Aliens are real and they look just like HUMANS, claims top scientist


Oct 25, 2014

:shaq: That Wet Wet...
Jesus fukking christ:huhldup:



The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
I don't even think Human beings are native to this planet. I'm sure there may be some slight differences but I always felt like the idea that the media has pushed us toward believing that "aliens" absolutely look nothing like the point where they want you to scratch the basic template of arms and legs like it's some sort of sentient goop slipping and sliding around kinda sounds like a misdirect. I think "aliens" been here and use some of that propaganda to their advantage.
Jun 8, 2012
I wanna know how he got this theory.
I'm sure there is aliens but who's to say they're more advanced than us?
I say so. We have been studying your kind for thousands of years. We have been pertinent in the advancement of our species and your own. 2016. We will visit earth and decide if you are worthy of continuing life on planet earth or whether you will be annihilated and your planet will be Terra formed and stripped of its resources.

Hail klaaatuu.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
i can't find it now but there's a good documentary on this

The Friendship Case

Space Brothers teach lessons of brotherhood

by Gerard Aartsen

Ongoing contacts between dozens of Italians and the Space Brothers during the course of two decades demonstrate the loving, supportive and respectful way in which the Space Brothers approach those of us on Earth.

"Their very appearance in our skies in friendship carries the cosmic message of brotherhood." - George Adamski

Around the same time that George Adamski was openly establishing, on the advice of his space contacts, the international Get Acquainted Program (GAP) to foster greater understanding and friendship between people worldwide who were interested in the UFO phenomenon, the Space Brothers themselves were setting up similar efforts, albeit less publicly, in many countries around the world.

A large-scale and inspiring example of this has recently come to light in Italy where a considerable number of Space People, who were living and working in underground bases, had regular contact with dozens, if not hundreds of Italians. According to the recent documentary Il Caso Amicizia ('The Friendship Case'), similar projects were going on in other European countries and in Siberia, South America and Australia at the same time.

Not long before his death, the prominent Italian psychologist and theologian Bruno Sammaciccia decided to disclose his experiences with a group of Space People, which started in 1956 and continued into the late 1970s. While this case, and especially the information coming from the Space Brothers, shows many striking parallels with the information coming from other contactees, it differs in that the humans involved were not taken aboard spacecraft, but rather given access to underground and underwater bases.


Bruno Sammaciccia (left), with Gaspare De Lama, and Bruno’s German Shepherd dog Dik that served as an ‘amplifier’ after the friends from space had implanted ‘nuclei’ in his paws.

Professor Sammaciccia, who held four university degrees and was nominated by UNESCO as ‘Man of the Year' in 1982, had previously had "extensive experiences in paranormal phenomena" and "had met many Masters from the East". In April 1956, Sammaciccia, who lived in Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy, and two of his friends, Giancarlo, an accountant, and Giulio, an engineer, had a strange experience. They were studying a map of Ascoli Piceno, north-west of Pescara, with regard to possible treasure hidden in the castle there, when a pen flew out of its penholder and landed on the map. When they took out a piece of paper, the pen wrote: "Now I am going to explain to you who I am, where I come from, and what I want to ask you; I am here to give you of our goodness and knowledge." All the while they were experiencing a strange "beneficent sensation".

"Are you ready?"

A few days later they went back to the castle in Ascoli Piceno, where they heard a voice say: "Now, my friends, stay calm, because I am going to have one of us appear. Are you ready or aren't you?" As they met their space friends for the first time, they felt an intense emotion as first one then a second person appeared from behind a wall. One of the two men, who both spoke Italian, was over 2.5 metres tall, while the other was no more than a metre in height.

Bruno Sammaciccia's fascinating account of what was to be a long-term, large-scale case of contact with the Space People was recently documented by the author Stefano Breccia, who included it in his book Mass Contacts, first published in Italian in 2006. Sammaciccia's story gives many details and captures brilliantly not only the different characters of some of the people involved, but also the sense of humour displayed by the Space Brothers.

