ish catchy as hell
I heard the Gates version before the real version. Gates broke the mfkn knob off the shyt, put that fat nga to shame.
As far as looking to hip hop for positivity in the Black community, jfc let me explain it to u chirren. The same way my generation used to listen to psycho thug music back in the day to get pumped up to go bag groceries or go get our taxes done at fukking Jackson Hewitt is the same way these kids listen to this shyt now.
It's like when Ludacris rapped about twin Glock .40's and wack ass square ass ngaz/CACz were all up in arms when regular ngaz were like "Dumb fgt, it's jest a song. Know damn well Ludacris don't know shyt about no gun." Man, OJ Da Jewman the only nga who even remotely raps realistically about sellin d0pe, the rest of these ngaz be jest rhyming werds together. Regular ngaz been done left hip hop behind, we jest bump tue shyt in the whips n gyms n shyt n KIM.
Black ppl need to stop being full of shyt. U don't see Asians running around mad like "Goddamn it, if Chow Yun Fat does one more kung fu action flick, man I swear. Mfkaz think that's all asians do is kung fu and run from explosions!" Them mfkaz kept these ignorant Wal Mart rednecks entertained til they got nukes, now CACz are borrowing money from asian countries like smokers at a goddamned payday loan jernt.