"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)

May 9, 2012
Miami Beach, the 305
Lost "lost" all its credibility with that last season. BB never had a bad season, not one. it barely had any filler episodes for a show running 5 seasons that is quite a feat. only the wire and sopranos can say otherwise and both their last seasons were borderline average. BB finale to me was absolutely perfection.


He's A Good Man
Jun 29, 2012
Willacoochee, Ga
Everyone knows Lost fell off. He set a goal and mismanaged his time, goofed and fumbled the ball. However, it's a travesty to claim that Lost wasn't smashing television out of the gate and still had people's interest up until the last season. They didn't do a split final season with all the preparation time in the world to make sure that they were on their p's and q's. Falling off in the last season doesn't destroy 5 seasons of spectacular television.

Breaking Bad gave an ending that would appease the fans. The constant hand holding and on the nose direction is annoying. In no way was Hank and the Nazis a complete and competent baddy with the way it was handled in comparison to Gus. Gus' arc is leagues more interesting to the Hank/ Nazi one.

Also, the ending wasn't purgatory. And lest we forget a cancer ridden Walt turning into a combination of Sam Fisher and Solid Snake during the last episode. Like I said, it's easy to pile on to Lost because of its shortcomings but Breaking Bad has its share of "Cmon son" moments as well. This "good" ending is just one example.
that looked like purgatory to me..the island itself was the purgatory and they had to do all of that bullshyt to make it to that special place where they were all together..

it ruined 5 seasons for me because the entire allure of the show is the ending...and the ending and every episode of that season was more piled on bullshyt that essentially negated the previous seasons...once i seen dude on youtube explain the entire series in 2 minutes i knew it was some bullshyt.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Gus spoke those jewels and Walt listened, salute the greatest hero of the century Walter H White.


All Star
Aug 23, 2012
nobody wants a downer ending...why? because the fan base is emotionally connected to Walt... all the people who are saying it would of been better for Walt to take a bigger L are def in the small minority of the fans...the ending was superb


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I did my share of WTF at the Lost ending. I still do. However, my beef isn't with the ending nor the theory behind it. It is with what was shown. Showing them in the special meeting place created by the most important time in their life was risky and daring as hell. It was definitely over my head at the time. Had he shown something, anything resolving questions dealing with the island, I would have shut up early.
The Breaking Bad hype train is in full effect with many bandwagon expansions. Lost accomplished classic television moments and people who don't know or have forgotten have some nerve to attempt and throw revisionist dirt on Lost. My chief complaint with Breaking Bad is that Walt has done terrible things many times over but received a sentimental send off in the eyes of the viewer. A "win" if you will. I am starting to dislike that more and more. It would have been better for Walt to "lose" not being able to do anything that he started out because he did it for himself. This ending is definitely for the fans especially with the hand holding throughout the last episode.

First off, people hate "Lost" because they made it up as they went along. There was no plan. There was nothing that was supposed to make sense. Anything that makes sense to you is completely coincidental. David Fury, one of the writers in season 1 tried to tell people that when he left the show. Nobody believed him until the finale. So that's why people turned on the show.

And Walt losing accomplishes nothing. Walt won at the expense of everyone else. The episode is called "Felina" and they played "El Paso" in the first scene of the episode. His Felina was the meth lab, being a drug dealer. There is nothing sentimental about that. He died alone in a meth lab with everyone that's ever known him hating him. And he died with a smile on his face despite that. Because he didn't give a fukk. He didn't redeem himself. He didn't even try.

People act like this show turned into "Carebears" or some shyt in the last episode. He came back to town to manipulate his family into taking money from him they didn't want, and to kill a bunch of people over his drug empire. Wow, what a nice guy.

Lastly, there was no "fans" or "hypetrain" when they wrote this. They started writing season 5 damn near 2 years ago. The show almost got cancelled 2 years ago. It was the least watched show on AMC. So the idea that they did this to cater to their fanbase is :russ: as hell, because it didn't exist back then. The show blew the fukk up this season, off of material from close to 2 years ago, when nobody gave a fukk about this show.


Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
It would've been too late. There's no cure for ricin and if it's ingested you have immediately go to the hospital to get your stomach pumped. I'm talking, directly after she drank it. This was likely 6-8 hours later. She's dead.


if you wanna get technical....ricin being a protein, would denature in a cup of hot tea so Lydia probably would have survived if this happened in real life. Or so said someone online.​


All Star
May 1, 2012
People know that "Lost" was making it up as they went along but they still watched. They were still captivated. They were still interested. To act as if the show had no redeeming qualities worth viewing before the final season was false. People weren't forcing themselves to watch.

Walt was still able to do what he set out to do. He was given a sentimental victory in the eyes of the audience. He did and continued to do terrible things but received a "good" ending. His family is alive and well. They will eventually get the money. He got his revenge etc. The viewers get a victory because Walt did. There's plenty sentimental about the ending. He didn't just die in a meth lab alone. He died with what he truly loved around him and depending on how you look at it, he got credit for or reclaimed his "legend" and Heisenberg. That's blatantly obvious.

Don't play coy like you don't know what I and others have and are stating in the thread. Just like when people call Breaking Bad comic like and people come out the wood work and cry foul. The last episode showed Walt "winning" in spite of everything that brought him up to that point.

You make it sound as if the the writing is set in stone. It doesn't matter when they started writing it as they couldn't have changed things at any time to fit their needs. I'm glad that you brought up the show almost getting cancelled because that proves the hype train that exists. Where were all these people then? People laud this show and use it to crap on other shows that they haven't seen or used to watch heavily. People have stated that they played it safe. People then agreed with those sentiments but it's also a "perfect" episode/ ending. Why would they say that? Because the safety of the ending catered to them.


#TSC #spooky
May 3, 2012

'Breaking Bad' stars reveal the scenes they always wanted to shoot
Anything could happen on Breaking Bad — and did. (See: Dead body dissolved incorrectly in bathtub filled with hydrofluoric acid; tortoise crawling around with severed human head on shell before exploding; 1,000 gallons of methylamine siphoned from freight train undetected; giant magnet frying out incriminating laptop in impenetrable evidence room; giant pizza flung perfectly onto roof.) For five seasons, the stars of AMC’s daring meth drama were fortunate enough to film all kinds of cool and unusual scenes — basically, whatever those ambitious writers could cook up. But the truth is, they didn’t get to do everything they wanted to. What was the one scene that they always wanted to shoot but it just never happened? Here, the actors reveal their unfulfilled Bad dreams. (Aaron Paul’s wish came pretty darn close to fruition in Sunday’s series finale; bullets and broads proved to be popular choices.)

AARON PAUL (Jesse): I always wanted to shoot Walter White in the face, to be honest. And I definitely talked about that a lot. I was like, “Can I please just kill this guy?”

BRYAN CRANSTON (Walt): A lurid affair with a tart. (Laughs) I thought maybe that would happen. At some point, [Walt] would get so full of himself, he’s throwing his weight around, and he sees some pretty girl and goes, “Come here. You and me. Right now. Let’s go!” That kind of thing, when he and Skyler were on the outs and she was giving him the cold shoulder.

ANNA GUNN (Skyler): I kept telling Vince I wanted to do more stunts. And I wanted to tote a gun. … I really love those scenes sometimes where the guys just really go at it. All those montages were really cool. Sometimes out in the desert when the guys were doing some of those really intricate stunts and running around, the action stuff would make me go, “Ooh, that looks fun.” But then I’d hear they were out in the desert for 14, 15 hours in horrible, freezing temperatures or insanely hot temperatures, and then I’d think, “Mmmm, perhaps not. Perhaps it’s better that I’m in the kitchen.”

DEAN NORRIS (Hank): There’s a place in Vegas where you actually shoot machine guns with naked women. It’s a thing you can do in Vegas, believe it or not, and we thought, “Wow, that’d be fun.” We never found the time to put that in the show, though. [Laughs] Imagine that! It’s just crazy. We talked about that and whether we could fit that in, and we decided that “No, we couldn’t.”

