Fruitvale Station is gonna be the next classic Black movie

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I got a chance to see the film last night and MAN, that was a real ass movie :wow: Bein from the bay made this film really hit home. So much of this movie I could relate to. The places in Oakland, Frisco and Hayward I know like the back of my hand. So to see them film on Bart and thru the same streets where I have been a million times pulled me into the film even more.

I appreciate the fact that the directors kept the vibe and raw elements of the bay (the dress, slang, music and culture was represented correctly.

This shyt was sad tho. I don't think it was a dry eye in the bulding at the end. It was almost eerie in the theater because everybody just sat there frozen as the credits rolled.

I'm glad this movie was made mainly to demonstrate that Oscar was a human being and not a piece of trash that was thrown away by Bart police. Great film brehs :to:


All Star
May 1, 2012
Saw this Friday night and I was impressed. I'm not from the area but I feel like a number of things I could relate to in this movie. It was a little slow at times but real. Real life isn't a movie and the director captured real life moments that lead up to the dramatic ending. Really good movie


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca
I got a chance to see the film last night and MAN, that was a real ass movie :wow: Bein from the bay made this film really hit home. So much of this movie I could relate to. The places in Oakland, Frisco and Hayward I know like the back of my hand. So to see them film on Bart and thru the same streets where I have been a million times pulled me into the film even more.

I appreciate the fact that the directors kept the vibe and raw elements of the bay (the dress, slang, music and culture was represented correctly.

This shyt was sad tho. I don't think it was a dry eye in the bulding at the end. It was almost eerie in the theater because everybody just sat there frozen as the credits rolled.

I'm glad this movie was made mainly to demonstrate that Oscar was a human being and not a piece of trash that was thrown away by Bart police. Great film brehs :to:
That gas station on 7th and Mandela, I was there the other day. I think that marina scene was at the Berkeley or Emeryville marina. Maybe even san leandro. I do that shyt to, sit on the rocks and ponder life. I was doing that exact thing when I was going through a court case some years back


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Thought this was solid, competently made, and directed. Effective in invoking emotion and creating a fairly realistic environment. Thought it overreached in more then one place, the dead dog scene for one, I got the metaphor symbolism right away, just felt it was unnecessary and over the top. The scene against the bay, the scenes with his Mom in prison were poignant and hard to watch for me, but the following scene of him throwing out that bag was heavy handed and clumsy, would have preferred to see him just get rid of it, showing that a contrast in his reality and his desires. Also, in the conceit of the movie he was in federal prison, assumedly for drug charges, even while being on probation a zip of chronic isn't like it's going to ruin his life. Overdramatic.

There was a heavy sense of impending sadness in the scenes just before and after the countdown, as the viewer realizes Oscar's time is almost out, and you almost wish the movie had been a different one, about love and relationships, family hardships and the importance of a second chance, which is a strong testament to the talent of the actors involved. But, of course we know how it has to end, and those scenes were tense and chilling, frustrating and heart wrenching. Slight plot contrivances aside, and while I do believe the BART officer deserved a longer sentence, I don't believe it was an intentional killing, after doing some reading on the subject. Loved hearing the Jacka's music here too. Well done movie, not quite subtle or gritty enough to be great, and the cinematography and direction ranged from competent to cliche, never that compelling.

the cool

May 1, 2012
Thought this was solid, competently made, and directed. Effective in invoking emotion and creating a fairly realistic environment. Thought it overreached in more then one place, the dead dog scene for one, I got the metaphor symbolism right away, just felt it was unnecessary and over the top. The scene against the bay, the scenes with his Mom in prison were poignant and hard to watch for me, but the following scene of him throwing out that bag was heavy handed and clumsy, would have preferred to see him just get rid of it, showing that a contrast in his reality and his desires. Also, in the conceit of the movie he was in federal prison, assumedly for drug charges, even while being on probation a zip of chronic isn't like it's going to ruin his life. Overdramatic.

