WAYment, So wouldn't that technically make us Haitians and Jamaicans AA since we're descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade also?
I had a brainfart and didn't even think about that before....
ALOT of Blacks in NO and the state Louisiana have Haitian heritage....
There's also the Gullah people of SC who still have held on to African heritage..
There's so many sub-groups of AA's in the US and sub-cultures who have held on to Lineage...What does that make them?
This is tricky....
simply put
An ethnic AfroAmerican defined
Origins of African-American Ethnicity or African-American Ethnic Traits
The newly formed Black Yankee ethnicity of the early 1800s differed from today’s African-American ethnicity. Modern African-American ethnic traits come from a post-bellum blending of three cultural streams: the Black Yankee ethnicity of 1830, the slave traditions of the antebellum South, and the free Creole or Mulatto elite traditions of the lower South. Each of the three sources provided elements of the religious, linguistic, and folkloric traditions found in today’s African-American ethnicity.30
Essays on the U.S. Color Line » Blog Archive » The Color Line Created African-American Ethnicity in the North
If you don't fit that criteria, you aren't an ethnic AfroAmerican.