Assembly line IG chick

Assembly line IG chick
Zion got a type
whats crazy is Zion comes from a respectable home, both his mom and step dad were in his life. So dude impregnating porn stars is outta character.
It's a fact though.
I remember only a couple weeks ago a breh was in a thread talking about how he'd have his lawyers make chicks sign NDAs, take STD tests, sign contracts and have a no social media clause or some shyt in order to keep his biz quiet.
I ain't respond, but the only thing I was thinking was "you think doing all that says a lot about the women, but it says more about you if that's the caliber of person you wanna be around and the hoops you're willing to jump through to do it"
You doing all that shyt because you think these hoes are a danger to you when in reality you are the danger to you
But this is gonna keep happening until nyggas figure out that you're only as quality as the people you can get and keep around you. "Hoes" included.
Zion got random hoes popping out like Pokémon mad at him
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3rd Woman Yami Taylor Exposes Zion Williamson For Cheating on Her With Adult Film Star That He Got Pregnant
It’s unclear who is guiding Zion Williamson, but it would have been advantageous for him to keep his upcoming fatherhood confidential. Williamson must have been aware that once it became public, his various girlfriends who are not adept at keeping secrets would take to social media to reveal
Did you see that bytch?
She street fights, table twerks, and fixes credit.
Garrrh-run-tee that p*ssy fire
That shyt don’t help. The generation prior had a long list of negative examples and tightened their shyt up. These guys don’t have that and are making their own mistakes for the next generation of hoopers to learn from sadly.