Grey Matter is worth like 2.4 billion and you got the people he started the company with saying the
ONLY thing he did was contribute to the name of the company when it was obviously more to that. it's kind of like how Walt felt when Hank was reading Gaile's notebook and calling him all types of geniuses and Walt felt salty because he worked so hard just for somebody else to be getting all the accolades. from what we've been told/shown so far obviously Walt was a very important part of Grey Matter and Walt ended up removing himself/getting removed from the situation after his former love interest, Gretchen, ended up with Elliott, another Grey Matter cofounder, coincidentally. so you gonna start a company with me and my girl, fukk my girl, force me out the company, company blows up beyond people's wildest dreams and then be on TV talking about "well he did help with the name"? you starting to understand now??