Perhaps the catalyst for WWIII already started wayback on September 11, 2001 (because the end of the cold war cut into military spending.) The American government and CIA are free range to wage war on any country or anyone that they labeled terrorist....America's power would have to decline to the point where you guys couldn't go around smashing the crap out of other nations like you do/did! I believe this has already started. The Us is pretty much staring at bankruptcy in the face as the world drops the dollar standard & you have more than 100 trillion dollars worth of unfunded social security &medicare liabilities.
Just a few days ago, China officially stated
they will stop lending us money. No buyers for US debt means interest rates will go up significantly. One would think the easy solution would be for the US government to apologize to the American people, close military bases around the world, completely cut off SS and medicare, & then bring the debt down to a reasonable level. This kind of restructuring is a form of bankruptcy. Clearly this is politically impossible, so you know exactly what is going to happen next. They'll try to print their way out of this (which they are currently calling QE). As you know, cutting a pizza into more slices means the pizza gets larger, right? It doesn't? I guess that means the US is headed for hyperinflation until someone has the balls to start cutting things from the budget. Old people have incredible voting power, so you can bet the military will get slashed before anything else.....& this in turn might lead to some 3rd world muchachos growing some serious cojones to take advantage ala RAW is who knows eyyyyyy, I'm just an anonymous face on a forum making lucid political predictions