for Darkseid but Steppenwolf was cool to me even though I had never heard of him. Alfred dropping that penguin line was a nice treat. I wanted to see that race too, lol

So for me this year it goes
JL, Logan, SM:HC, WW, Thor, GOTG

I'm kinda sure that crook did crack a joke in that scene.... at least people laughed at something he said. But that's here say... there was enough jokes from every for the rest of the movie... especially when they was in the middle of battle. Batman had a lot of jokes



Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Not a bad movie. Just underwhelming. Not epic. Steppenwolf made marvel movie villains seem like the joker or bane status in comparison. Movie was maybe a 6/10.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I'm not gonna give no reviews.... will wait for more people to see it but I will give this assessment and this is nonbias;

If you're an overzealous DC Stan, you're probably gonna say and this this is the greatest movie of all time and possibly best movie of the year
If you're a casual DC stan (or Clark Kent) you'll think it decent, has its ebbs and flows but overall enjoy it but wont have it too high
If you're a Marvel stan, you'll probably see a lot of hypocrisy and just laugh to yourself taking mental notes but at worse think its decent
If you're a true casual stan, you will think its decent but may see some things that are nitpicked in other NON DC franchises and your opinion may raise or lower based on how you feel about the shyt called out in other franchises.

I dont believe no one will really hate this movie, but most would agree its not in the top 3 spot to get a gold, silver, or bronze.

Also, true to the some critics reviews, you really cant tell which are the Snyder scenes from the Whedon scenes and anyone who's says so is a gotdamn liar. Everything just flowed, definitely transitioned smoother than BvS. Now if you wanna call out all the slow mo shyt as definitely Snyder scenes... have at it.... but everything else... not so much

I can see a 6/10


Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Just got back.

I'm gonna write a thorough review but I'll just leave some thoughts.

The movie is okay,it's pretty much exactly what you expect. It's like a justice league cartoon. It's not trying to be anything more than an average popcorn summer blockbuster type of film.

The cgi complaints are way overblown. I was expecting the worst. The only really noticeable thing is cavill's uncanny valley face sometimes especially the intro.

The first ~30 minutes I found was exactly like thor Ragnarok,messy and sloppy edited and jumping around a lot.

That's where it is most evident that this film was stitched together.

As far as the whedon/snyder stuff, I can thankfully say while I was watching the film I didn't think about who did what,which is all I could ask for.

Some of the humour and quips are very hit or miss,and it's very marvel like. It's not completely over bearing though.

I'm genuinely confused about the hatred of steppenwolf. Not that I think he was a good villain,but he just came off across as bland and generic like 99% of comic book film villains nowadays. He's no worse than shyt like hela and nowhere close to the bottom of the barrel shyt like enchantress. He came he wrecked shyt and he was formidable. As a character though he was just uninspiring and continues the long line of villain problems in comic book films.

I enjoyed all the hero's in the film. I thought cyborg had a nice arc. Flash was funny,he was basically what spider man is to the mcu now.

Aquaman felt underutilized,he just isn't given enough to do. Which brings me to another subject

It's pretty obvious a lot of shyt was cut from this film. And a lot of that was character stuff. For example willem dafoe was announced in this,and he's been cut. Trailers showed background stuff for flash and cyborg that just aren't here. It would have been nice if they added another 15-20 minutes to flesh out the characters.

Anyway,overall it's just a solid comic book film nothing more nothing less. There's some truly great scenes but for the most parts it's just going through the formualic motions.

I truly do not understand the reviews for this film. This isn't a divisive polarizing film like bvs or mos. It's just straight forward and simple crowd pleaser. People can say whatever but marvel has released films just like this and they reviewed well. I'm truly befuddled.

Anyway, this isn't a film I loved but it's not a film I hated either.

I could see this doing well with audiences and having good legs at the box office but we will see.



May 1, 2012
What was the problem with Steppenwolf?
He showed up and fukked up the Amazons, it took the combined might of Amazons, Atlanteans, humans, a Lantern, and a God(who was that anyway?) to beat him when he 1st came to earth, then whooped on JL minus Supes on his 1st encounter. Even when Superman did show up it's not like he was immediately washed. I'm not saying he was great or anything but he wasn't a complete jobber

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
What was the problem with Steppenwolf?
He showed up and fukked up the Amazons, it took the combined might of Amazons, Atlanteans, humans, a Lantern, and a God(who was that anyway?) to beat him when he 1st came to earth, then whooped on JL minus Supes on his 1st encounter. Even when Superman did show up it's not like he was immediately washed. I'm not saying he was great or anything but he wasn't a complete jobber

Genuinely..... I dont personally think there is a problem with that.... but the problem lies with when in the past a few other villains have pretty much did the exact same thing, some to even a more dramatic effect. But when they did, they were called "boring, generic, weak, corny, and etc." So now its like when you see him do whats been done a few times now, I think some people are getting flustered on how to define this.

Niccas put themselves in a box overhating past villains cuz now saying anything other would be hypocritical.

I mean I'm not gonna even mention Marvel but Parallax from GL showed up and fukked up many Lanterns and he was "boring, generic, weak"

I think a good discussion to be had is are we finally tired of over hating/rating shyt on this "GOAT or Trash" scale with no medium and finally ready to start giving certain villains their due?
