What solutions can the Black Hebrew Israelites provide on the terror in Egypt?
What solutions can the Black Hebrew Israelites provide on the terror in Egypt?
Why would they need to? Also, it's the Hebrew Israelites, not Black Hebrew Israelites.
Tell wikipedia to correct the name
Ok so Egypt is out of the question. What solutions can they provide for our people in America against racism, injustice etc?
Black Hebrew Israelites is a misnomer because....the Hebrew Israelites are Black. Moving on...The solution is getting the people of the 12 Tribes to repent and follow the Bible to the best of their ability so Yahawashi (Jesus) can come back and help us destroy our enemies.
You know not what you speak of. There's only three people we could come from-Ham, Shem, or Japheth. If it's not Ham, it would either be Shem or Japheth. It has nothing to do with the location of Africans.
Wow ok, which version of the bible would our people need to follow?
Do you base this on faith or historical analysis? Why doesn't anybody south of the sahara speak a semetic(shemetic) language?
The widely accepted version that is most accurate according to the original texts is the KJV.
Ok by your logic our people must follow the KJV Bible that was translated from Latin Vulgate, Hebrew and Greek.
Wouldn't it be best for our people to study and know the languages of where the bible was translated from just so that they can get a better understanding of the true meaning of the text?
Sure, why not? But also there are concordances out there that essentially list every word in the Bible and the Hebrew/Greek word it comes from. I haven't learned Hebrew yet, although I plan to in the future.
Many scholars and historians believe Yeshua spoke Aramaic so that would also be another language you'd need to tackle. Moving on...
Once our people understand all of these languages where the Holy Book was translated from and repent as you previously stated. Yeshua will come down and destroy our enemies. Who exactly our our enemies and hasn't this occurrence happen before?
Faith or historical analysis? It's based on the biblical record, which is what we're speaking of, right? Also, please list what the Shemetic languages are, and why is would matter if someone south of the Sahara spoke it or not.
Black Hebrew Israelites is a misnomer because....the Hebrew Israelites are Black. Moving on...The solution is getting the people of the 12 Tribes to repent and follow the Bible to the best of their ability so Yahawashi (Jesus) can come back and help us destroy our enemies.
In that passage you quoted, who are the "negroes" whom it is referring to?
Why is it important for Jesus to wait on us though? I do know in the last days, a lot of us will become believers & true followers of Christ again...but I didn't think he needed us when he came back to fight. I thought he just was coming back to save us.