Black America's Wealth Illusion: Black Celebrities misrepresenting the black community's wealth

Apr 30, 2012
Yes, because most black athletes would rather run marathons for a $50K commercial spot with Subway than to earn hundreds of millions in the NBA :heh: Why continue this? Let's just agree to disagree breh.
oh yeah HAHHA now shift discussion to HAHAHH money between HHAHAHA sports HAHAHAH

There's nothing to agree to disagree about. After all the poor attempts at using generic arguments and poor reasoning, you finally admitted my original point

Yea his logic is like saying Usain Bolt is a better athlete than Lebron James which is not true.

You can't teach size you can only breed it.

Breh, you completely ignored my questions to you, but instead decided to jump on the next man wave


Jul 22, 2014
2) Nothing is guaranteed in life, everything is probability, however slim. That's why I as a scientist I talk like that. However, that doesn't mean something isn't 90-99% probable. If I take a stud horse, and breed it with a mare of good stock, odds are it's going to produce impressive offspring. That's why the stud horse's semen is worth millions. That's why slave owners would have their most impressive slave copulate with as many women as possible on their plantation. They're playing the odds that will improve their stock. You don't need to be a geneticist to manipulate characteristics.

3) Slavery in and of itself doesn't have a relationship to black athleticism. Mutombo, Dalembert, Ibaka, all probably came from stock that were never slaves. However the interbreeding that occured as a result of the plantation owner's quest to produce superior slaves has a direct correlation to your average professional African-American athlete.


In 2) You explained my main point perfect....

As for 3) Your comments earlier about Yao Ming go hand and hand with Mutombo, Dalembert, Ibaka,

What more can i say.....


"I'm not a player hater"
Aug 2, 2014
So none of these kids have ever watched basketball or football on TV? :childplease:

For anybody who doubts this, please look up the Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes experiment by Jane Elliott. Long story short, she took an (all-white) class of 3rd grade students and basically told them that people with brown eyes were superior to people with blue eyes. The results -

Think long and hard about how this might apply to society at large (both in terms of sports and in terms of other things) and perhaps some of yall will smarten up enough to stop believing in dumbass pseudoscientific theories.
I've seen all those videos of her experiments that doesn't answer my question at all :stopitslime: She separated them and asserted those differences herself, when those kids play those games they don't pick out the black ones on one side and the white ones on the other and tell the white kids they're inferior and try to nail that home. There's no subtlety of that going on either, if I ask one of those white kids if blacks are better than whites at sports you think he's going to say yes? Who was thinking about race under 12 years old?
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Apr 30, 2012
You're taking extremes to prove your point, which is why I don't want to argue with you anymore, I got better things to do with my time than to chat with you on the internet breh. To make this short:

1) 1 White Olympic hurdler doesn't invalidate the valid results of interbreeding people. I don't have the stats, but I would have to bet at least 30% of most pro black athletes have fathers/uncles/cousins who were/are also pro/collegiate athletes.

2) Nothing is guaranteed in life, everything is probability, however slim. That's why I as a scientist I talk like that. However, that doesn't mean something isn't 90-99% probable. If I take a stud horse, and breed it with a mare of good stock, odds are it's going to produce impressive offspring. That's why the stud horse's semen is worth millions. That's why slave owners would have their most impressive slave copulate with as many women as possible on their plantation. They're playing the odds that will improve their stock. You don't need to be a geneticist to manipulate characteristics. How do you think all the variations of japanese koi carp came into existence? The white Arabian stallion? Ligers? So you're saying the Arabs and the Japanese from the 1800s were geneticists? :dead:

3) Slavery in and of itself doesn't have a relationship to black athleticism. Mutombo, Dalembert, Ibaka, all probably came from stock that were never slaves. However the interbreeding that occured as a result of the plantation owner's quest to produce superior slaves has a direct correlation to your average professional African-American athlete.

4) Birthing A Slave- Book on Motherhood in the Antebellum south

^^^Direct quotes from former slaves from a 400 page book on the topic. This the last response to you breh, let's just agree to disagree.

1) I'm talking in extremes but yet you said you don't have any stats but then proceed to pull a number out of thin air to prove your argument
2) You are doing the good old "acknowledge to dismiss" discussion tactic. You acknowledge that "nothing is guaranteed" , but then proceed to dismiss that "nothing is guaranteed" by trying to implcitily suggest 90-99% is good as being "guaranteed." Your own horse breeding example contradicts your entire argument because it very rare to have a championship race horse produce offspring that are also championship race horses. From the various lineage stories about the triple crown winners during the California Chrome bid, it highlighted the large amount of offspring that didn't win anything

3)Again, the over simplification of breeding while admitting nothing is guaranteed is comical
Two athletic parents could or not make an athletic offspring
Two healthy parents could or not make an unhealthy offspring
But yet the "interbreeding that occured as a result of the plantation owner's quest to produce superior slaves has a direct correlation to your average professional African-American athlete." :stopitslime:

I'm glad you posted this snippet because I had a hunch that you and other's like you seen this snippet in particular, ignore the word "Some," run with it, to irresponsibly and ignorantly justify a white supremacist religion ideology
This document does not describe a wide spread systemic approach to breeding. There is no documentation that will prove a wide spread systemic approach to breading because there was none

Two black people being able to pick cotton for long periods of time is a quality that plantation owners were looking for, but what physical attributes does that produce to connect to black athleticism?

