Essential Coli-members what's the last thing you watched?


New York Knicks
May 2, 2013

Our school took us to the movie as kids.

The part where Robin Williams was describing how scary it was living in the jungle scared the SH!t out of all of us as kids

the lion looked fake and kinda blew the whole movie for us tho

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
Our school took us to the movie as kids.

The part where Robin Williams was describing how scary it was living in the jungle scared the SH!t out of all of us as kids

the lion looked fake and kinda blew the whole movie for us tho

The CGI aged pretty badly honestly. The monkeys especially


New York Knicks
May 2, 2013
The CGI aged pretty badly honestly. The monkeys especially

the CGI in that movie was BORN badly, forget aging :russ:

I guess after seeing Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park we expected too much :yeshrug:

I wonder if that's how older heads felt when they watched Jaws :jbhmm:cause Marty McFly Ethered Jaws in Back to the Future THAT was an excellent movie.

They don't make villains like Biff anymore


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013

Harvey Weinstein's Oscar Bait movie of the year is a good-feel movie about a young dark skinned Indian boy who gets separated from his family and ends up living on the streets of Calcutta for many years, is adopted by an Australian family but after 20 years becomes obsessed with trying to find his family. The first part of the movie, about the dark skinned boy Saroo getting lost and walking around aimlessly through Calcutta is very powerful, and the early parts of him adjusting to adopted life in another country is good, but then the movie goes "20 years later" and five shades lighter so Hollywood's go-to Indian Dev Patel can play him, but once he becomes obsessed with the family he "left behind", the movie becomes a slow-paced bore, featuring a good fifteen minutes of scenes of the guy walking aimlessly through the streets with flashbacks to his youth, and nearly endless scenes of him waking up in the afternoon after falling asleep on his couch in front of Google Maps. The end again, sorta brings the movie to the solid level the movie was on, but it needed a good 10 to 15 minutes of him being all depressed to be cut and thrown out. And I mentioned it in the Roads to the Oscars thread but Nicole Kidman delivers one helluva perfomance, all the botox in the world can't hold that woman back from harnessing some of the greatest acting talent ever.


@FlyRy @MartyMcFly @Sensitive Blake Griffin @HHR @Nature Boy Ric Flair @wire28

If ya'll ain't seen this yet, go see it ASAP. I almost wanted to make a separate thread for this movie, it's just so awesome. It's from Taika Waititi (What We Do In The Shadows) and is just a wildly entertaining movie about a "troublemaker" fat kid being adopted by a nice farmer lady and her bitter old husband (Sam Neill). She dies soon after and child protection wants to take him away again, so he runs off, the old man goes after him and they end up stuck in the woods, but local authorities are convinced that he has kidnapped the boy, so now they both go on the run and have a big bonding experience as they ensue on hijinks in the New Zealand outland. Or as they say in the movie, it's the Skux Life!


A very poetic war movie in the most literal sense. It tells the story of a doctor serving in the Portugese army during the Angolan war through real life letters written between him and his wife, which are narrated by the person the letter is sent to. Since most letters are written to the wife, she narrates almost the entire movie with passion, detailing the doctor's love for her but also the pointlessness of the desolate war. With only sporadic scenes of actual dialogue in the movie and the entire movie being in stark black & white, it's far from a typical movie and not easy to sit through, but also manages to be very engrossing.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Rejoice! The International Film Festival Rotterdam has begun once more and with a personal record breaking 26 planned screenings I'll be presently and futurely (I know that's not a word) dropping lots of movie thoughts to you all. :blessed:


Who would've ever thought you'd look forward to a movie because Kristen Stewart stars in it. After her excellent role in Clouds Of Sils Maria, she teams up once more with director Oliver Assayas, in a movie incredibly hard to describe. She plays a personal shopper for a famous fashion model in Paris, while waiting for a sign from her recently passed twin brother, as both were mediums and vowed that they'd contact each other from the afterlife. During the day she is caught up in the superficial life of picking dresses and jewelry for her client, while at night she wanders through the abandoned, soon-to-be sold house of her late brother hoping for a sign. When she comes face to face with an apparition, she gets more than she bargained for and becomes caught up in a game of unlocking her deepest desires.

