Let see with one of these group of people match the profile of the ancient. The people that still live in Northern Sudan and Upper Egypt or the people you posted.
Modern Northern Sudanese who live near the ruins these are New kingdom ruins i posted, and this is how the majority of the people look like minus the outlayer.
King tut funeral procession
and many men in the villages up North Still dress like this we called it a jalabiya which is similar to the ancient art above.
Modern village who live near the ruins
Who resemble the ancient art work?
Dinka model Alec Wek
Or the girl who is sitting down on the bottom right. It is astoundingly obvious.
one of the temple in the North Sudan
Southern Sudanese
or the people in the North.(afrah mall)
It is as plan as day. This started with Upper Egyptians and Northern Sudanese and ended with us during the Christian era before the Islamic period.
This how the british found the south. Before hair weaves been in style in the South/
and it is nothing wrong with that. I rest my case
You do know both can be how the Ancient Egyptians looked?
North Sudanese are just mulatto. They have part African DNA and part Eurasian DNA. While South Sudanese are almost fully African.
The most ancient monuments in Egypt (like the sphinx) and the first pharaohs (like Menes) show clear negroid features. While as you do into later dynasties, the monuments and pictures begin to look more mulatto.
It's obvious that the original Egyptians looked like the south sudanese. The north Sudanese are just the mulatto descendants of the pure African ancient Egyptians.