One unintentionally amusing episode describes when Dimpietro, a 3-metre tall extra-terrestrial, commonly referred to by the friends as "the poplar", decided it was time to introduce himself to Sammaciccia's wife Rafaella. When she came home she found Dimpietro sitting on the kitchen floor of their flat in Milan, because he didn't want to scare her with his height. Unfortunately, when she saw the human "poplar" in her kitchen she was so frightened that she fled into the bedroom and remained there until her husband returned. Dimpietro was the commander of the largest base in central eastern Italy, while there were smaller bases below Lake Como near Milan, in Bologna, in Rome, in Pescara, in Pineto, and elsewhere.

On their first encounter the friends were told: "This is a critical time in human history. We are not here to conquer, because there is nothing to conquer. We have been on Earth for many centuries, living in secret bases around the planet." And in response to concerns about their strongly ethical perspective on life compared to that of humans: "Our goodness and truth will be stronger than human doubts."


From left to right: Italian diplomat and Amicizia participant Alberto Perego, Florence mayor Maioli, Swiss Adamski associate Lou Zinsstag, and George Adamski (June 1959)

Fostering friendship

While Professor Breccia was an engineer who admits he was more interested in the technology of the Space People, Sammaciccia's interest was in their philosophy and ethics. The Space Brothers who contacted him and his friends actively worked to foster a sense of friendship and shared responsibility by going through the roundabout process of eliciting the group's help in procuring food, fruits and even materials, which they could have clearly resourced in less conventional ways, if they even needed them at all. Sometimes the friends were reimbursed for the costs of the goods, but it was regularly left up to them to furnish the required funds.

As the Space Brothers taught the group: "Love in its most unselfish sense, as well as ethics, respect and altruism should guide every thought and every action. These values are essential to ensure a safe and healthy evolutionary process. A lesson that humanity has to put in practice, if it is to avoid the risk of terrible self-destruction." According to the Space Visitors their main task was to make sure humanity would not use its nuclear arsenal and to help our evolutionary progress, trying to push us to a higher level of understanding, even sharing some of our suffering in the process.

In confirmation of Benjamin Creme's insistence that the Space Visitors are utterly harmless, author Stefano Breccia, who had some encounters of his own, says in the documentary based on Sammaciccia's account: "They said they were incapable of causing harm to anyone. Even their devices [which were consciously impregnated with their sense of ethics and morality] would refuse to harm anyone. Indeed, they said if they weren't able to avoid hurting someone, then in that case they would self-destruct."

Over the years the people who had experiences with the Space Brothers grew in number and included people from all walks of life: some rather well-known in Italian society, such as university professors, a television journalist, a famous painter, as well as the Italian consul Alberto Perego, who had his first sighting of a UFO over St Peter's Basilica in Rome in December 1953.

While Bruno Sammaciccia refers to the Space People as ‘the W56', with the number ‘56' referring to the year when the contacts started, and ‘W' being double ‘V' for ‘Victory', they referred to themselves as ‘Akrij' (pronounced ‘Aukree'). Interestingly, ‘Akrij' in one form or another, is a fairly familiar occurrence in terrestrial languages - in Sanskrit it means ‘sages', in Egyptian it means ‘deities', the Greek form means ‘people in high places', while a similar word in Arabic translates as a ‘group of friends'.

In his story Bruno Sammaciccia relates how the Space Brothers were able to use any transistor radio to relay their messages. Many of these were recorded and one of the messages from the Brother referred to as Sigir is played in the video documentary about the Amicizia case:

"Dear friends... Do not doubt us, as none of us will waver. Stay united. United. United. Endure your mutual weaknesses, while struggling to improve your humanity and your friendship towards us.

Our world is hard for you to understand, dear friends. That is natural. However, with affection and trust you can be close to our hearts, which are always open towards you, and understand us more. We embrace you with warm affection and sincere friendship.

