77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants


Dec 16, 2015
That in general in the country marriage has been on the decline for the last 2 decades....the article is just busy trying to stir up racial stereotypes and inclination of supposed black failure and the supposed reason behind it. Thsts why I dont pay attention to bullshyt studies like this. They take one "fact" and twist into some bullshyt related opinion....hence words like "good evidence"....what evidence? You took the time to research the stats but when you get into the basis of the article...you just go with "good evidence".....:camby:

Supposed Black failure? Our population is in shambles and under siege with the threat of extinction.

Black people are the poorest motherfukkers in this bytch...Black women got the highest unintended pregnancy rate, we ain't marrying, we ain't a growing population...but we saddling ourselves with children...

Poverty, marriage rates and unintended pregnancies go hand in hand. Groups of people that have high rates poverty tend to have high rates of unintended pregnancies and low rates of marriage. Women practice hypergamy, a lot of women's wealth is due to marriage. Black women are the poorest women in the USA and the most economically vulnerable. Cause guess what...Black men aren't doing well at all as a group. The reason why Black people don't marry isn't the same reason why White people don't marry. We don't marry because we can't help each other. White people don't marry because White women are entering the workplace and starting careers and White women are effectively putting off marriage at a later and later date. If a Black person dodges all the landmines like prison and unplanned babies...who he or she gonna marry?


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Feb 2, 2016
Supposed Black failure?

Black people are the poorest motherfukkers in this bytch...Black women got the highest unintended pregnancy rate, we ain't marrying, we ain't a growing population...but we saddling ourselves with children...

Poverty, marriage rates and unintended pregnancies go hand in hand. Groups of people that have high rates poverty tend to have high rates of unintended pregnancies and low rates of marriage. Women practice hypergamy, a lot of women's wealth is due to marriage. Black women are the poorest women in the USA and the most economically vulnerable. Cause guess what...Black men aren't doing well at all as a group.



So much bullshyt in one post.....goes to show why you always have your woe is us outlook on your own race....believing everything whitey puts in front of you and quick to call your brother a c00n if they dont indulge in your delusional kool aid...

Numbers and Characteristics

  • There are 911,728 African American women-owned businesses in the United States. This reflects a tremendous 66.7% increase in number since 2002 and a 191.4% increase since 1997. In comparison, African American men-owned businesses grew 93.1% from 1997 to 2007.
  • African American women-owned firms across the country have total receipts of $36.8 billion. The total receipts of African American women-owned firms grew 78.1% since 2002.
  • Women-owned firms make up 47.4% of all African American nonfarm businesses across the country.
  • A full 96.5% of these firms are non-employer firms, with average receipts of $15,618.
  • The remaining 3.5% of the firms have paid employees, employing a total of 245,474 people across the country with a payroll of $5.6 billion. These employer firms have average receipts of $718,374.


About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic. One third have a college degree, while one sixth have not completed high school.7

Clearly not what was just stated in the study and the source the US Census Bureau.....:patrice:
2016 Nielsen Report: Black Buying Power Has Reached Tipping Point, But How Will Black America Leverage it to Create Wealth? - Atlanta Black Star

A new report from Nielsen, “The Increasingly Affluent, Educated and Diverse,” explores the “untold story” of African-American consumers, particularly Black households earning $75,000 or more per year. According to the report, Black people in this segment are growing faster in size and influence than whites in all income groups above $60,000. And as African-American incomes increase, their spending surpasses that of the total population in areas such as insurance policies, pensions and retirement savings.

“These larger incomes are attributed to a number of factors, including youthfulness, immigration, advanced educational attainment and increased digital acumen. As these factors change African-Americans’ decisions as brand loyalists and ambassadors, savvy marketers are taking notice,” according to Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, Senior Vice President U.S. Strategic Community Alliances and Consumer Engagement, and Saul Rosenberg, Chief Content Officer at Nielsen.