BETSY BRANDT (Marie): Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun. I wanted a purple gun. A girly kind of gun. And I wanted a purple bedazzled gun case out in the garage to be next to Hank’s cadre of weapons. And I wanted to get some action. In my mind, no one would see it coming and she was a really good shot.

BOB ODENKIRK (Saul): I’m intrigued by Saul’s potential love life and the various strippers that he goes out with for two weeks at a time. I want to meet those strippers and see the constantly replayed cycle of those relationships as he switches from one strip club to the next and he gets “involved” with one stripper or the next.

RJ MITTE (Walt Jr.): Flynn never got to cook with Heisenberg.

LAURA FRASER (Lydia): I didn’t get to actually shoot anyone. In retrospect, I’m a bit bereft about that. But I did order a lot of murders, so, you know, I’m good.

JESSE PLEMONS (Todd): I would have liked to ride off into the sunset with Lydia on a crystal blue unicorn.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
He didn't really win. He watched his girl get murdered and that kid on the bike. I'm pretty sure one of uncle Jack's goon was probably raping him too. He'll probably commit suicide within a year.

This whole "rape" thing is getting blown out of proportion. Some of y'all would add fakkit scenarios to goddamn ANYTHING:smh:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
People know that "Lost" was making it up as they went along but they still watched. They were still captivated. They were still interested. To act as if the show had no redeeming qualities worth viewing before the final season was false. People weren't forcing themselves to watch.

Walt was still able to do what he set out to do. He was given a sentimental victory in the eyes of the audience. He did and continued to do terrible things but received a "good" ending. His family is alive and well. They will eventually get the money. He got his revenge etc. The viewers get a victory because Walt did. There's plenty sentimental about the ending. He didn't just die in a meth lab alone. He died with what he truly loved around him and depending on how you look at it, he got credit for or reclaimed his "legend" and Heisenberg. That's blatantly obvious.

Don't play coy like you don't know what I and others have and are stating in the thread. Just like when people call Breaking Bad comic like and people come out the wood work and cry foul. The last episode showed Walt "winning" in spite of everything that brought him up to that point.

You make it sound as if the the writing is set in stone. It doesn't matter when they started writing it as they couldn't have changed things at any time to fit their needs. I'm glad that you brought up the show almost getting cancelled because that proves the hype train that exists. Where were all these people then? People laud this show and use it to crap on other shows that they haven't seen or used to watch heavily. People have stated that they played it safe. People then agreed with those sentiments but it's also a "perfect" episode/ ending. Why would they say that? Because the safety of the ending catered to them.

False. Nobody knew they made it up because people attacked David Fury nonstop when he tried to expose that. You're out of your mind if you think people knew that about "Lost".

Walt getting a win =/= a good ending. You're basically saying Walt should've lost for no apparent reason. It's far worse that he won at the expense of everyone else, and on top of that didn't give a fukk.

And the writing is set in stone. No offense but you need to do some research if we're gonna discuss this. They knew Hank would die 18 months ago. Dean Norris said that himself. It was plotted out. They started writing season 5 directly after season 4, close to 2 years ago. Once things are planned they don't deviate on this show. This isn't my opinion, it's facts. You can read any interview, or listen to any podcast with these writers, and they mention it all the time.

And obviously the hypetrain exists. It's the highest rated show of all time on Metacritic. It went from 1.9 million people at the end of season 4 to 10.3 million people at the end of season 5. Hypetrain existing =/= they wrote to cater to it, because the hype didn't exist when they wrote the ending, or any part of season 5. They wrote season 5 under the assumption that most people wouldn't give a fukk about this show either way. Instead it blew up, and most people seem to like the ending. Don't let a handful of people fool you.

"Lost" had a hypetrain too but it didn't deliver. And no I don't think people should be shytting on Damon Lindelof over it, but "Lost" fans shouldn't be bitter this show actually stuck the landing, either.
