Well, my stroke technique is a 3-tier approach.
First we do yoga. When she see that thang and go

"I'm supposed to take all that?" I gotta teach her how to breath and stretch, cause she bout to get that stimulus
package, nahmean?
Secondly, I go and pose down in the mirror, critiquing the lil muffin top and fat flabs that came from leaning in my chair for months while playing video games. It is meant to break
me down so that when that thang is in that thang, I can build myself up
Lastly, I hit em with just the tip

assert dominance. She can drive on a Nascar track and never ride a curve like mine

Typically I gotta go slow for obvious reasons, so
I just pretend I have a plate of food in each hand and want to close the kitchen drawer, with my crotch, without slamming it and waking up my peoples in my house.
Usually means I have two handfuls of titty and im going

"Who is her daddy? I am her daddy. She going to Zaddy Daycare

Somewhere in there I go flaccid cause I was too busy thinking about eating some cereal or something, but I never bust so I can tell her "

This is for your own good."
TL:DR My stroke game is like rush hour traffic. Sometimes its fast, sometimes it is slow. Sometimes you get rear ended

sometimes I need a jump