Yours, Sigir"

Worldwide effort

Apart from many details of the Space People's advanced technology, knowledge and their control of natural laws reminiscent of the abilities of great avatars (Sai Baba) and senior disciples (Madame Blavatsky), a striking feature of this case is the similarity with George Adamski's Get Acquainted Program (GAP). While an in-depth look at Adamski's mission shows that the coming of the UFOs is not an event in itself, but is happening in support of the awakening of humanity to the spiritual realities of life and the return to the everyday world of the Elder Brothers of our Spiritual Hierarchy, the Friendship Case provides ample evidence that Adamski's GAP was not an isolated attempt, but part of a worldwide effort by the Space Brothers.

Introducing GAP to his supporters around the world in 1957, Adamski wrote: "The idea is that the citizens of each nation, through these efforts, will grow into closer united friendship with their countrymen, without discrimination or divisions of any kind. In time it is hoped that these national efforts will overflow into worldwide understanding and friendship."

Breccia's book documents that the Friendship efforts were not limited to Italy, but that similar projects were going on in Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, South America and elsewhere. One of the main protagonists in Germany contacted Breccia after hearing about his plans to publish the story of Bruno Sammaciccia and his friends, and the writer added the information from his German contact to his book.

Unfortunately, over the years, discord arose among the Italian friends and the group eventually broke up, just as the 17 GAP chapters around the world withered with the passing of George Adamski. However, the documentary concludes that the real essence of the experience was "the immense example of love, dedication and respect that [the Space People] impressed in the hearts of the eyewitnesses" that are still alive. As Gaspare De Lama, one of the Amicizia participants, says: "They enriched me. They put me into contact with an almost impossible world full of love."

The presence of the Space Brothers and the return of the Masters as our Elder Brothers, however, not only furnish proof but also guarantees that such a world is possible. We only need to take Their lessons to heart and put them into practice.


Still photographs have recently surfaced from a film or video recording taken in circa 2006 in the Ongamira region in Argentina, north-east of the capital Buenos Aires, which shows beings of light coming out of the ground through a staircase or exit of light. The beings and the exit were not visible to the people present at the time of filming, but were only seen when the filmmaker looked at her images at home. Benjamin Creme has confirmed that the images are of Space Brothers (seen in the etheric) exiting a solid physical underground structure. Ongamira is in the Cordoba province of Argentina where, according to Benjamin Creme (Share International April 2000), local people interact with the Space Brothers based there. (Photographs: Monica Coll; source:


Extraterrestrial bases and contact revealed in Italy

May 29, 2009

A new book details the history of a mysterious group of human looking extraterrestrials that established underground bases in Italy and met with local residents between 1956 and 1978. The author of Mass Contacts, Stefano Breccia, is a well regarded Italian UFOLogist with an electrical engineering background who has taught at several Italian and foreign universities. He investigated the Amicizia (Friendship) case over a period of several decades during which he got to meet and question many of the primary witnesses. In the book, Breccia includes the testimony of Bruno Sammaciccia, a highly qualified Italian scholar with degrees in psychology and psychiatry, and author of 160 books. Sammaciccia’s testimony contains his claims of direct physical contact with extraterrestrials over several decades. Leading Italian UFOlogist, Dr Roberto Pinotti wrote the Preface to the book and acknowledged his own decades long knowledge of the Friendship case, and the extensive evidence supporting it. Some of the many photos taken of UFOs and extraterrestrials in the Friendship case rank among the best quality ever taken. In terms of its overall impact, number of participants involved, and documentary evidence compiled, Mass Contacts is the most astonishing case of human extraterrestrial contact in modern history.


All Star
Jun 12, 2014
St Louis & SD
Yeh I feel like WE the "aliens". Makes sense. We took over this planet and treat it with disdain. And makes sense also that there has never been harmony on this planet a day any of us have been alive. Earth ought to be a utopia but there's mfs here that can't...I'll say don't wanna let u have peace.

Idk. I don't have time to worry about no god damn aliens bruh. I'm Tryna cake up and stay out the way of this fukk shyt.