Black People Are the Worlds "Entertainment"

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
The question I been wrestling lately is not that, but rather what secret is being held back from us that they seem so hellbent on holding us back from? When you consider Jim Crow and redlining and cointelpro and Iran contra and constant denial of opportunity. When you think of the constant reinforced negative stereotypes in media, why so much effort?

Every single time we reach some pinnacle of understanding. Every. Single Time we as a group aspire for greatness, there becomes this concerted effort to destroy it and keep us back. But why though? Why that much effort? What can be gained from that? What comfort is there in going through that much effort to hold a people back? To dehumanized them without war being the catalyst? Is there this fear of some Christ like awakening? Like somehow our collective greatness will overshadow all achievements so therefore it's needs to be held back like some genie in a bottle. I just don't get it sometimes..


Guilty Pleasure
Aug 18, 2015
This is YOUR inferior complex speaking. Its not black peoples fault we dominate sports and make music people like.

Black people are not the only people who do goofy shyt online, people just LIKE looking at black people. I do agree about prioritizing education and getting rid of ignorant culture though.
We are disproportionately represented in the demographics of people who do stupid shyt online though

You been on twitter? We are ALL over that website. Obviously whites are the majority so they're on there to but I rarely see Asians, Indians, Arabs, etc making asses out of themselves on twitter or in vines


Jan 16, 2015
This is YOUR inferior complex speaking. Its not black peoples fault we dominate sports and make music people like.

Black people are not the only people who do goofy shyt online, people just LIKE looking at black people. I do agree about prioritizing education and getting rid of ignorant culture though.

The point isn't that we don't have the right to do those things, it's just the only right we should have to many. It's one of the things the dominant culture has deemed acceptable for blacks to dominate in. Hey if you have pro-ball or genius musical talent, then by all means, eat. But if you're a number cruncher or engineer or have superior legal reasoning skills, there are many that will try to get in your way. You're not supposed to be smart. Certainly not smarter than them. That's the shyt that makes them uncomfortable.

In short, there's nothing wrong with being an entertainer. But a lot whites feel that's all we had better aspire to.


May 6, 2012

We're court jesters, clowns, a circus, etc to all the other races

Our culture is a laughing stock to everyone else

Nothing will change though

Black people will continue to attention whore/disgrace the race on social media/twitter/vine/WSHH

We'll continue to prioritize athletics over education so we'll still be all over ESPN and not the Forbes list

We'll continue to have a large portion of blacks reinforcing negative stereotypes and the rest of us will be silenced into tolerated it out of fear for being outcasted.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I was at a truckstop last nite for the game. There was like 6 of us bruthas and like 15 white guys in the t.v room watching.

So anyways, when the white guy caught the touchdown for Clemson's 1st score, one of the white guys was like "hold on...wait, that was a white guy???" :gladbron:

Everybody started laughing except me.:martin:

It was a random joke to everyone else but to me it was a reminder of one of the main things that we're known and celebrated for: our athletic ability/prowess. Not our minds and intellect, but how high we jump and fast we run. When that white dude made that catch, it didnt fit the stereotype. Whiteboys aren't suppose to bolt down the field like that. Whiteboys aren't supposed to jump high in the air like that. Whiteboys aren't supposed to make circus catches like that. Thats what WE do. Thats what we're used to seeing. That's what THE WORLD is used to seeing from us. So when a white person displays physical prowess (or the ability to hang with the black athletes) it takes even white people off guard since their minds (along with everyone else's) have been conditioned to link physical prowess with the black athlete.

I actually was going to make this thread a couple days ago.
I was driving up I85 out of GA into S.C and one of the 1st billboards i saw was an ad for Clemson basketball. Of course a black athlete was on it. As im almost into North Carolina, i see a billboard with Cam Newton on it, another black athlete.

Now mind you as im seeing this, im thinkin to myself :patrice:"since ive started driving trucks last year, ive seen the most Confederate Flags here in the state of South Carolina". And also of course that awful police shooting

and the church massacre happened here.

With all of this in mind, i thought with all the deep-seeded hatred towards blacks thats here (and throughout the entire country of course) these same folks are gonna be rooting for their majority black college football team to win the championship and their majority black NFL team Panthers (with a black quarterback) to win the Super Bowl.

Maybe i be thinking about shyt too hard, but when you're "conscious", its hard not to be "that guy". But like ive said in other threads

as long as we're dunking that basketball and catching those footballs, they love and cheer for us. But other than that, we're simply "******s". They love us as long as we're entertaining them.:manny:

Just a random thought. Nothin we dont already know.


Notice whenever I black man or woman displays intelligence to whites and others...the first thing they do is try to belittle them?

"ahh...he's so well spoken and intelligent"

As if we're not supposed to be known for those qualities. :martin:


Sep 11, 2015
The question I been wrestling lately is not that, but rather what secret is being held back from us that they seem so hellbent on holding us back from? When you consider Jim Crow and redlining and cointelpro and Iran contra and constant denial of opportunity. When you think of the constant reinforced negative stereotypes in media, why so much effort?

Every single time we reach some pinnacle of understanding. Every. Single Time we as a group aspire for greatness, there becomes this concerted effort to destroy it and keep us back. But why though? Why that much effort? What can be gained from that? What comfort is there in going through that much effort to hold a people back? To dehumanized them without war being the catalyst? Is there this fear of some Christ like awakening? Like somehow our collective greatness will overshadow all achievements so therefore it's needs to be held back like some genie in a bottle. I just don't get it sometimes..

I think this shyt all the time. Like why out of all races they wanna attempt to copy or destroy why do they go the extra mile for us? Why they hell bent on destroying our history and making it theirs? Why they ain't try to copy chinese history or some shyt? Makes no sense.

Don't even bother with dude, every post he makes it's on some inferior complex type shyt.