There was a heavy sense of impending sadness in the scenes just before and after the countdown, as the viewer realizes Oscar's time is almost out, and you almost wish the movie had been a different one, about love and relationships, family hardships and the importance of a second chance, which is a strong testament to the talent of the actors involved. But, of course we know how it has to end, and those scenes were tense and chilling, frustrating and heart wrenching. Slight plot contrivances aside, and while I do believe the BART officer deserved a longer sentence, I don't believe it was an intentional killing, after doing some reading on the subject. Loved hearing the Jacka's music here too. Well done movie, not quite subtle or gritty enough to be great, and the cinematography and direction ranged from competent to cliche, never that compelling.
i would hate to go watch a movie with you

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I saw it yesterday. Good movie. I'm sure a few things were added to make it intriguiging but it didn't take away from the story.

The movie was good up until the shooting. Once that shooting happened it went to excellent. No Spike Lee overdramatic stuff. Just felt real. I give this director much props. Yes, it had that independent movie feel but I'm cool with that. Michael B Jordan. I'm sure yall gonna fry me but I liked him as Oscar. But the problem was he wasn't convincing when he was "niguh" Oscar. Didn't convince me he was tough at all. He just didn't have that hood vibe (i.e. Larenz Tate or Denzel in Training Day). Now, when he was being a father, boyfriend, his interaction with White people etc. Positive Oscar. He was very convincing. Not sure if this will nominated but this is the best independent Black movie I've seen since Pariah.

I actually thought he did a great job as hood Oscar. It's funny because me and my chick were talking about George Clooney and she said she didn't think he was a good actor because he always plays himself. I told her that I felt in that one jail scene alone Michael B. Jordan showed more acting chops than Clooney's entire career. :russ:

But real shyt as a black man I relate to that switching of personalities that he did. He was in jail and had to put on a certain persona to survive. But deep down he was a good dude.

It almost got me when she was like, "Where's daddy". But I stood strong and refused to let that tear drop.


They kept hittin you with the real images of the protest too after that, and then silence after that shower scene.

Almost got me "bruh"

Real talk. I fought tears the entire way and made sure I stayed strong as well. lol.

The ending was eerie as fukk. They rolled the credits and turned the lights on and it was dead silent. And NOBODY was getting up out of their seat. I had to lead the way and start walking towards the exit because it was getting too emotional in that theater. :whew:


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
Saw it this afternoon and cried brehs. I didn't sniffle though :birdman:
I think what the film portrayed best was the helplessness that his friends, mom and especially his girl faced throughout that tragedy. Director did a good job of creating the chaos too. It really felt like I was there amongst the confusion. His girl calling his moms while trying to figure iut what was going on hurt like shyt. I think she needs an Oscar nod too.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Saw it this afternoon and cried brehs. I didn't sniffle though :birdman:
I think what the film portrayed best was the helplessness that his friends, mom and especially his girl faced throughout that tragedy. Director did a good job of creating the chaos too. It really felt like I was there amongst the confusion. His girl calling his moms while trying to figure iut what was going on hurt like shyt. I think she needs an Oscar nod too.

The director did a good job creating tension too.

When they were on the train and buddy with the blond hair and his homie rolled up, everybody in Oscar's crew tightened up a bit. I was even in my seat like "Is there where it jumps off?!?!" :lupe: Dude opens his bag and I'm like :lupe: ... but he pulls out some speakers and they start partying.

shyt reminded me of how even as a black man you still give other nikkas that you don't know the side eye. :usure: And they're probably thinking the same thing about you too.


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
I felt like there were a couple moments like that.
Like the time he was talking to the chick at the super market. I thought he was gonna try and either rob her or try and spit some game after telling his girl he was done cheating.
Or when his sister called and I thought that was the chick he fukked.

What do you guys think was the significance of all his boys wearing black that day and did it have anything to do with why the cops treated them as hostile as they did.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Saw it last Thursday with the wife. No lie the scene where his mother was begging to hug his body because he "didn't like to be alone" almost got me brehs. I had to keep reminding myself I was a man and that this was the harsh reality of growing up as a black male but I felt wetness on my lids brehs:sadcam:.

Excellent movie. I made a POINT to make this the first movie I saw in theaters since I've gotten back from Afghanistan. I was going to go see The Wolverine but in the end THIS is a movie that every single black American should go support, only problem is I saw it in the MIDDLE of the damn day and after it was over I didn't even feel like doing anything but reflecting. My wife wanted to go get ice cream and shyt and enjoy the day and I gave her the:childplease:. shyt was just heavy on my mind...

One thing is for sure. Michael B. Jordan just became a star.....