Zombie Run Game: Salon Edition


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
So let's start a weekly game we can play (and I'll try to update). All you have to do is read the story (will try to keep it short) and choose A, B, or C. The one with the most votes win and the story is updated based on your choice? Ready? I would add a poll but I don't know if that can be update every week...

Your story begins with you and four of your closest friends named Nick, Joseph, Rachel, and Zoe. You’re in a car speeding as Nick speeds down the highway trying to figure out where you all will go next.

“Nick! Slow down you’re going to hit someone!” Zoe yells.

“You fukking cares? There’s dead people roaming around and we have to get to the Quarantine Zone before it fills up!” Nick barks back.

There have been five Quarantine Zones marked in your area after a virus broke out, turning people into flesh eating monsters and even raising other from the dead. You and your friends have already tried to get to three of them which have already been filled. Nick continues to race down the street swerving through irregular parked cars when suddenly BAM!

“Oh my god Nick, you hit someone!” Rachel said.

The car stops.

“What should we do?” Joseph asks.

“fukk it, let’s keep going. It was probably a zombie anyway.” Nick says.

“No we have to at least get out and check if they’re okay.” Zoe argues.

You peek through the back and see a man lying face down with a military uniform on, he isn’t moving.

“He’s military.” Joseph yells. “If he’s okay, we can get into the next Quarantine Zone for sure.”

“And if he’s not, one of us could be bitten or the car could be stolen.” Nick says.

“Why don’t one of us go check? If he’s alive we give a signal and if not we haul ass.” Rachel suggests.

“You’ve been quiet? What do you think?” Joseph turns to you.

A. The guy is dead, keep going

B. We all go out and check on him.

C. You go out and check on him.