You seem knowledgeable, but where do you get your information? Your day-to-day news?
I was looking for a wholistic source of current content/events in the continent/islands/even Europe(black parts). I figure it’s time that a breh got educated.
Obviously, CNN/BBC won’t cut it.
Was thinking of taking the Africa portions of AlJaz.+ RT+ china’s CNN+ CNN-World to get an accurate representation of news without any political lean, because each of these countries have different aims/goals for black folk.
I was also mulling around the idea of getting the central news agency broadcasts from EastAfrica, WestAfrica, Jamaica, and Central Africa, but I thought this method of news gathering would be inefficient. Maybe too time consuming also.
Your thoughts? Any help is much appreciated
I was looking for a wholistic source of current content/events in the continent/islands/even Europe(black parts). I figure it’s time that a breh got educated.
Obviously, CNN/BBC won’t cut it.
Was thinking of taking the Africa portions of AlJaz.+ RT+ china’s CNN+ CNN-World to get an accurate representation of news without any political lean, because each of these countries have different aims/goals for black folk.
I was also mulling around the idea of getting the central news agency broadcasts from EastAfrica, WestAfrica, Jamaica, and Central Africa, but I thought this method of news gathering would be inefficient. Maybe too time consuming also.
Your thoughts? Any help is much appreciated