Are these the kind of people that the United States is eager to go to war with? Not if I were in charge. Just like I warned of radical regime change in Egypt (the Muslim Brotherhood), I believe Syria will suffer a similar fate. And while moderate, secular rebels do exist – such as the Free Syrian Army – even their leaders have come out and basically said that they are willing to work with anyone (including violent jihadists) in order to topple the Assad regime. But don't expect the lapdog Obama-mania media to report on the radical nature of the Syrian rebels. A new Media Research Center report shows that 94% of stories by the major networks fail to mention al Qaeda's presence in Syria.
So our own government can't even be straight with us about the nature of the rebels we would essentially be supporting by getting involved in Syria. Then there is the question of whether or not the United States is absolutely sure that Assad was even the one who ordered the use of chemical weapons. I'm not saying I agree with this theory, but there are enough people calling into question the certainty of our assertion. Russia says it has a 100-page report with evidence that it was the rebels and not Assad who used chemical weapons earlier this year. It is warning the United States not to jump to conclusions about the latest attack. While I'm not saying we should trust the Russians, Barack Obama needs to make the case to the American people with definitive proof that Assad was the perpetrator. That still doesn't necessarily justify action in Syria, but it would be a start. Then he can try and convince us that it is in our national security interests to act.
But at some point, we will have to look at the timing of all this debate on Syria. Let's not forget that we have the continuing resolution to fund the government, which has to pass by September 30th.
dictator stans is what's hot nahdays?
Syrian Parliaments letter to John Boeher House of Representatives.pdf
John Kerry is an @sshole who deserved all the shyt the Bush administration dumped on his ass in 2004. Spineless fukk.
Syrian Parliaments letter to John Boeher House of Representatives.pdf