It's a movie that deals with the superficialities of life, juxtaposed against the process of mourning and the question of what it means to actually be alive, all tied up in a thriller narrative. Because of the movie's many layers, it occasionally lacks structure and Assayas' choice to cut scenes with a fade to black, only emphasize what a disconnected movie it is. But with another strong performance of Stewart at the center, a wonderful start that takes its time to align the pieces of the story for you, some insanely effective suspense sequences that would make most modern horror directors look like amateurs and an overall intriguing narrative that genuinely makes you wonder what's next every step of the way, it is also strangely fascinating. It's certainly everything but a traditional movie, but it has tons to offer to those who go in with an open mind.
  • Dap
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We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA

Interesting , especially if you get through the first 15 minutes. The high level of douchery pissed me off at first . Typical Trump Set Frat but it's also hard on hoes 101 from all angles. Even the Sorority chicks have their own class in HOH . #GMB spoiler alert in the beginning. Plenty of azz and titties :takedat: Some :mjpls: but the token (which he's called that) deserves it for even wanting to put up with that shyt in the first place.

Had a lot of good viewpoints , especially if you're not familiar with the frat /sorority culture at a PWI conservative school. Though outside of that, you would think they're at Duckburg U with the endless partying and the backgrounds of the pledging frat boys. :heh:

Only person in the film who actually gave a fukk about the school outside of pledging was the main character and he was made to look like a loser for doing so :what:


He's A Good Man
Jun 29, 2012
Willacoochee, Ga
Doctor Strange

I dont like super hero movies or heavy cgi really unless its done right and i feel like its rarely ever done right in anything. with that said i really enjoyed this movie and thought they did a good job with it. i had really no expectations going in.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013

It wouldn't be an edition of IFFR if a new Johnnie To movie wasn't there (same goes for Takashi Miike, more on that later this week) so here we are with Three. A robber who was shot in the head during a police action is brought into a hospital, where he refuses surgery even though the bullet in the head will kill him in hours. A female doctor whose position has been compromised as the result of having botched her last couple of surgeries pleas to get him to take the surgery, while a hard boiled cop who doesn't exactly have clean hands himself is more concerned with interrogating him to find out the location of his partners before he dies. This strange combination of a cat & mouse game with hospital melodrama (involving way too seriously shot surgery scenes and technical medical terms) is only made stranger by the addition of tons of silly (slapstick) humor involving bumbling fat cops, confused head trauma patients and whatnot. Meanwhile the movie builds up to the inevitable moment the robber's partners come for him, climaxing in the most ridiculous slow-motion shootout scene you'll probably ever see in your life. The result is pure nonsense with no consistent tone whatsoever, but it's also wildly enjoyable if you shut your brain off at the door.


One of the themes of this year's IFFR is the resurgence of the hard-hitting French cop/crime flick, once a hallmark of 70s film making, and as such there are many screenings of famous French cop flicks from the past 15 years or so. 36 Quai Des Orfèvres (from 2004) falls right into that lane, depicting the rivalry between two policemen (Daniel Auteuil and Gérard Depardieu), both hunting a group of armed robbers as the person who catches them is next in line for a big promotion. Both men play against the rules and use unethical methods, but soon it becomes clear that one of them is far more ruthless than the other and there is more than a promotion at stake. It's a film full of maddening violence and dirty politics, so hard-boiled that it's almost overcooked, and in its rawness overcomes its occasional ridiculousness. Also noteworthy, director Oliver Marchal is a former policeman, and the movie is dedicated to a policeman who died during a police action, which makes you wonder how much of the movie's content might be closer to real life than you think.
  • Dap
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Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Currently watching Cabin Fever 2016 remake :francis:

Why? Because I'm bored and want to see how close it follows the original :mjgrin:

Why would you remake a movie from 12 years prior?
They even went the laziest route possible and used the same script :russ:

Is it on a streaming site tho? Ive wanted to check it out for a minute