If you are a Black Man and another Black Man gives you "The Nod" in these streets...

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
Actually I feel that.. it feels wild disrespectful if not reciprocated lol. ESPECIALLY if you happen to be the only two black ppl in the immediate area.

As a matter of fact.. one of the times It happened, the mofo gave me the white people smile :russ:

Haha. Old sellout brothas give me this one.

I get the nod ages 25-50.

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I know what you are saying and do empathize but don't take it too serious..

Older black men or black men 30 plus always do the nod anyone much younger won't get it or understand it. I don't even bother with younger black men doing the nod.

I however do NOT tell the story or even divulge anything about it with non POC especially white people. I simply just let it be a "black mystery" when any cac sees it and goes "Hey why do you guys all do the nod to each other".

I learned the story of the nod or at least a version of it from a much older black man when I was 16 and doing a summer job at a old folks home.

Elder told me "The nod was a way of protection for us black folk as lynchings and murders were quite common. Mind you we didn't all have cars so we had to walk everywhere. The nod was a way for black men who didn't know one another to have a friendly greeting and if something ever did happen and a black man ended up missing from coming home from work or walking at night then at least someone can say "hey I saw him on such and such road at this time" so we would know where at least the direction a black man was heading so we know where to at least look".

When I heard that story....the nod had much more meaning to me.
Damn thats a trip. I didn't know it was that deep. I was never "taught" about "The Nod" its just what I/we did naturally just out of respect of acknowledging another brotha.
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