Her complexion is perfect to me, that golden undertone.Slim thick with the hourglass shape. She's one of the most beautiful women I've seen.
When I think of average, Kim Coles on Living Single comes to mind. She's kind of cute with a little fluff on her, but nothing that would stop you from smashing if she threw p*ssy at you. She right in the middle of the road to me....
Now for ugly.
bytch is fat, she has no lips.She's pasty af. Ole Maytag body having ass bytch. Yuck.
Ok, tell me what you think I look like.![]()
Hmm You seem to like slim women. That leads me to believe that you're short to avg height. You are probably skinny/slender. You probably look young for your age as well. I think you are a bit darker than the women you've posted. You probably have hair, a little fro or something, like one of those hairstyles that is popular right now instead of being clean shaven. Avg afam features. No strong jawline ect. I'd probably give you a 6 or 7.
Link us to your pics pls.