reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
THAT IS NONSENSE BROTHER....I as a GODBODY have been one of FREEMASONRY's strongest advocates..but i am also MAN enough to CRITICIZE it's "flaws".....
AV.........yes indeed the correlation between 5% and FREEMASON is strong...simply because as the LESSONS TAUGHT US as youths it asks the question "WHO ARE THE 5%??
and the answer refers to the POOR RIGHTEOUS TEACHERS whom are the MOSLEMS (moors, sufis, seveners, ishmalites) and the MUSLIM SONS (shriners) whom are MASONS
My question unto you lord..is WE NEVER GIVEN THE MASONS A BAD NAME or said they didn't TEACH THE SAME THING...
It was the CHRISTIAN CHURCH whom persucuted masons as well as thier predecessors the KNIGHTS TEMPLERS whom gave them a bad name i.e (satanic, occult).......
We simply said "THEIR IS NO SECRET!!"
Making a man PAY to "view" the ROYAL SECRET in a DRAMATIC CEREMONY as opposed to having him obtain the KNOWLEDGE OF IT WITHIN HIMSELF WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
To the masons the 33rd degree is a HONORABLE DEGREE...the regular (white) masons did a diservice to many by witholding the true esoteric meaning of this which relates greatly to BLACK MEN AND PARTICULARLY BLACK WOMEN whom they KEPT from it.
BLACKS had to form PHA (PRINCE HALL AFFILIATED) lodges because GEORGE WASHINGTON rejected the concept of a black mason, so the black masons went to petition the U.G.L.E (united grand lodge of england) whom ACCEPTED the masons but only on STRICT TERMS, and the reason they did this was to UNDERMIND the whites in america..cause ENGLAND and USA were at WAR!!!!
And still to this day....the SHRINE (moslem sons) will NOT accept blacks....
So how can you not say the White man doesn't have a DEVILISH NATURE when he has DEVIATED from the TRUTH .............
We are a REMINDER OF THAT TRUTH which he fails to accept...and is validated in his sciences.......freemasonry is based on ancient esoteric sciences which validates the DIVINITY OF THE BLACK MAN and it's right to spread it's LIGHT TO THE OTHER HUMAN FAMILIES:
*sacred geometry (pythagoras and euclid both studied in africa to learn fundemental truths which form blue lodge freemasonry )
*kaballah (this numerological system based on esoteric integers has it's roots Metu Neter (words of god) of egypt ......and even was practiced in Fez, Morroco according to Christian Rosencruz prior to it's "corruption by the so-called jews of isreal whom ommited the OZ (O) which reveals a esoteric secret related to dark matter and the dual nature of the black man)
*alchemy (is about refining and the main product to be refined is the PRIME NIGREDO (original black) into the philosophers stone of shining light , which is a refrence to CHI and CHRIST and the regenetive nature of man and a dogma acknowledged in freemasonry)
So it is foolish brother to think that we would DEGRADE our muslim sons (masons) when they have degraded themselves and also submit to us...if you knew the lessons they CAN'T REVEAL what is taught unless it is to somebody worthy of 35-50 years of service that's why that SWORD IS ABOVE THIER HEAD ....THEY FAILED THIER OBLIGATION something they haven't done...THEY SELL DEGREES TO ANYBODY.....IT AIN'T HARD TO BE A MASON
This is the prototypical 5%er I was speaking about. Exhibit A. Long on ideology but short on critical thinking. Can spew random "facts" at a rapid rate but can't think logically to save his life. So rooted in the incomplete culture that is 5% (the Father NEVER GOT TO FINISH WHAT HE WANTED THIS CULTURE TO BE), that he can't think outside of the invisible box it puts some constituents into. And I never said Freemasonry didn't have flaws, so your opening sentence, to refute me as if I did...was Now Cypher.
For the most part, you just said a whole lot of nothing, (to me at least...because you're right about some of what you said, and to a degree, I agree...) no disrespect intended at all. But I never said the white man didn't have devilish tendencies historically, or commit acts of atrocity unrivaled by any other major racial group. So all this CAPS LOCK FONT +7 shyt is o.d., God.
Reread my post and UNDERSTAND what I did say though. For one to claim to be the Original Man, and KNOW that Caucasians came from or after us (even WHITE SCIENTISTS/GENEAOLOGISTS/ANTHROPOLOGISTS ACKNOWLEDGE THIS) then why is it right or even relevant to label the white race as DEVILS? As I said. The Nation has it's bullshyt within it as does every other way of life. I can understand why though, being a black man. In the 60's while we were in the midst of HEAVY racial tension, not only was something needed (apart from Religion) to uplift Blacks, but to combat that racism we faced and make us realize we were better than the bullshyt they were forcing us to believe about ourselves, with a limited view of history taught with THEIR language. In turn, "it" (5%NGE) turned into quasi-defensive racism. I'm not with that. And yes, we know what Freemasonry is rooted in, but to claim that it's THEIR fault for keeping the public blind to the truth, when even pastors, theologians, etc know the truth, and still exploit the 85% for political and social stature & financial gain is more relevant.
There's numerous books in the world (dare I say millions), detailing the histories of most major religions, from a HISTORICAL, more FACTUAL perspective. It's not the Freemasons fault that the average human is Dumb, Deaf, and Blind. Some are so much so, that even if they were shown the truth, they'd still choose the bullshyt over the truth. At some point, you have to place blame on the ignorant individual for not seeking his own understanding. The blame we place on Freemasons is as if we think it's possible (or logical, after all these years,) for them to go on TV and proclaim to the world, the history of religion and the Black Man.
If I'm gonna build on P.E.A.C.E., it's gonna be P.E.A.C.E., and that's part of why the Nation is where it is today, in the minds of rational people, even those who aren't religious. Yes it was created FOR us, but there was never a stipulation made by the Father where he said Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Russians etc...COULDN'T be 5%ers. We just always had a problem with them claiming God, but as I said before...That's Now Cypher if it must be acknowledged that the Black Man is God, why not his seeds?
This is like telling someone that an appleseed, which eventually rotted, after coming from an apple that fell from the apple tree...didn't come from the apple tree itself and should be shunned. This is part of why in the 2010s, our culture is laughed at by outsiders, where if they REALLY KNEW what the culture was about, they'd take it as serious as it should be taken.
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