The term "superior" is used by folks like you to represent qualities that don't relate to meaningful qualities that the plantation owner was looking for to increase work efficiency. No plantation owner was looking for a slave that could jump high and run long distances
You could also find tales of white women fawking slaves, so from your rational, that proves and is the origin of the lie "all white women wanting black dyck," thus the cuckold fantasy :comeon:


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I've seen all those videos of her experiments that doesn't answer my question at all :stopitslime: She separated them and asserted those differences herself, when those kids play those games they don't pick out the black ones on one side and the white ones on the other and tell the white kids they're inferior and try to nail that home. There's no subtlety of that going on either, if I ask one of those white kids if blacks are better than whites at sports you think he's going to say yes? Who was thinking about race under 12 years old?

You think kids don't watch sports on TV and subconsciously notice the large percentage of black athletes? Or maybe that black kids are more likely to be pushed into sports by their family/peers? Or more likely to pursue a career in the NBA/NFL than white kids? Yall dudes are no different than white people who think that black people are genetically less intelligent because we get lower test scores on average. :snoop:

I guess yall also think white people are inherently better at hockey and swimming than black people. :snoop:

People kill me wanting to attribute everything to genetics. :snoop:


"I'm not a player hater"
Aug 2, 2014
You think kids don't watch sports on TV and subconsciously notice the large percentage of black athletes? Or maybe that black kids are more likely to be pushed into sports by their family/peers? Or more likely to pursue a career in the NBA/NFL than white kids? Yall dudes are no different than white people who think that black people are genetically less intelligent because we get lower test scores on average. :snoop:

I guess yall also think white people are inherently better at hockey and swimming than black people. :snoop:

People kill me wanting to attribute everything to genetics. :snoop:
You can use this :snoop:all you want it won't prove your point kiddo :pachaha:

I asked why it happens that way and you seem to think white kids are brainwashed into believing they suck at sports :dead:

My bad breh you were the wrong person to ask :heh:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Any solutions?
Man its always and already solutions and blacks making it not in athletics but just like the poor whites they suffer from the same disease of want something from nothing disease. When that happens you get avg people finding all types of reasons why they aren't where they potentially could be. People of different races getting money everyday but when most of us waste our time online, partying, watching tv, etc we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

The best thing people can do is try to start a business, better themselves in all ways, and stop hanging around whiners and other people that do nothing but keep you stuck where you are. That is one of the hardest things to do though but oftentimes very necessary for growth.
Apr 30, 2012
My comments about Wiggins parents validate my point that breeding the biggest, strongest, fastest will create greatness.

Lebron's Mom looks thorough and i have never seen a pic of his real Dad before so....idk

And if a white girl is winning gold at the Olympics with the world record in hurdles it can't be an issue of color superiority.

I can't think of any event being more athletic than hurdles which is all fast twitch running and Jumping so it can't be color.

Plus people people are saying Delle Donne could end up being the greatest female basketball player ever and she is white.
you are correct, you don;t know
Stop focusing on examples that support your claims, while ignoring other relevant examples that don't


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
You can use this :snoop:all you want it won't prove your point kiddo :pachaha:

I asked why it happens that way and you seem to think white kids are brainwashed into believing they suck at sports :dead:

My bad breh you were the wrong person to ask :heh:

Believe what you want, breh, it's pretty clear you've already made up your mind. If you're that determined to believe that black athletes are successful because of genetics rather than their own effort and hardwork, more power to you. :heh:
Jul 26, 2012
I agree it's not fair at all and the breeding of slaves play a role in it.

Slavery made the NFL & NBA what it is today, no where else on earth are there such thoroughbred athletes.

The cream of the crop entertainers make millions giving a false perception causing the average black person to suffer.

Your exactly right, it's all or nothing it seems like sometimes for black America and cacs just wan't to be entertained.

Things could change but the culture must change first.

I think slavery had very little to do with it actually....The captors who survived the trip were already the strongest of the strong.....

The greatest B Ball center arguably ever has no slave ancestry.

Deng, Ibaka, Okoye, and some more professional athletes that I can't think of probably have no slave ancestry....

Selective breeding did occur, but it gets wayyyy overblown....

They already stole the best of the best before they even made the trip from Africa


"I'm not a player hater"
Aug 2, 2014
Believe what you want, breh, it's pretty clear you've already made up your mind. If you're that determined to believe that black athletes are successful because of genetics rather than their own effort and hardwork, more power to you. :heh:

If that was the case I wouldn't have asked :skip: I damn sure know kids aren't brainwashed into it, you think white people want they kids believing that? :mjlol: I don't have the answer, someone might but I know it's not that stuff you posted
Apr 30, 2012
You think kids don't watch sports on TV and subconsciously notice the large percentage of black athletes? Or maybe that black kids are more likely to be pushed into sports by their family/peers? Or more likely to pursue a career in the NBA/NFL than white kids? Yall dudes are no different than white people who think that black people are genetically less intelligent because we get lower test scores on average. :snoop:

I guess yall also think white people are inherently better at hockey and swimming than black people. :snoop:

People kill me wanting to attribute everything to genetics. :snoop:
Some of these dudes are picking and choosing when to support the white supremacist's genetic arguments
It is relevant for sports, but not for intelligence or innate aggression
At least be consistent


"I'm not a player hater"
Aug 2, 2014
Some of these dudes are picking and choosing when to support the white supremacist's genetic arguments
It is relevant for sports, but not for intelligence or innate aggression
At least be consistent
So you're telling me white supremacists both tell black kids they're inferior intellectually while telling white kids they suck at sports? :dwillhuh: I'm sorry but no man :snoop: That actually goes against white supremacy telling their kids or subliminally programming them to suck at sports :pachaha: Whatever the reason is we dominate it damn sure isn't that


Jul 22, 2014
The captors who survived the trip were already the strongest of the strong.....

Exactly, that's the main point....

Then the biggest and strongest were breed together....

It's probably even more obvious in the NFL.