It is projected that by 2060, the Black population will increase from 45.7 million to 74.5 million, with 17.9 percent of the U.S. population. From 2000 to 2014, the rate of African-American population growth was more than double the white rate of 8.2 percent, and 35 percent faster than the U.S. population as a whole.

Bu bu bu according to broke bitter nikkas on the Coli our race isnt flourishing or showing signs of upward growth...our women are not independent and depend on marriage to gain "wealth" and we are slowly declining because whitey says so...:martin:

nikka wake the fukk up...or go to sleep I dont care....but Im tired of you fukks throwing us and our women under the bus simply because we are not dominating to your standards....when plenty of us are doing what we can for the betterment of all...while you low totem poll ass nikkas are working at burger king refusing to go to school or raise your own damn kids...talking about what we need to do...many of you lost ass nikkas need to grow the fukk and be part of the damn solution.....:camby:


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
Bullshyt technicality that's probably being used, I don't trust statistics when they're being reported by cacs, you can :yeshrug:

Saw an article a while ago about how white terrorist committed the least amount of terroristic murders, but they don't count illegitimate murders committed by racist white supremacist cops and the black lives being thrown away due to police framing, it's all propaganda, I don't trust shyt unless it correlates to my real life experiences

a lot of nikkas on here will trash black women anytime a chance its presented
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Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Center for Immigration Studies? Washington Examiner? Really, OP?

what the fukk does that mean? if a child isn't born to a married couple it's illegitimate now?:mindblown:

study is making a lot of weird fukking assumptions and not taking in to account societal dispositions to marriage nowadays in the black community.

It's not the study. It's the article the OP is quoting.

Here's a link to the pdf without the bullshyt editorializing:


wrt to CIS:

From the SPLC

FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the "puppeteer" of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots ... CIS was conceived by Tanton and began life as a program of FAIR. CIS presents itself as a scholarly think tank that produces serious immigration studies meant to serve "the broad national interest." But the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked, and it has frequently manipulated data to achieve the results it seeks.

Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012
Today alot brothers are just cowards who don't want to take on the responsibility building a family. IMO, If you have unprotected sex with a woman, get her pregnant, and don't marry her... you are the epitome of a bytch ass ngga


Feb 2, 2016
Today alot brothers are just cowards who don't want to take on the responsibility building a family. IMO, If you have unprotected sex with a woman, get her pregnant, and don't marry her... you are the epitome of a bytch ass ngga

You dont have to be married to be a father breh...just saying.....if you get married just because of kids....odds are you looking at divorce down the line any way.....

Lazy Migrant

Apr 2, 2015
nikkas in here with the Exscuses.:mjlol:

Seriously, and no wonder the rate is going up. People need to take accountability and admit this practice is bad. If you don't find someone fit enough to marry them, don't have a child with them.

Not to be holier than thou, but this is ungodly. We can't claim to be the most religious group in this country and have fukking 77% out of wedlock births. That's not "chosen people" behavior.

And it has a direct link to all the ills in the community, worse education, crime, poverty, and of course, more out of wedlock births.

African Americans should just convert to Islam because Christianity is not working for us. I think it's made us too tolerant and forgiving of negative behavior, be it our own or from other groups directed at us.


Feb 2, 2016
Seriously, and no wonder the rate is going up. People need to take accountability and admit this practice is bad. If you don't find someone fit enough to marry them, don't have a child with them.

Not to be holier than thou, but this is ungodly. We can't claim to be the most religious group in this country and have fukking 77% out of wedlock births. That's not "chosen people" behavior.

And it has a direct link to all the ills in the community, worse education, crime, poverty, and of course, more out of wedlock births.

African Americans should just convert to Islam because Christianity is not working for us.

Breh why are you bringing religion into this? And marriage dont have shyt to do with crime. Fatherhood does not go away simply because of non marriage. There are plenty of black fathers outside the household....
Feb 25, 2017
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Just because a child is "illegitimate," or born out of wedlock doesn't mean that the father isn't handling his parental responsibilities.

The focus should be on black men who serially impregnate women while abandoning their duties as a father.