666 ReVeNGe 666
How about compare mad success to your own?My bad, breh.
What is proper open forum etiquette these days?
No disrespect but shouldn't the only litmus test be, discuss the shyt you like to discuss? Or nah?
Good thread topic.
It's been hit numerous times in this thread. Their "success" can't be looked at in a vacuum. It's about what they both wanted. At first glance, it may seem like Jay is more successful but it all depends on what their goals were in the first place, really.
It's always seemed like Nas was more about having a goal to be in a place where he's enjoying himself and promoting the things he wants on his terms. He's also been about minimizing the compromising of his art.
He's pretty much accomplished that. Where else could he really go?
Jay looks like he may have had a goal to be the richest person from his hood and a boss of the biggest of empires. He's well on his way but has he actually accomplished everything he's wanted?
Nas may actually be closer to his own personal goals than Jay.
Success is relative breh
everyone has different interests and motivations