I just think that’s sour grapes. There’s really no other way to say it. We know the people who were the architects of that narrative, and it’s pretty obvious what their agenda is. Those are people that I’ve been held back from confronting, by wiser people in the room. Because I’d love to get at some of these characters. Some direct conversation would be nice. Just to say, one, you don’t know shyt about what you’re talking about. And we can break down everything they’ve ever [said]. I can make a list. There’s a few of these guys where I could just get a list of everything they’ve ever said, that they thought was right, and [I could tell them] every single thing they’ve said is wrong.
You could hear Zack Snyder’s exasperation as he recounted having to sit back and absorb false information being spread by people outside of his circle. Some might argue that this comes with the territory. When you make films, you put them out into the world to be judged, and there’s a healthy cottage industry of entertainment pundits who critique, opine and bloviate about anything, with Snyder and his DC movies being a popular topic.
But as Zack Snyder continued, he asked legitimate questions about the ones whose information had been proven false time and again, as he wondered:
And so, in what world do you have any credibility anywhere, to any- one? I would love the opportunity to just say to the world, and to fandom in general, who these fakers are and what should be done to them, or with them. It’s just a bunch of BS. In regards to that toxic fandom, or it’s ‘a win for toxic fandom,’ again, in what world does this ‘toxic fandom’ raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for suicide prevention? How is that toxic fandom? They’ve probably achieved more than any other fan base, [and done more] good than any other group. So I don’t understand.
Nor do I. The charitable work of the Release the Snyder Cut movement often gets overlooked by critics who attack the fanbase as toxic. To date, the RTSC family has raised more than $500,000 in charitable donations for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a cause that is deeply important to the Snyders. As Zack Snyder went on to tell me, there’s no denying that the work done by the RTSC community and the monies raised have helped to save lives. That’s just a fact.
Filmmakers need to have a thick skin. Their art is judged, and either accepted or rejected. I have a hard time trying to imagine how Zack Snyder endures the amount of scrutiny that surrounds his movies, both those that get traditional release, and those who need to fight uphill battles just to see the light of day
Zack Snyder Calls Out The 'Fakers' Who Hated On His Justice League