watching the final episode without commercials is much more powerful ![wow :wow: :wow:](
![wow :wow: :wow:](
I said earlier I didn't think he caught a bullet from the gun firing but actually a ricochet.Also when you think about it Felina is a cat right so look at this scene. Walt gets struck with a stray from the number 10, his nine lives were up.
that looked like purgatory to me..the island itself was the purgatory and they had to do all of that bullshyt to make it to that special place where they were all together..Everyone knows Lost fell off. He set a goal and mismanaged his time, goofed and fumbled the ball. However, it's a travesty to claim that Lost wasn't smashing television out of the gate and still had people's interest up until the last season. They didn't do a split final season with all the preparation time in the world to make sure that they were on their p's and q's. Falling off in the last season doesn't destroy 5 seasons of spectacular television.
Breaking Bad gave an ending that would appease the fans. The constant hand holding and on the nose direction is annoying. In no way was Hank and the Nazis a complete and competent baddy with the way it was handled in comparison to Gus. Gus' arc is leagues more interesting to the Hank/ Nazi one.
Also, the ending wasn't purgatory. And lest we forget a cancer ridden Walt turning into a combination of Sam Fisher and Solid Snake during the last episode. Like I said, it's easy to pile on to Lost because of its shortcomings but Breaking Bad has its share of "Cmon son" moments as well. This "good" ending is just one example.
Lydia was all types ofwithout her makeup
Walt told her he slipped ricin in her drink, Lydia could've immediatley went to the hospital to get the shyt taken care of unless it was too late
I did my share of WTF at the Lost ending. I still do. However, my beef isn't with the ending nor the theory behind it. It is with what was shown. Showing them in the special meeting place created by the most important time in their life was risky and daring as hell. It was definitely over my head at the time. Had he shown something, anything resolving questions dealing with the island, I would have shut up early.
The Breaking Bad hype train is in full effect with many bandwagon expansions. Lost accomplished classic television moments and people who don't know or have forgotten have some nerve to attempt and throw revisionist dirt on Lost. My chief complaint with Breaking Bad is that Walt has done terrible things many times over but received a sentimental send off in the eyes of the viewer. A "win" if you will. I am starting to dislike that more and more. It would have been better for Walt to "lose" not being able to do anything that he started out because he did it for himself. This ending is definitely for the fans especially with the hand holding throughout the last episode.
It would've been too late. There's no cure for ricin and if it's ingested you have immediately go to the hospital to get your stomach pumped. I'm talking, directly after she drank it. This was likely 6-8 hours later. She's dead.
He didn't really win. He watched his girl get murdered and that kid on the bike. I'm pretty sure one of uncle Jack's goon was probably raping him too. He'll probably commit suicide within a year.
People know that "Lost" was making it up as they went along but they still watched. They were still captivated. They were still interested. To act as if the show had no redeeming qualities worth viewing before the final season was false. People weren't forcing themselves to watch.
Walt was still able to do what he set out to do. He was given a sentimental victory in the eyes of the audience. He did and continued to do terrible things but received a "good" ending. His family is alive and well. They will eventually get the money. He got his revenge etc. The viewers get a victory because Walt did. There's plenty sentimental about the ending. He didn't just die in a meth lab alone. He died with what he truly loved around him and depending on how you look at it, he got credit for or reclaimed his "legend" and Heisenberg. That's blatantly obvious.
Don't play coy like you don't know what I and others have and are stating in the thread. Just like when people call Breaking Bad comic like and people come out the wood work and cry foul. The last episode showed Walt "winning" in spite of everything that brought him up to that point.
You make it sound as if the the writing is set in stone. It doesn't matter when they started writing it as they couldn't have changed things at any time to fit their needs. I'm glad that you brought up the show almost getting cancelled because that proves the hype train that exists. Where were all these people then? People laud this show and use it to crap on other shows that they haven't seen or used to watch heavily. People have stated that they played it safe. People then agreed with those sentiments but it's also a "perfect" episode/ ending. Why would they say that? Because the safety of the ending catered to them.